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The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island


Word Count: 1652    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

scovered, was not of any great size and was evidently the stateroom of the late commander

side, a table and two chairs, all fixed to keep them

dences of its having been used for both purposes at the time of the wreck, for there were papers and writing materia

s of the cabin, and in one corner a heavy chest such as seamen often

t to see what was beyond either of them, being satisfied with what they saw

at what moment it may come in upon us. One of those doors probably leads to the companionway

king up a bit of wri

would let the water in upon us, and it is just as well to leave it alone for the present. The other doubtless leads to the companionway

ipper wanted privacy, and-do you read Spanish, Dick!

ask me?" replied Percival in some surp

Mexico, but whether of the provisional

ways picking up

genuine or not, Dick, but this seems to be so. As far as I can make out it refers to a shipment of some sort, arms or g

ks the Captain

nervous about staying down here too long. You said it was uncanny, and so it is. I'll

the rocks when she struck and this after part is much lower. She was caught fast and could not fall back

iron one, and perhaps you might break it with the axe. There

with the axe, and broke it in half, it bei

ing worth while," remarked Jack, as he removed the pieces of the lock, pulled a

and a knife, a few odd trinkets of very little value, some loose cigarettes, two or three doz

d, handing the photograph to Percival,

cans," Dick answered. "I have seen it in the p

opening his eyes with astonishment, and giving

ey, just the same, bags of it, and gold," untying the cord aro

, Jack?" asked Perci

eigns," said Jack, taking out a handful of the coins. "W

l bent over and looked into the chest. "The

in gold. Take care of t

den heavy sound outside, and b

s that

w, but I don

no water c

at I ca

, and Percival said nervously, while his c

htened, I admit. If anything should happ

ith his foot, caught Jack by the

it is, but I am not

bow by which they had entered and then, as Percival turned on his flashlight, which he had e

here, Dick, at an

but I can't think

the matt

it. The passage was not a wide one,

ound him, the place being well lighted by Dick's flash. "Hello


ere is our rope. We are in the right place, therefore. The way up is clo

e not loose, w

n no rain to send them down. They must have been lo

one took a bar or a pole, a

ick! Who wou

pushed you into the ravine, back a

no one knew where we were going. You d

some one has seen us go down here, and they have thro

are the only ones who know the place. We said nothing about it, and young Smith will keep quiet

d that, and Jack lighted a match,

, but this is better f

icated the presence of a draught of air, Jack

flicker. Try the axe on the rocks and see if you can loosen

mass of rock somewhat to one side of where

en the rocks wide enough for them to crawl through, and in a few minutes were on the t

ne, Jack!" exc

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