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Ours To Tame

Chapter 2 Zamsii

Word Count: 1859    |    Released on: 07/11/2023



shoulder and press him down, helping him into the cab. “See you tomorrow, Johnson. Try not to choke on your own vomit.

years back. Murdered. Ever since, he drowns his sorrows, and I make sure he gets home okay. He might be drunk, but I have a soft spot for him. I

er days. She’s rundown for sure, a dive, but she’s one hell of a place to drink. The outside looks like an old cabin of some kind. Made from wood and mismatched brick. She has a porch wrapp

. It’s an old rule, put into place before I even owned it, I just carried on the tradition. The sandy parking lot is empty, apart f

with it. Sighing, I brush back my black hair and put it in a quick ponytail as I start to close up. I sent Scott home earlier, his grandma is sick and

th my hip and rinse the glasses before running them through the washer. Flicking off the kitchen light, I walk back into the bar a

ear of bottles at the moment, the differing stools empty before it. The old, wooden

I can collapse into bed. Fuck, I need to find a new bartender. It’s hard finding one with experience who will last here tho

place it is. Although, I gotta say, I miss the old bastard, he played a me

. Unsavoury sorts, of course, but that ain’t different from the usual around here. Their clothing is all bla

ng up fights for fourteen days straight will do to you. I’m in desperate nee

l scare me, they should think again. I drink beer with men who would ma

me Swinger, and it ain’t ’cause I go to sex parties. Sliding closer to the bar, I slip my hand behind it, co

. The fucker has a scar right across his eyelid. “Goi

. “No, I’ll break your fucking kneecaps and toss you outside

again. “Is this

adly as I step closer. “Did

That prick gets it first. Ain’t nobody insult

the bat hit the asshole’s knees. He crumples to the floor, a scream erupting from his throat as I smirk down

e balls, making him fall back with a cry as I turn

d, so I bring up my knee and smash it into his nose, hearing the crack as

to stay out of my path. One of them falls onto a stool, smashing it beneath his g

break my sto

th the bat, making him grunt. He punches his fist out as I kneel down to get his f

fury fi

nd me from behind, hoisting me to my feet. Smashing my head back, I connect with the guy’s ch

y much, Miss

n the floor and almost shaking the building. He stays down. One to go. I turn back to the guy who broke my stool. He’

I look around to see the first guy struggling to his feet, so I throw my b

on his shirt before putting it on a nearby table. Propping my hands on my

g bastard, so I pick one of the smaller guys first. Bending, I hoist

hat’s swin

. He’s still in this black Oyizamsii's Bar shirt, which is tucked into blue jeans, and boots, his deceptively thin frame shiver

, I didn’t like the other two’s faces.” I shrug, wiping a

e murmurs, lookin

these assholes outside.” I g

hem into the alley out back. Dusting off my hands, I head back inside, making sure to lock the door this time as I dial the local pol

his keys as I lean against the bar.

ormation before hanging up, ignoring the questions they sputter at me. “

w, babe.” He sno

rning off the lights. I activate the alarm and head down the corridor, past the office and toilets

need a

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