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Brenda's Plight

Chapter 18 Hidden Desires

Word Count: 1079    |    Released on: 18/11/2023

re here to listen to me. Or do you no

I keep getting these chances inste

thing I want and need that Brenda can't giv

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1 Chapter 1 Brenda's POV2 Chapter 2 Brenda's POV3 Chapter 3 Brenda's POV4 Chapter 4 Brenda's POV5 Chapter 5 Dominic's POV6 Chapter 6 Dominic's POV 7 Chapter 7 Dominic's POV8 Chapter 8 Brenda's POV 9 Chapter 9 Dominic's POV10 Chapter 10 Dominic's POV Continues11 Chapter 11 Brenda's POV12 Chapter 12 Brenda's POV13 Chapter 13 Courage Unveiled14 Chapter 14 The Threads of Loyalty15 Chapter 15 Whispers in the Moonlight16 Chapter 16 A Night of Betrayal17 Chapter 17 Jealousy Unleashed18 Chapter 18 Hidden Desires19 Chapter 19 Unexpected Threat20 Chapter 20 White Wolves Attack21 Chapter 21 Fangs of Redemption22 Chapter 22 Pack Conflict 23 Chapter 23 Wolves at the Gate 24 Chapter 24 Desperate Stand 25 Chapter 25 Embers of Forbidden Desire 26 Chapter 26 Regrets and Confessions 27 Chapter 27 Falling Echoes 28 Chapter 28 Healing Through Friendship and Archery29 Chapter 29 Pack Challenges and Bonds30 Chapter 30 Alpha and Beta Clash31 Chapter 31 Brewing War and Conspiracy 32 Chapter 32 Whispers of war33 Chapter 33 Midnight's Conquest34 Chapter 34 Healing and Memories35 Chapter 35 Dominic's Troubling Transformation 36 Chapter 36 Whispers of Betrayal 37 Chapter 37 Secrets in Drawings38 Chapter 38 Forest Hunt39 Chapter 39 Wolf Rage40 Chapter 40 Brenda Learns of Attack41 Chapter 41 Fighting Alpha's: Unseen Fury42 Chapter 42 Echoes of Descent 43 Chapter 43 Dreams of Betrayal 44 Chapter 44 Shadows of Guilt and Secrets45 Chapter 45 Shroud of Ambition 46 Chapter 46 Desperate Journey to Hondonia47 Chapter 47 Dangerous Journey Begins 48 Chapter 48 Desperate Search for a Companion 49 Chapter 49 Desperate Alliances50 Chapter 50 The Sullen Wolf51 Chapter 51 Ripples of Resilience 52 Chapter 52 Surviving the Depths53 Chapter 53 Journey through the Depths 54 Chapter 54 Umbras of Redemption 55 Chapter 55 Moonlight Bonds56 Chapter 56 Warlock Warnings 57 Chapter 57 Rest Amongst Turmoil 58 Chapter 58 Wild Hunting 59 Chapter 59 Unexpected Visitor60 Chapter 60 Reagan Request 61 Chapter 61 Farewell to Hondonia62 Chapter 62 Whispers of Ambition 63 Chapter 63 Guided by Shadows 64 Chapter 64 Ambition's Echo 65 Chapter 65 Alpha's Power Struggle 66 Chapter 66 Dance with the Enemy 67 Chapter 67 Pack Betrayal Looms68 Chapter 68 Feral Threat69 Chapter 69 Wolf Trap 70 Chapter 70 The Desolate Portal 71 Chapter 71 Flight to Sanctuary 72 Chapter 72 Kai's Secrets 73 Chapter 73 War Drums 74 Chapter 74 Confronting Chaos75 Chapter 75 Aariv Leaves The Pack 76 Chapter 76 Alpha's Risky Strategy 77 Chapter 77 Pack War: Kai vs Jason 78 Chapter 78 Test of Faith79 Chapter 79 Whispers of Discontent 80 Chapter 80 Underground Enigma 81 Chapter 81 Black Powder Allies 82 Chapter 82 Silent Struggles 83 Chapter 83 Daniel's Hidden Plans 84 Chapter 84 Mysteries and Enemies 85 Chapter 85 Heartache in the Forest 86 Chapter 86 Finding Aariv Together 87 Chapter 87 Pack War88 Chapter 88 Fading Echoes of Courage89 Chapter 89 Whispers of Farewell 90 Chapter 90 Love, Loss and a Painful Farewell 91 Chapter 91 The Escape 92 Chapter 92 Battle of Leadership