The Home in the Valley
itches and stiles, to fulfill his engagement to watch with the children of the peasant woman, Mr. Fabian H-- was awake
enjoying the damp morning air, Mr. Fabian addressed his spous
d not permit herself to be m
uick! get up! I have had your top boots nicely greased, and on the chair you will
e," expostula
ty they would have terminated this chapter. But the word yawn is not found in Love's dictionary, and consequently the unlucky husban
ottlieb. He also must learn
s toilette, he hastened from the house, intentionally forgetting to awaken Gottlieb, for, as we shall soon discover, he had urgent reasons for wishing to perform his hunting exploits without the hindrance of a companion. As Sir
n the forest at which he finally arrives. He looks around him with searching eyes; his brow is clouded with anxiety and impatience. Suddenly his eyes gleam with an expression
waiting!" said he hars
e a loving welcome upon his return home. After this ceremony was performed Mr. H-- threw his accomplice a few pieces of silver, and when the last named performer in this little scene had van
, near the se
y a
ovely on t
ed Carl as he pro
e would listen to it, for hours, while great tears of pleasure and excitement would roll down his sun-burnt cheeks. But it was the pleasure and excitement of a religious enthusiast in the house o
t the sound of his favorite music. In the grass near the fence over which Carl was about c
t worthy gentleman. And another thought entered his head as he looked upon the game. He remembered that Magde had once said: "Ah! ha
of meum and teum. By dint of great exertion, his father had implanted in his mind the great necessity of observing the eighth commandment, and upon the present occasion the
mandment: Thou
tenth commandment came to his memory, "Thou shalt not covet thy neig
ued to advance and retreat, wavering in his decision, and he might have remained in
l soon satisfied himself with the excuse which he had so ingeniously invented. He entirely forgot the closing line of the commandment, "nor anything that is his," which, however, wou
. He might safely do this, for after the crime had been committed, he could easily disclose the name of the thief, and thus avert suspicion from himself. He thought that Mr. H-- would not injure a person of Carl's character, and that at all events he would be likely to r
n the victory, he
trouble a
after her outburst of admiration had subsided, her first qu
said Carl, as he stood on the thre
have not procured it
ng the right way," repl
ously, "you must not think to de
say so," answere
boy, and love me, you will tell me who has given you this game,
l, with a laugh, "but I must go now, or
utting his long legs in activ
a word more
already," said Carl;
arl, did you procur
ment, in which neither hares nor partri
refer you to the catechism. D
ou have done nothing co
true," replied
, "and I am grateful to you, my g
I really belie
you, and therefore
like position, as he balanced himself upon on
u love poor Carl a l
on had been engaged in spreading out a number of skeins of knit
o Magde, "would Magde shed a tear upon my
ear and humility, and Magde, much moved by the p
ny, many tears, for I believe the
f his hob-nailed shoe, an action which could scarcely be called a bow-"your word
on his heel, and trotted tow
as she concluded her labors in the yard; but she
dmiration of the partridges and hares. She commenced dressing the game with that placidity of countenance, and wit