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My Secret Boyfriend Handsome

Chapter 5 the penthouse

Word Count: 2563    |    Released on: 12/11/2023



ot now. I just said goodbye

ing something

appened. Apart from the gossip of other students as wel

heena. I wonder what he did when he left

hinking? My bra

ad when it suddenly

's car was still too

someone behind me. A few moments later, he al


at the same time as I hugge

asked me worriedly

aned my head against him. I

gradually fell asleep an


ght to himself after Xian f

style not even minding th

n there slowly. He gave him a quick kiss be

immediately took care of Xian, he changed

lked to himself. He just finished cooking and now he

d to himself again while h

is cellphone rang. He looked at it with

answered the call. He sighed a

said politely

e you busy?" She asked

es im busy. What's up

ther line sighed be

ou.." her father said directly, stopp

e coldly

iage son.." his father hes

knows who r

er papa. Leave them there." Drix was ann

u say. But can you two visit us her

his father's delight. They talked ab


hile gently rubbing his e

ached him and checked

?" He gently asked X

t time is it?" Xian

x asked of doing this . And his two legs were around D

leeping without you next to me. That's whe

. He thought

re he started spooning food. Xian was just starin

asked here. He heard Drix talk

and served the

ian asked him again with a

ix answered this question

nodded. He has been seeing D

n assures Drix that he nods. They just

warmth from each other's embrace. Sh


he sat down in her chair. He smil

y?" Faye asked here while

said so we nodded. Not a day has gone b

teased me, so I was in trou

ksi" I said so blunt

hehe" Sheena said

er since I approached, w

Vino say so we looke

Faye said as we nodded. I just s

wrong with you," Carl said, maki

said and looked hard at s

ade eye to eye contact with

immediately nodded. I'm goi

can take it here!" Faye yelled at her that I

er also came and immediat


ly walking to the library. I'm often there

ence was broken, so he lo

am excited here. Yesterday I was like a wilt

ss has a diff

he whispered, putt

story" I said

y away from s

again and I see the slight

laughed and let go of him.

nowhere. He just stared at the r

gly as he looked at h

" This is a serious question and I c

hot to

l Xi

e a boyfriend. I giggled because

This question made me

" I said here and

alize that we we

ting my shoulder and leaving me to go to th

ks in my hrap. It would be okay

's black in color and based on


d so I looked at it for a moment before r

I told him, d

t's a question again, so witho


oulders so I looke

lding back because I might sudde

e?" He asked and came a lit

to go ther

ctly asked here that he smirked. It came a l

lus your cute." He woke up and

t someone tap my back. I looked at it a


man. The man just grinned at her. Infairness,

his man." It's a smiley response th

uttered. His jaw tensed up s

us, will my ja

I looked at Carl firmly. Just try this with

d the man I was tasting.

eaving, Psya Skin winked, which m


that's good" Faye sai

appened earlier.

?" Faye asked as

huh?" I screamed a

!" It screamed back, so I was t

over campus!" I shouted at them and they laugh

aye teased which made me wince. Ca

Faue said as Carl smin a

?" Carl ksby of pagakabay s

expected. Even Vino doesn't ca

Vino said, making Faye laugh. I frowned as

eir trip and gave Carl a little hug. Faye

so I immediately got rid of Carl. I looked

I told them that they might

quickly!" Vino said and al

so I was forced to wrap my arm around


" Faye said which

I said to him

g?" Drix asked. He

thouse and cur

he pictures of

p you right?" I proudly said t

ftly said so I looked at


t in my pictur

would save it so without h

his embrace so I smi

soon, Drix?" I asked her

eepy and tired that I gently played with h

, are you? Let's go see your mom!" I'm ha

ich made me smile widely

n and smoothed its skin. I stared a

planting kisses on his face i

en he slowly opened

s voice was raspy.

sleep" I said and started patting hi

ere when he didn't mo

cheek again before s

ecause he looked like he w

it wi

e're at the faculty room and d

and friendly to talk to, so you'll

nd stretched out my arm. I am excited!

hat do you plan to do?" Sh

nice qu

g to visit my mother" i was re

led slightly and I nodde

t to do today.." he said, f

wanted to ask here. Until now, I still don't kno

m I to find

s he?" he said w

eed time with each other." I said k

so beautiful

asked this question again s

hey have something to do.

m and dad. She

became silent. He smiled and nodded at me befo

at they're doing." He said I was


ening e



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