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The Heirs Of The Mafia Lords

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 992    |    Released on: 15/11/2023

. Let go!” Ryan said fighting to free himself from the fearsome grip

h you” The man said and chuckled. “what do you want from me. Let

n watching them from a corner. “ we'll sell him off or something. We didn't even need to

my father” Ryan said with a tearful eye. “i pretty much care less about tha

d. They entered the house and Ryan was kept in a different room. “

s all they found in it. They took it to the boss who went through the item. “Why

at might be even better. We can ask for a ransom!” T

t of here and find dad..” He mumbled. He stood up and walked around the room. Th

. Ryan sighed and took his seat back again. The thought of not been

und which made the ground shake a bit. “What is going on out there..” Ryan mumbled.

seemed to be moving slowly towards the door. Ryan's heart pounded in a mixture of anticipation and f

ight person wearing a mask. “Who are you...” Ryan mumbled. “get your

w you..” Ryan opposed. The figure turned back at Ryan. “You can wait till those fart

see the men all laying around the room. Most of them were on the floo

alive. Come on now. We don't have enough time” Another voice came from the d

Grab whatever you want to now. We're leaving ” The stranger replied. Ryan s

nd Ryan followed them. “Where are we heading to” Ryan finally broke the silence. “Do you

k, save your questions for later!” The other one yelled at him. Ryan gulped and continued following them

easily. Ryan crossed his finger and hoped he wouldn't fall in more dangers.

nger said and continued walking. Ryan was already shivering in fear but con

ouse sent chills down Ryan's body. “This is it?” He asked with his

tairs into a room. Ryan felt a little comfortable when he

tion as they both did. They finally took off the Outfits and Ryan's jaw

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