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The Calling Of Dan Matthews

Chapter 6 The Calling Of Dan Matthews

Word Count: 2517    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

'"Dan, with the Doctor and Mrs. Oldham were to take supper and spend the evening at Elder Jordan's. Martha went over early in the afternoon, leavi

e doing to keep him from a good meal?""He was studying--let me see, what was it, Dan? Art, Political Economy--or Theology?"Dan smiled. "I think it might have been the theory and practice of medicine," he returned. At which they both laughed and the others joined in, though for his life the Doctor couldn't see why."Well," said the Elder, when he had finished his shrill cackle, "we better go in and discuss supper awhile; that's always a satisfactory subject at least." Which was a pretty good one for Nathaniel.When the meal was finished, they all went out on the front porch again, where it soon became evident that Nathaniel did not propose to waste more time in light and frivolous conversation. By his familiar and ponderous "Ahem--ahem!" even Dan understood that he was anxious to get down to the real business of the evening, and that he was determined to do his full duty, or--as he would have said--"to keep that which was committed unto him.""Ahem--ahem!" A hush fell upon the little company, the women turned their chairs expectantly, and the Doctor slipped over to the end of the porch to enjoy his evening cigar. The Elder had the field.With another and still louder "Ahem!" he began. "I am sorry that Brother Strong is not here this evening. Judge Strong that is, Brother Matthews; he is our other Elder, you understand. I expected him but he has evidently been detained."The Doctor, thinking of Dr. Harry and the nurse, chuckled, and Nathan turned a look of solemn inquiry in his direction."Ahem--ahem,--you did not come to Corinth directly from your home, I understand, Brother Matthews?"The Doctor could see Dan's face by the light from the open window. He fancied it wore a look of amused understanding."No," answered the minister, "I spent yesterday in the city.""Ahem--ahem," coughed the Elder. "Found an acquaintance on the train coming up, didn't you? We noticed you talking to a young woman at the car window."Dan paused a moment before answering, and the Doctor could feel the interest of the company. Then the boy said, dryly, "Yes, I may say though, that she is something more than an acquaintance."Smothered exclamations from the women. "Ah hah," from the Elder. The Doctor grinned to himself in the dark. "The young scamp!""Ahem! She had a pretty face, we noticed; are you--that is, have you known her long?""Several years, sir; the lady you saw is my mother. I went with her to the city day before yesterday, where she wished to do some shopping, and accompanied her on her way home as far as Corinth."More exclamations from the women."Why, Doctor, you never told us it was his mother," cried Martha, and Nathaniel turned toward the end of the porch with a look of righteous indignation."You never asked me," chuckled the Doctor.After this the two older women drifted into the house. Charity settled herself in an attitude of rapt attention, and the program was continued."Ahem. You may not be aware of it Brother Matthews, but I know a great deal about your family, sir.""Indeed," exclaimed Dan."Yes sir. You see I have some mining interests in that district, quite profitable interests I may say. Judge Strong and I together have quite extensive interests. Two or three years ago we made a good many trips into your part of the country, where we heard a great deal of your people. Your mother seems to be a remarkable woman of considerable influence. Too bad she is not a regular member of the church. Our preachers often tell us, and I believe it is true, that people who do so much good out of the church really injure the cause more than anything else."Dan made no answer to this, but as the Doctor saw his face in the light it wore a mingled expression of astonishment and doubt.The Elder proceeded, "They used to tell us some great stories about your father, too. Big man, isn't he?""Yes sir, fairly good size.""Yes, I remember some of his fights we used to hear about; and there was another member of the family, they mentioned a good deal. Dad--Dad--""Howitt," said Dan softly."That's it, Howitt. A kind of a shepherd, wasn't he? Discovered the big mine on your father's place. One of your father's fights was about the old man. Ahem--ahem--I judge you take after your father. I don't know just what to think about your whipping that fellow this morning. Someone had to do something of course, but--ahem, for a minister it was rather unusual. I don't know how the people will take it.""I'm afraid that I forgot that I was a minister," said Dan uneasily. "

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