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The blue bloods

Chapter 4 Just like it did to Ella

Word Count: 1449    |    Released on: 15/11/2023

lvin" Ella asked me the day be

, Ella" I responded to my

ous and I'm leaving and all, but it's only

mor on her face, which d

ember me ever lik

s taken

" W

t had classes together untill high school. Finnally, whines I invite

se of words. " I had no i

ud. "You would have stopped liking him immediately and Calvin would have blamed me. I

ting" I recounted, faint

en over you," Ella tossed me a look " but ever since day

hould have sa

again? . You were in middle school, but you were sooo gorgeous that every

her cheeks. The next day, I waited until it was dark for Ella to show up as I boarded my private

as r


popular girl in the academy"

petroleum. Her mother is an Oscar

ngs about Helen as if th

hat cadre nine, Camilla

y started at the academy. She's rumored to marry him one day and

able uniform and cold emrald eyes. Of course he

ing her intently for only one reason. To s

g her shinny blonde hair, oddly the sa

e star quarterback of the school, son of parents ruling empires in fashion a


nd. She has Asian royal blood in her so that's pretty self explanatory.

who cadre one dated was the gossip everyone in

ow took a seat with Helen, Blake and Ka

. His mother won the Nobel Peace prize for some scientific discovery and his father is a f

on Gregory Scott, his parents have won

a crush on Mason. It was read plain

she's Gloria Rosario. Very wealthy family, her father's an infl

n that my father didn't

hair and silver eye's,

I knew, however, that Avery didn't consciously see me or notice me

t him, analyzing. He had his tie loose, his hair messy as i

king boy who as

e have at the academy, and you see the way he's laughing with Mason?, that's his best fri

d with a smile, wanting her to keep

bout them too much so she accept

in Avery Winchester Dragomir was

o know everything

Camilla concluded, a wi

curious about this academy and it's hierarch

e them ca

dered my

eryone respects them. In a place like this, where everyone is Rich and can afford


These people, like Camilla, grew up in a family who made million if not bi

rybody wanted to be one of them, but there were enou

as clear. Cadres just told you

a must have tried to date one

and she won't be the

u have to be invited to thirty cadre to really be a blue blood. As you

ry sharks. Predator

, which Camilla misinterpreted onc

r any of them

shrug, trying to

slowly com

ound allot but it doesn't lasts. Avery doesn't date at all, he hates

e balcony to leave the mess hall for the next class. Th

e it did

would leave him out, especially since Cole m

cause I had a hatred rese

into a way I couldn't read. "

pounding fir the answer, my knuck

adly, "The blue bloo

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