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Revengeful Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 9 Brian flared up (1)

Word Count: 1134    |    Released on: 15/11/2023

ed of my duties,this..this loathsome

ssed on her chest,the stupified manager

ath wish??' they could only think so but not voice it

pt staring at brun

th his brother,does this b*tch have a co

ean" Brian pouted at brunette while

t's get going alread

e into the main hall that was full of diff

ehind the young girl,they didn't feel r

__Few min

m after changing into a black above th

ful socialite,her white and tender

ally goes well with the dress" the manager immediately sucked up to brunette

ut' the blonde girl thought while rolling her e

imple dresses,a sunglass, hats and b

o shop for herself,why pretend to be nice and buy a little?? It w

uy the wristwatch for the already nag

two walked out of

parking lot while Brian was strolling behind her

's money, sister in law,I must commend you"

ort car and dropped the bags inside

while fiddling with the FM on the car and s

immediately afte


y pajama that she bought earlier and walked towards the dining table,she saw Brian already devouring his meal s

again while brunette just sat ther

on, brunette got up from her seat and wa

yebrow but continued

your love to??' Brian snor

e Raymond's

ideo conference wi

will be taking pla

Jameson??" Raymond ask

The shareholders kept giving their thoughts and some

en looking at them,just then his phone beep

actually sent him a photo along side a s

eplied ba

the message but saw the picture of brunette w

ent but as well charming an

smile, forgetting he w

uiet while staring at their CEO who was all of a sud

old boss smile in

gasping resounded am

ile a petite girl strolled in and sat on Raymond's lap while turning her back to the compute

eir CEO wrap his hands around the girl

heard the

ette said coquettishly while circ

y smiled at

white as snow, dumbstruck

in love not some prosti

s this

so badly but couldn't so they only resigned from their

t turn her face

dieing to see th

ce and immediately turned off the vide

less while swearing at R

girl's face, they'll just ask

d her as they walked towards the dining room not knowing she had

__( ◜‿◝ )♡(。

apter 8 in school (。・ω・。)ノ♡while receiving probing gazes fro

votes and let the c

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1 Chapter 1 Death2 Chapter 2 I'm sorry Raymond 3 Chapter 3 Creating A Rift (1)4 Chapter 4 Creating A Rift (2)5 Chapter 5 The Blackwood's Card6 Chapter 6 Northpole7 Chapter 7 A Spy 8 Chapter 8 THE PETITE GIRL 9 Chapter 9 Brian flared up (1)10 Chapter 10 Casper's Scandal 11 Chapter 11 Please Call 91112 Chapter 12 Rollercoaster13 Chapter 13 A trip to Flores 14 Chapter 14 The Plot15 Chapter 15 The plot (2)16 Chapter 16 The plot (3)17 Chapter 17 Let's have her together 18 Chapter 18 Cute pajamas19 Chapter 19 An actress!!20 Chapter 20 Northern lights 21 Chapter 21 I'm just a call away22 Chapter 22 Becoming more shameless 23 Chapter 23 College 24 Chapter 24 New Hostel25 Chapter 25 Burning with a fever 26 Chapter 26 Lilith 27 Chapter 27 A work of Art28 Chapter 28 A fight!!29 Chapter 29 I don't know what to wear30 Chapter 30 Shameless coup31 Chapter 31 Samuel Bills32 Chapter 32 Charlotte's plot33 Chapter 33 Bruised wrist 34 Chapter 34 Private Tutor35 Chapter 35 Skin brunette alive 36 Chapter 36 Maths fright37 Chapter 37 Did you get drunk38 Chapter 38 A streamy night39 Chapter 39 Stripping Raymond 40 Chapter 40 Leaving Lexus apartment 41 Chapter 41 I Raped A Guy42 Chapter 42 Their Life story43 Chapter 43 Intruding The Penthouse 44 Chapter 44 We'll have to kiss45 Chapter 45 You're Loved Raymond 46 Chapter 46 Gary 47 Chapter 47 I'm going to press charges 48 Chapter 48 Waterfronts 49 Chapter 49 A lady called Scarlet 50 Chapter 50 He's Back!!51 Chapter 51 A wild Bitch52 Chapter 52 Here's not an animal house53 Chapter 53 I want you54 Chapter 54 Happy New Year Shortie55 Chapter 55 Lymphatic system 56 Chapter 56 I wanna spend every minutes and seconds with you57 Chapter 57 Revenge against Michelle 58 Chapter 58 Brunette's Territory 59 Chapter 59 On set60 Chapter 60 Michelle's sly idea61 Chapter 61 Netizens against Brunette 62 Chapter 62 Breaking eggs on her63 Chapter 63 Losing her virginity 64 Chapter 64 Doom!65 Chapter 65 Help!66 Chapter 66 Unknown 67 Chapter 67 Rope full with blades68 Chapter 68 Annabella 69 Chapter 69 I failed!70 Chapter 70 Coma71 Chapter 71 I won't see you again 72 Chapter 72 They're now official 73 Chapter 73 Tear Her74 Chapter 74 Brenton family 75 Chapter 75 Cloud Nine76 Chapter 76 Which woman wouldn't want to marry me 77 Chapter 77 Let's call it quit78 Chapter 78 A last meal79 Chapter 79 Square Zero80 Chapter 80 Aunt Miranda 81 Chapter 81 Bugler82 Chapter 82 Tunnel83 Chapter 83 Massage84 Chapter 84 To The East85 Chapter 85 Death Place86 Chapter 86 Cramp So painful 87 Chapter 87 Watch Me Peel her skin88 Chapter 88 Volcanic Eruptions 89 Chapter 89 You could have given her some heads up90 Chapter 90 Sell my soul To the devil91 Chapter 91 Mi Vida92 Chapter 92 Cheers To Us93 Chapter 93 Marry Me94 Chapter 94 Pregnancy Seminar95 Chapter 95 Morning Sickness96 Chapter 96 Does He know 97 Chapter 97 Memory masking98 Chapter 98 Hypnotism 99 Chapter 99 Childhood sweetheart 100 Chapter 100 Foolishly cute