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The Billionaire Ex Wife'

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1172    |    Released on: 07/11/2023



ed that I was already in bed, the last thing I rememb

rd a taste. I immediately looked for where it came from until I looked a

ou doing he

d. Nightmare?"

. you can leave, go to your room," I tol

as I immediately turned my gaze to the man who was sitting.

dressed me?" I asked him one after

I'm the one wh

osed my eyes to calm myself from yelling at him. beca

before. I'm not the same as I used to be, who was always worried about

I looked up and our eyes immediately met. He gently

dering, charming green eyes. he looked down his

ser to me when I quickly pushed hi

ne important to me did that I co

from me," I told hi

ch me again but I

wanted to say something but

oing to take a shower," I told him

antically looked for a sharp object in the bathroom. When I coul

ned that night. the way he held me, the way I kept begging him

near you anymore

k from outside. "Talitha? What's h

ice. Hercules and I should have parted ways.

n later. Ha

usiness ads, right?" He said excitedly as he loo

when I saw the number 20 wearing jersey looking at me, it's no

that I was interested like them because

ng at all?" He said

en if I want you to be interested in a man,

h things. Just keep doing what

me, my eyes widened when I saw the man w

felt my heart beat faster. I just shook m

other school, we'll still be

ers. even I also want to be with Caitlin, s

can really be toget

to intern, I would like to go to

of what you're

ballpoint pen. Smiling, I looked up at Caitlin who wa

. because I know the person next t

e later? Let's go!

m sure dad won't let

Alfred know you, I'll tell you to s

don't want to, Caitlin. So let's go because we have anoth

ogether but stopped immediately

on who spoke. That's when I was shocked by the wide chest that a

e one wearing jersey number 20 is in front of me no

tance between the two of us. I immediately looked at Caitlin who was behind me. I looked again at the man in front of m

ery much," I

re?" He introduced himse

id. Damn! I think I'm dreaming. I bi

ia," I also in


tly editing my other story. Thank y

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