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The Hilltop Boys on the River


Word Count: 1701    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

udge, and you cannot hold this boy for any jury, grand or little. You can make a charge against him, it is true, and then if the local magistrate considers the evidence good

a little shamefaced. "I may have been hasty, b

muttered Percival, whereat

e went on. "Still you must admit yourself that the finding of

edly passed from one person to another. Why could not one of the suspected men have sli

imated that Jack Sheldon is a thief, Doctor," said Percival "I can imagine what they

elf, Percival,"

," the detective rejoined, his face red, "it is on account of

he instructors, ask the boys themselves, ask the editors of the Riverton papers, ask the heads of the business houses, the superinten

informant," said the detective, a little aba

the Academy who bears a better character than John Sheldon. I will retain this watch un

order to march into the dining tent there was not the opportunity, which Percival so muc

out. "You cannot expect me to believe all that this youn

hink I am best competent to judge of the characters of the boys p

the boys getting into line with the rest, this operation preventing P

e that fellow got his

s friend when they w

so long as the doctor speak

they could against you, and the man may have seen them before he saw the doctor, a

a chance to speak for myself, Dick. However,

ot. I am not mentioning any names," and Perciv

to go up the river in his boat, having one or

s the boy managed it so well, and he

ing down the river when, with a sudden impulse

de is that way now, and we shall have wat

to the Academy, do you

as the ravine. You ca

river, and Jack had once had a tumble into this, and had made his way to the little station at the foot of the hill along

, Dick," answered Jack with a smile

usiness part of the town, finally getting into the w

finding themselves in a most wild and picturesque spot, most of the time in deep shadow, and hearing no sounds excep

cival at length. "I think the tide is beginning to turn

to be quiet, and at that moment somewhere on t

alarm about it?" they heard in a high-keyed, querulous voic

, but at the moment he could n

n in a low tone, which Jack caught, neve

a many exciting time. If there was suspicion you should not give it.

the man. "You shoul

lose. I do not know where. I am gla

taken the Van der Donk child from him the night before, but

. "The detectives were after me. Luckily I got rid of it in good time, but now that

that she had seemed to be French or Italian, although he had met her but a few moments. "I have lose it, and I am glad.

autioned the man. "S

that the woman was talking about, and Jack h

ed. "Did you carry it with you? You don't

e is the man from Riverton, and there is the baby, which I forget, and the boy go up in all the smoke and bring him down. I shall lose

you any idea? Couldn't you have mislaid it? You are

m glad!" cried the woman in a higher key

ill, and Jack quickly steered so that he would go d

of that, Jack?" w

the watch seems to

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