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Word Count: 1395    |    Released on: 10/11/2023


she woke up and smiled. What in tarnation would have brought her to his property? There weren’t

d about her the night before. It’d been a monumental effort to keep Kinley away from her. He remembered Kinley’s prayer the night before, which had reminde

to his rough ones, which were callused from things like fixing fences. He bowed his head and muttered a prayer. “Lord, plea

her eyes fl

mped to his feet.

y anything, onl

lled, taking a st

shing in with Kinley in tow,

ssi said, pacing in front of the ten kids attending the camp. Today they were delving into character development. “You think about what they believe, because their beliefs always give you

to get all the chores done at the ranch. Kinley had incessantly talked about the woman and made him tell her over and over again what

advanced acting class who had played lead

he said, foc

t sometimes characters do things that surprise you. In fact, sometimes the

n beliefs and do the miracles they were born for.” He met each student’s eyes. “Most of the time, the character thinks they want something, but usually

wants a certain job or some material thing he’s working for, but

lp but chuckle too. “I think you’ve been w

e end of the row, his eyes met Kinley’s. He smiled even wider at his daughter. He’d given her h

forget that it is a privilege, because they become real to you.” He flashed them a grin. “Also, never forget that you can put on those beliefs and take them off

udents before walking Kinley to his truck. He opened the do

rs away. They were the best people and loved having Kinley come stay f

ned. “I don’t

ed around the truck a

when the lady wakes up. She

k her hand. “If she wakes up, I’


over him. Not a premonition, no. It couldn’t

. “Okay, but I

s that, p

s your char

e rarely had time to do: sit on his porch swing and read a Vince Fly

chatted. Kinley had told them all about the woman Rossi had found on the r

andmother, Sheila, had stopped inside the d

sounded intense. “Yes?” he’d a

an in the hospital . . . I just want you to know if you ever dec

t having a relationship because of them. He’d nodde

ook, but something else pricked at his consciousness, and he thought about the woman in the hospital. He’d found her attractive, and he hadn’t felt that way in a long time. Sure, he’d been raising Kinley, but

Kinley’s question: what

. He remembered the way her eyes had fluttered open and stared at him like she’d know

ing it out of his pocket, he saw it w

, and she’s as

s feet, confused.

. “You’re the only

nd she didn’t like the barrage of questions they kept asking her like she was a criminal facing a fir

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