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My One and Only Love

Chapter 2 First Kiss

Word Count: 2637    |    Released on: 12/11/2023


ce and Alex had been. They carried the cooler with them as their dogs, Bullseye and Tippy walked beside the

him. "Trev said your Dad would take you and your siblings camping sometimes during the summer. I

e pointed out. "Tyler and the gir

ad no idea what Trevor and Liam had to to do to

. "They actually printed out a map of

unter said

, heard them. "Wait, really?" She asked.

med. "But when I mentioned you were

d Bryce one of the smaller portable tent

ared by the girls, and the large one wil

hey were both girls scouts during primary school, which made them ve

ped on a branch that was not strong enough to hold his weight, causing him to lose his footing and he fell to the ground. He ended up being confined to a wheelchair for five months after, which was no

e playing in the Prescott Manor's backyard, throwing snowballs at each other. After a few hits, Connor's nose started bleeding, which panicked them and Brooke screaming at

host stories while they're at it. Surprisingly, it was Connor who told the scariest ghost stories, whic

almost immediately after he slipped into his sleeping bag, a

bag seemed comfy enough, but he still couldn't sleep, so he decided to

tside the tent, stood up and wagge

head. "Hey, buddy," He s

ven in the hottest time of the year, Aquilosi summers are cold. That's why people

ad made, was still ablaze, keep

s not far from their tents, he could see a silhouette of someone sitting. Curious, he walke

ore he could stop himself. H

he edge. She was also leaning back and had her arms spread out

o him and smiled. "Hey," She said.

ut you?"

patted the place next to her. "Wou

ay?" He h

"Hey, it's a

n the wooden dock and sat beside Brooke

se dogs," She said. "They're cuddly and really h

't you get o

He offered to buy one, you know, but…we can't risk it if i

ther, Celine Rachford, had always been a difficult and dang

o you guys are going to college in three weeks

wanted to be a Ve

maybe I should go to you when I'm taking Oddy for a regular

." She said as she reached

said before he could stop himself. He di

asn't ever started yet," She said. "Or

g red from embarrassment. He di

led. "You're really sweet. Ha

er Olivia. But she always had this knack for giving

on her back on the wooden dock. "But unlike your sister, I a

t rude, but it's just the truth. And she's just being honest." He stared up a

of the night. Unlike in cities and towns, with all the commercial and residual lighting, you

last time?"

t staring up the sky, he'd fo

tared at the stars like this," She reca

ed back at the tents, making

"Bryce, you o

" He said. "Promise me

"Alright, I won

veryone else was asleep, I use to climb to the rood of ou

ur room like, two storeys

tell anyone about his past late night hobby, climbing to the roof o

ve him a slow clap. "You're a freakin'

colded, but he was surpris

one knew about it because t

dn't," Br

ven't fallen," Brooke said

d. "But not at home.

be freshmen when school starts," Brook

Connor who couldn't wait until school starts. Well, if you ask me I think it's

ooke asked as if

d. "I'm not suppose

. He's had a crush on her since you guys were in fifth

year older." He said. "But

," Brooke agreed. "Wha


ng on someone alre

, not even his bestfriends, but he did have a little crush on Brooke. He didn't really think

persuaded. "You know yo

t have one, y

Brooke said. "I mi

ith what?"

ain t


ile, no. It was more like, hungry and mischievous. Like a pred

from her and stare

ent p

nly Brooke's hand skimmed over his k

s just me. If I'm making you uncomfortab

idn't know ho

and rested down on his knee, cuppin

have leaned forward, because her face was closer to his not a moment ago. The

most a whisper. "Close your

n out of curiosity,

uly brown curls that fell down her shoulders and the faint smell of her skin. Then

t pleasantly good to have kissed someone on the li

o. Feeling a bit disappointed, h

ke the stars above. "I told

idn't even let her finish her sentence. Bryce's hands cupped her neck, with

. It felt so good. She felt so good. Her mouth was wet, and wanted mor

nged the tilt of her angle, pushing forward again. Despite the cold

them to break apart. His dog was barking at

ce asked, caressing his

er he could see little tuffs of dirty blond hair

hat are-Brooke? Why are yo

an start

an explanation from what actually happened. "So, we decided to

He said. "I don't know where you guys p

gest tent," Brooke instru

argest tent. The tent where Trevor, Liam, and Hunter were

evous smirk. He leaned on to kiss her again, but she

uggested. "You don't want

f course," He said as he

ee you in the morning, Presc

back to the tent he and Connor sha

'more. Oddy went over to him and ate the s

. "Seriously, Bryce, your dog needs training

g." He said, patting Oddy on his head. "Anyways, I'm st

eepy yet, yes. But he was tired. Tired from

ared. It had been his first kiss. And that's another thing he'd remember Broo

s only the beginning. The beginning of s

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