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She Is Mine Alone

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1011    |    Released on: 23/11/2023


on my dress, almost falling, but a strong arm came around my waist as my aid from ruining myself at my wedding. "Thank you" I quickly said, I raised my head to look at my savior and to my surprise it was "Alpha Nican!!" I bowed in respect "You should watch your step next time, I don't think I would be there to save you again!" He said. I looked at his shining hazel green eyes, it was really captivating. "My lady!!" Tiana whispered my name, and I nodded at Alpha Nican, and watched as he left. "I know he was so beautiful to take your eyes off but..." "I just can't help it, don't blame me" I interrupted her and we headed to the main gate. A guard was standing at the gate and with the way he was dressed, nobody needed to tell me that he was the commentator. I nodded at him to announce my arrival, but he didn't. "You can't enter inside without me!!" I turned to the direction of the familiar voice and it was father. "You look beautiful!" He complimented immediately he got to me, making me smile. "Thanks for everything father" I said, and he placed his hands on my check "I would do anything for you, as long as it is within my reach," he assured me, and I smiled again. "Melanie, the daughter of general Mark, an Omega, and the bride, arrives!!!" The commentator announce, and I walked in with father Actually, I'm Melanie the daughter of a beta and also the werewolf general, it shouldn't be surprising to you when they called me an Omega, because I am. Father had never allowed me to mingle with others because I would be bullied and somehow I'm getting married to the strongest being of our pack. Getting to the main arena, I sat down at the chair designed for the couples. "Nican, son of the head of the mecreesh pack,

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