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You Belong To Me! Ex-Wife

You Belong To Me! Ex-Wife

Author: Fireworks

Chapter 1 Divorce

Word Count: 2456    |    Released on: 19/01/2024

uick nap. She has left work 2 hours early to arrange a candlelit dinner to celebrate today being 6

She immediately sat up upon smelling the familiar scent of her husband's cologne infiltrating the air. She stood up and straightened her blue-fitted peplum knee-length dress and happily walked over to welcome him.

on the couch. Lisa disregarded his demeanor and the pang of pain in her chest, a pain she'd now become acc

"Are you al...." She trailed off when he handed her a brown envelope and then said.
 "Sign it." His voice was deadly, it sent a chill down her spine, he had never spoken to her in such a cold tone, she thought.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Divorce papers." Immediately the word left his mouth Lisa buckled taking a step backward. Surprise evident on her face.

though their marriage was not the lovey-dovey type, it wasn't ba

"Yes Lisa, I want a divorce, we never should have gotten married, I'm sick! and tired of you!!." he yelled angrily getting up and furiously kicking the center table making Lisa flinch. His words were like daggers piercing her heart. They've been in love with each other since childhood, even though they got separated when her family moved from the city. She never stopped loving him.

After meeting ten years later their love rekindled and they got back together, getting married one month after their reunion with today being six months of their marriage.
 "Trey.., please," her voice choked. "I love you, I can't live without you... this a prank? Right?" she said with trembling lips, but with a hint of hope still lace in her voice. "Today is exactly six months of our marriage. I've made arrangements to celebrate with you. please, tell me it's all a joke.. please!!" She raised her voice. She reached out her hands for Trey's, but he pulled away from her touch. 

"I can't keep lying to myself for your sake, just sign the damn thing to save ourselves from this misery," Trey said coldly. "I want you out of my life, Lisa!" 

"Trey please, you can't do this to me, you're breaking my heart, please! if there's anything I'm lacking please tell me, and I will change for you..., but please don't leave me, I love you... so much, please, Trey?" Lisa kept pleading with her husband. She initially thought he was joking, but from the look on his face, he was dead serious, he was really asking her for a divorce.

"But I don't love you, Lisa, I never did. Even when we had sex, I felt nothing," He said nonchalantly. 

go?" she questioned. Trey closed the gap between them, his blue eyes a

her go, I hate her.' He thought as he reached his hand to her waist pulling her closer to his tall and muscular frame. Lisa

ouldn't breathe, she pushed Trey on the chest since she was running out of breath, but he didn't waver, she

it!, he would have lost it, if she hadn't pushed him. Fuck! He's spotting a

"Just like now, It was out of convenience." He said blankly. But Lisa shook her head unable to accept what Trey said was true. Grabbing his suit and keys, he said hoarsely. 
"I'm going to the old mansion, I can't stay in the same space with you, you disgust me, you should have that..." pointing to the brown envelope that dropped from Lisa's hand to the floor due to his intense kiss and added. "signed before I come back, you have a week," he said turning to leave. 
"No!, Please." Lisa kneeled in front of him, wrapped her arms around his knee, and begged. "Please, don't go, I will be a good wife okay?" He forced himself away from her, making his way out, but paused when she started to speak.

d, you love me, Trey, please stay, don't go," he


Lisa didn't know how long she had been kneeling for. But just when she tried to stand up, she felt dizzy all of a sudden and fainted. The last thing she heard was the calling of her name by their house help. 

-/Next morning /-

Lisa abruptly sat up in bed, her heart beating faster. She ran a shaking hand through her hair and squeezed her eyes shut, feeling pain from the argument she had with her husband earlier overwhelmed her heart.
 I'm going to make him stay.

Trey loves me, since I haven't seen him with any other woman and he didn't say he's in love with another, there's a chance. She sat at the edge of the bed, made a call to her workplace, and requested a week off. After the call, she checked the time and it was 7:30 am. Then she recalled having fainted last night from crying and kneeling for a long time.

She went through her morning routines and went down to grab breakfast. Upon reaching down, she saw the maids avoid eye contact with her, 'they must have witnessed their argument from last night.' She smiled and sat at the dining table for her breakfast. 

was taken into the care of her uncle and his wife. They also had a six-year-old daughter. Life was hell, l

orhood. She used to avoid him but eventually stopped when she saw Trey being bullied by her cou

, and Lisa the prettiest girl. But at a point, he started avoiding her, she wanted to ask

She didn't see him again after he got discharged. However, a month later, he came and asked her to marry him out of

After having her breakfast, she decided to start her plan to win her husband over. She dialed her husband's secretary and inquired about his schedule for the day.

"Hi, Lucy. Good morning" she greeted. 
"Good morning, madam,'' the secretary responded in her professional tone.

"I want to know your boss's schedule for today." She requested.

tments till the afternoon, to plan a sur

"Really? Thank you," she immediately hung up the call feeling overwhelmed with joy, she knew Trey loved her, he didn't mean anything he said yesterday. She smiles, quickly making her way to her car to drive to the hotel.


Lisa got out of the car, without taking her bag along. She grabbed her phone and slammed the car door hastily. 
She taps on the screen of her phone to call her husband, while walking towards the hotel lobby, but stops to dial her husband when she sees him. She hastened her steps to catch up with him but stopped in her tracks when she noticed he was with a lady.

he had never shown her throughout their six months of marriage, not even when they made love did he smi

Tears welled up her eyes but she kept it at bay. 'No, Trey... loves me, I won't jump to conclusions,' she consoled herself. 'Yes, maybe that woman is helping him to plan my surprise, yes, calm down Lisa' She inhaled and exhaled anxiously.
 She walked over to the receptionist to ask for her husband's room number. 

"Hello." Lisa greeted warmly.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked with a forced smile.

"May I please know my husband's room number?" Lisa asked. 

"May I know your husband's name please?"

"Trey Collins," Lisa answered. The receptionist did some stuff on her monitor for a few minutes, looked up at Lisa, and did something again before saying.

"I'm sorry madam, your husband is not booked in our hotel." the receptionist said, she just saw her boss go in with his wife, so who was this imposter? 

ning the surprise." Lisa said. The receptionist became confused at Lis

"Ma'am, does your husband know you're coming?" The receptionist asked. Lisa was gonna say no but decided against it. 

"Yes," she said, avoiding eye contact with the receptionist.

the ninth floor." She said, handing her

When she got to the room number stated, she pushed it open without knocking when she saw the door was ajar. The lights were on when she entered, and she wondered why. She thought the lights were usually turned off during surprises? Well maybe her expectations are high.

ut her heart started to beat faster as she approached the door, making her fe

Her heart shattered at the sight before her. She was in so much pain. Struggling to breathe, she leaned herself to the door frame for support.

"No! No! Trey....!" Tears started to run down her cheeks, "It can't be!" she muttered dejectedly, shaking her head at the sight of her husband making out with another woman on the bed, even though they were still in their clothes.
 Startled by her voice, Trey turned to see Lisa at the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" Trey asked, yelling at her coldly.

"What am I doing here?" She repeats his question, her heart unable to contain the hurt she's feeling.
 "I should be asking you that. Trey, what are you doing here with another woman? huh!?" She yelled back, as she walked closer and slapped him across the face.

Trey wasn't expecting Lisa to slap him. He used to go home drunk and would purposely provoke and irritate her to give up and ask for a divorce on her own will, but she never did and would keep quiet through all his tantrums. She raising her hand on him was quite a shock to him and amusing. 

"How dare you cheat...." Lisa trails off when a familiar voice shouts at her. Even though the last time she heard it was 2 years ago, hearing it again sent chills running down her spine. It's the voice of the person who turned her life into the worst nightmare since her childhood, her tormentor.

looking at the woman who was lying in bed with her husband, she was shocked, petrified even. Lying in bed w

How did they end up here, Trey hated Valerie when they were little. She was dumbfounded. 

"What the hell is going on here!?" She yelled angrily, going towards Valerie and dragging her out of the bed by the hair.
 "You slut, how dare you seduce my husband!?" Lisa kept pulling on Valerie's hair as Valerie tried to remove her hair from Lisa's grip. "Of all the men you can have, why go after my hus....."


"What's wrong with you!!" Trey growled, pulling Valerie to his side. 
Lisa's hand moves to her cheek upon the impact of the slap, tears dripping down her cheeks. She turned to face her husband who just slapped her for her cousin's sake.

"Yo..u..slapped me?" She asked with trembling lips, staring at her husband's face stunned.
 "Because of her?" she asked, unable to accept that Trey slapped her, and that too because of Valerie. 

"I will fucking do it again if you dare lay your hands on her again." He said through a clenched jaw, towering over her. "you do not want to try me!" He warned pulling Valerie into his arms. 

le voice, the tender expression on

Valerie took everything she cherished away from her since their childhood, but not this time, not her man, no she won't give up without a fight.

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1 Chapter 1 Divorce 2 Chapter 2 Never letting go 3 Chapter 3 Letting go 4 Chapter 4 Banquet 5 Chapter 5 Regretting 6 Chapter 6 Windy bay7 Chapter 7 Encounter8 Chapter 8 Frustrated9 Chapter 9 New beginning10 Chapter 10 Beginning of something new11 Chapter 11 The Underworld12 Chapter 12 Friendship13 Chapter 13 Don Antonio14 Chapter 14 Application for Godparent15 Chapter 15 Valerie16 Chapter 16 Lisa for Trey17 Chapter 17 Babies 18 Chapter 18 Giving up on Lisa19 Chapter 19 Ladies first20 Chapter 20 Little Martina21 Chapter 21 Their reunion22 Chapter 22 Birthday party for Luis and Clara23 Chapter 23 You're our leader24 Chapter 24 That man is the devil's advocate25 Chapter 25 You're mine!26 Chapter 26 A Weakling posing as him27 Chapter 27 Four years later28 Chapter 28 Spoiled Princess29 Chapter 29 Rich heiress30 Chapter 30 The skilled surgeon31 Chapter 31 Hades (the god of death)32 Chapter 32 A plan to finally get Trey to marry her33 Chapter 33 You promise34 Chapter 34 Deal35 Chapter 35 The little boy back then36 Chapter 36 You were busy37 Chapter 37 The promise38 Chapter 38 The Queen of the Underworld39 Chapter 39 The Good Doctor40 Chapter 40 Intermission 141 Chapter 41 Intermission 242 Chapter 42 The weird man43 Chapter 43 The return44 Chapter 44 Trey meets Luis45 Chapter 45 Sorry Dad46 Chapter 46 The comeback47 Chapter 47 Encountering Lisa after six years48 Chapter 48 Drugged by Trey 49 Chapter 49 I love you50 Chapter 50 Drugged51 Chapter 51 Make things right52 Chapter 52 Trey's son53 Chapter 53 Spying on Lisa and Lucas54 Chapter 54 Lucas55 Chapter 55 I never stopped56 Chapter 56 The Mastermind57 Chapter 57 Gunshot58 Chapter 58 Double personality59 Chapter 59 DNA60 Chapter 60 Don't hate me61 Chapter 61 Drama queen62 Chapter 62 I hate you, trey collin63 Chapter 63 Poker face64 Chapter 64 I promise65 Chapter 65 Baby steps66 Chapter 66 His queen67 Chapter 67 Stay with me68 Chapter 68 Like what you see69 Chapter 69 A family heirloom70 Chapter 70 Trey's dilemma71 Chapter 71 Crazy bitch72 Chapter 72 Where is my wife73 Chapter 73 Say you believe me.74 Chapter 74 Confronting Valerie75 Chapter 75 If you want to see Luis, come to me76 Chapter 76 Grant him his wish77 Chapter 77 The reunion78 Chapter 78 Old Master Collins79 Chapter 79 As a just person myself80 Chapter 80 You belong to me! Lisa81 Chapter 81 My love82 Chapter 82 You thought I was Valerie 83 Chapter 83 I didn't steal it!84 Chapter 84 The little girl who survived85 Chapter 85 Lunatic family86 Chapter 86 A plan87 Chapter 87 My Love88 Chapter 88 Her children's life.89 Chapter 89 Dragon wrath90 Chapter 90 A loud explosion91 Chapter 91 High resolution binoculars92 Chapter 92 Old Mansion93 Chapter 93 Fausto is dead94 Chapter 94 I'm never leaving you again95 Chapter 95 One big family96 Chapter 96 Don't stop97 Chapter 97 Old Master Collins98 Chapter 98 Her family's past99 Chapter 99 unexpected surge of emotions100 Chapter 100 I won't force you again, Jade