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'Seducing The Billionaire

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2132    |    Released on: 02/11/2023


peia F

Sir?unbelievable but in

," I was a little bit covered in my

s Ak

n't worry it's on me," she smirked, "a

g when he pulled me

in a different person when I faced the mirror and I didn't recognize myself anymore,

y let us in after ta

our way up to the second floor, wa

rough it after ten men came up to me, including the four men w

you Akira?," asked a man, I feel

etty right?," Miss Akira replied with a

ow," said

at you are going to announce Terre

at and approached Miss Akira and me, he took Miss Akira's hand,

e silence that came between each other was

to the bathroom," I secretly curse

oor, went to the count

here?" my face slightly scrunched up in disgust as a

t that person, i wanna throw up when i saw a balding man in dark clothin

o see the sun even at night, that's why I tried to ignore

emed to separate when he mentioned the wo

off cause I'm not f*cking interested," I don't have a long patient. I jumped up in surprise when his hand suddenly hit my ass f

yes to stop myself from killing this shameless man. "OH, don't you

m behind me that's why I turned to the source of the voice, Sir Max

I just shake my head but when I realize what happened earlier at the room I look closely to his face, if you look closely you can see

ook at him, because he is taller than me, yes I was a little bit

ere smiling," I let go of him and started to walk the dance floor I faced him he was staring at me, it's

nge in the arc of his face I just imagine him frowning at

d when he arrived at my location he didn't hesitate to grab mewaist, "don't try to seduce me cause it won't work."I just smiled but I still continued to dance, I removed his hand that was on my waist and I joined the crowd of people en

g R+18

plan on seducing him I was just gonna tease him but why? why I'm enjoying

voice, I was surprised when he suddenly grabbed my waist and put his head on my shoulder, " no, don't do this, don't run a

s on his forehead, down to his nose, cheek, and lips. we continued to kiss I slid my arms around his neck and leaned

oaned when his kisses trailed down into my neck. He was biting and sucking my skin

oner, but my throat throbbed more when he said, he slid his hand on the edge of my lips, "

esitate to pull me, "no turning back baby," I felt my whole face turning red while looking at his huge erection in front of me. he smi

y, he grabbed my waist, "I'll teach you," he held his manhood up and down wengya I didn't expect to see this in pers

he starts arching his pelvisI bit my lower lip as his manhood was twitching against my fingers."Now open your mouth, and suck my friend like a lollipop," he said while parting my hair, I took a deep breath and slowly opening my lips, his manho

sed it, I tried to stop him from doing it but he is too strong until I feel some liquid thereI was just released.I can't help myself but to slap him because of its strength, his head

of strange feeling but why? Why do I feel sick? I heard a knock from outside but I didn't

surprised when the door was suddenly brok

ying to push him back when he suddenly came

y chin and forces me to lo

on't you go f*ck someone else that let you ca


so much emphasis because of annoyance I bit his lip which caused him to let go of me, I saw a l

ppearance now, it's like he's a different person, I was even more surprised wh

mbolizes that you are mine," I

adman."Wahhhh stay away from me you devil do you thi

hey own them when they still feel heartbroken because they lost their first love?," her voice dr

st love, but she never returned her love to me because she loves Terrence, it was kinda hu

o move on and, be happy for both of them,

s hurt it's really. It was silent because of what

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