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The Harris-Ingram Experiment

The Harris-Ingram Experiment



Word Count: 2501    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ton of Room No. -- in Carnegie Studio, New York City. At once the door flew open and a handsome young art

nts," he said, and tore open the


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lock tomorrow evening in our new private

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landlord, enclosing a check for the last quarter's rent, and ran downstairs and over to the storage

shave, such was his excitement. A little dry toast, two soft boiled eggs, and a cup of co

eet his father, mother, and sisters, and after a few days in the metropolis, join them

le for Harris senior to yield to his son's strong inclination to study art, but once the father had been won over, no doubt in part by the mother's strong love for her only boy, he assured Alfonso that he would be loyal to him, so long as his son was loyal to his profession. This h

Nervously he puffed at his unlighted cigar, wishing he had a match; in fact, his nerves were never more unstrung. It was a happy surprise, and no doub

. A ponderous thing of life; the steam and air valves closed, yet her heavy breathing told of tremendous reserve power. What a record she had made, 436-1/2 miles in 425-3/

mpany with his artist friend, Leo, who by appointment had also hastened

erman, and several other languages. His hands and arms were full to overflowing of valises, hat boxes, s

than of her beautiful daughters. She was a handsome woman herself, loved dress and was proud of the Harris achievements. Alfonso ki

to his mother, then to Gertrude and finally to his sister Lucille, and their father. All seemed gl

he best masters in Paris and Berlin, and was especially fond of flesh coloring and portrait painting. He had studied anatomy, and had taken a diploma as surgeon in the best medical college

s and lips, and her whole face had a child's smooth, pink complexion. Wavy black hair and blue eyes revealed the Irish blood that had come from the mother's veins. She wore a traveling suit of navy-blue serge. Her hat, of latest style, was made of bl

ger excite attention.' Our car is adapted for service on any standard gauge road, so that we can travel in privacy throughout the United States. You notice that this observation room is furnished in quartered English oak, and has a luxurious sofa and arm chairs. Let us step back. Here on the right are state and family r

the kitchen?"

for attendants and porter's room for baggage. Carpets, rugs, draperies, and upholstery were especially imported to harmonize. Nobody amounts to much in these days

; Gertrude and her mother were on the back seat, while Lu

d the coupé. Reuben Harris once served on the governor's staff for seven weeks, ranking as colonel, so no

with her children. Her mind was burdened trying to discover the steps that lead to the metropolitan and international "four hundred." She was determined that her children should marry into well regulated families, and that the colonel should have a national reputation. So absorbed was she that her eyes saw not, neither did her ears hear wh

y coupé and carriage stopped in front of the main entrance of the Hotel Waldorf. How fine the det

fice, leaving Jean and the porter to bring the hand-baggage. The decorated ceiling framed a central group of brill

ssional men, not a few, bankers and business men jostled each other. Before the colonel had reached the clerk's desk, he had apologized, twice at least, for his haste. The fact was that metropolitan activity delighted his heart, but it disturbed just a

ms. It was half past eight when the Harrises sat down to their first meal in their private dining-room. As Mrs. Harris waited for her hot clam soup to cool a

to the people of Harrisville, and father, I am

was interested in the views expressed, but with judicial tone, he replied, "The Harris

to retire, except the head of the family, who hoped the night would be

fects, mural and otherwise. The café was furnished with round tables and inviting chairs. Guests of the hotel, members of city clubs, and strangers, came and went, but the colonel

stic;' she is already forty-eight hours late,

as the two had business of great importance to talk over. "I wonder," thought the colonel, "if such a thing could happen, that my cherished plan of retiring with millions, might possibly be frus

, May


ldorf, N

ay twenty-fifth on Majestic. Mee

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s had failed. These young men had united families and forces, and resolved to win again a financial standing in the world's metropolis. Shrewdly they had opened a score of branch offices in different parts of London and county; besides they had added a brokerage business, which had drifted into an extensive specialty of promoting syndicates in America and the colonies. Their succe

ually for ten years, an average of 30%, or $600,000?" At first he had fixed upon six millions as a fair price, and then finally upon five million dollars. While he thus reflected, he fell asle

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