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The Jealous Husband


Word Count: 2800    |    Released on: 07/11/2023

of her, but in the next moment, as she gathered the thin ten year old child int

and holding Lorenzo close against her, until the sobs racking the small frame lessened. 'It's all right, darling.' What stup

t, his beloved mothe

it wasn't all right. Nothing wa

zo raised dark, tear-smudged eyes to her

voice soft. 'And now here she is, just as I promised, but she does not want

he has a few more words in his vocabulary to sh

a touch of its normal sparkle as he whispered, 'O

pact body, strong, rounded wings and short, stout hooked bill were as formidable as his nature. He either loved or hated, there was no halfway house with Benito, and he could use his leth

the open front door, and although the small

tall; dark figure just behind her as they

still, the air scented with a large bowl of freshly cut flowers, and for a moment Grace couldn't believe that Liliana's tall, gracious

d Grace knew for a fact that Bianca's being adopted had made her even more precious to her mother; that was th

e back of the house where the breakfast room, kitchens and two large family rooms were situated. It was through one of the latter, specially designated to Lorenzo, and filled with his toys

umbling to himself as he watched on

g clumsily and screaming a welcome in his harsh voice, ruffling his brightly coloured plumage and

ce was almost reduced

y now,' she said thickly, fighting back the weakening

her ears but the hypocrisy hit her as though he had shouted the words, and

e call, a letter, not even a brief postcard, and

low on to his comment which to her it was. Maria Fasola: young, beautiful, family frie

essionlessly, his eyes veiled and dark. '

them, obviously unsure of what exactly was being said. 'And I need not ask if Benito is well, need I?' she asked the small boy

e.' The young voice was very earnest; Benito was his

sible bird screeched her nam

at the parrot who stared back at him cheekily, he

mimicked wickedly. 'N

i, s

ght control his family and those about him with a rod of iron, his power arid influence absolute and unquestioned, but in a battle of wills

n as he spoke, but before she allowed him to lead her back into the house she promis

er, his thin voice high. '

ing at Casa

after three days blurred and softened. She knew how it felt when everything that was normal was whipped out frown under your feet, and Lorenzo was a sensitive child, very loving and give

capable tutor Donato employed for his brother's education, who came to the villa for several hours each day Monday to Fri

do something for him when he needed her most, she reasoned painfully. All she wanted to do was to leave Casa Pontina

mother's death would begin to fade and the mercuri

time, the crucial tim

could she stand being so close to Donato? She took a deep breath and smiled at the l

and don't need me any more. Is that all right?' she asked softly, knowing she had done the only thing

s arms round her middle and hugging her tight, only to leave the r

ng after the small figure as it disapp

d known what he was doing when he had sent that telegram, she thought bitterly, known her love and respect for his mother would force

ithe, sleek figure flashed into her mind and she dismissed it abruptly and then when he needed to use her, and 'use' was the

gaze had seen into h

cannot help the love he has for y

me too, she thought with

ath of our child drove me nearly insane

rning ferocity. She should have forgotten Liliana, Lorenzo, all of them, should have stayed in E

ow this is h

he reached out to her

you dare touch me, Donato. I've said I'll stay for a few weeks until Loren

dy taut and rigid and his handsome face black with fury.

ion and betrayal and had finally put it behind her, but since the first moment she had seen him again her vulnerability where this man was concerned had hit her as strongly as ever and it frightene

pull of air as he shook his head slowly. 'You used to conduct yourself with refinement a

out to connect with the hard, tanned skin of his face in a resounding slap that actually echoed in the room. 'You can ask me that?' She hisse

imprint of her hand beginning to stain the brown skin red. 'I hav

any m

'You are my wife, Grace, legally and before God. There

rk nudeness as he held her fast. 'You might be my husband by contract but that i

ut one that is totally without foundation,'

ally", Donato,? she grou

Do you understand that? I don't care a

'But I think this is not altogether the truth, mia piccola,' he said with a danger

of his chest as he fitted her against him, his other hand in the small of her back. She had alway

what she did do as his dark

against the hard frame of his body. She fought for long seconds she fought, even more so when the realisation that his familiar touch and smell were evoking feelin

Vittoria mansion twe

oman's normally proud and composed face awash with tears as she had begged her daught

Liliana had wept, hol

aited for the taxi Grace h

y sake, do not be hasty. Give yourself

me. Later she had regretted it, knowing that Donato would have covered his tracks well and that his mother would have been forced to think that she had ended the marriage

e' had ne

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1 Chapter 1 you are my wife2 Chapter 2 CAREFUL GRACE3 Chapter 3 GRACE GRACE4 Chapter 4 SHE REMEMBERED LILIANA5 Chapter 5 NO IT ISNT6 Chapter 6 GRACE 7 Chapter 7 BY THE TIME8 Chapter 8 THERE IS NO US9 Chapter 9 SHE AWOKE10 Chapter 10 AND YOU WOULD11 Chapter 11 Grace stood perfectly 12 Chapter 12 I think so13 Chapter 13 Ohhhh14 Chapter 14 He is my best friend 15 Chapter 15 On the contrary16 Chapter 16 TWO WEEKS17 Chapter 17 THAT IS JUST18 Chapter 18 THEY HAF 19 Chapter 19 ALL RIGHT20 Chapter 20 EVEN IF MARIA21 Chapter 21 NO PROBLEM22 Chapter 22 THE DRIVE23 Chapter 23 FOR GOODNESS24 Chapter 24 IT WAS A TIME WORN25 Chapter 25 COME INTO MY ROOM26 Chapter 26 NO I DID NOT27 Chapter 27 RINALIDI28 Chapter 28 AND HE DID29 Chapter 29 I DIDNT LET HIM DIE30 Chapter 30 NO31 Chapter 31 FOR THE REMAINDER32 Chapter 32 I DO NOT MEAN THIS33 Chapter 33 GRACE HAD CHOSEN34 Chapter 34 IT WAS SOME35 Chapter 35 WE DID36 Chapter 36 oh hold on a moment37 Chapter 37 no38 Chapter 38 no39 Chapter 39 claire40 Chapter 40 claire come41 Chapter 41 things were a42 Chapter 42 this was stupid43 Chapter 43 she had44 Chapter 44 cool and uninterested45 Chapter 45 She had deserved it46 Chapter 46 thanks47 Chapter 47 was it as bad48 Chapter 48 the next few weeks49 Chapter 49 again grace50 Chapter 50 Romano51 Chapter 51 How could she have52 Chapter 52 the sun53 Chapter 53 claire54 Chapter 54 a farewell55 Chapter 55 A ten minute lecture56 Chapter 56 claire57 Chapter 57 Her head sprang58 Chapter 58 im coming59 Chapter 59 i tried 60 Chapter 60 july