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1 Chapter 1 Shattered Ties2 Chapter 2 The Reckoning of Vaenna3 Chapter 3 The Jeweled Deception4 Chapter 4 The Rugrats' Royal Gambit5 Chapter 5 Unveiling Shadows: A Slap in the Light6 Chapter 6 The Young Faces of Destiny7 Chapter 7 Tiny Mirrors of Destiny: Unveiling the Bonds8 Chapter 8 Threads of Destiny: Weaving Fortunes and Desires9 Chapter 9 Whispers of Deceit: Gems, Lies, and Unraveling Ties10 Chapter 10 Gems of Betrayal and Family Ties11 Chapter 11 Gems of Destiny: Little Stars Shine in the Big World12 Chapter 12 Gems of Destiny: Ties That Bind13 Chapter 13 Gem of Destiny: Unveiling Ambitions14 Chapter 14 Fateful Collision: Unveiling Wounds of the Past15 Chapter 15 Family Ties and Hidden Agendas: A Dinner of Secrets16 Chapter 16 Unveiled Schemes: A Dinner of Truths and Confrontations17 Chapter 17 Midnight Confrontations: Unveiling Secrets and Accusations18 Chapter 18 Jewelry Deception: the Truth Behind Vaenna's Scandal19 Chapter 19 Jewelry Deception Unveiled: Vaenna's Internal Turmoil20 Chapter 20 Maisie's Confrontation with Nolan21 Chapter 21 Family Ties: Nolan's Fatherhood22 Chapter 22 Unexpected Ties: A Game of Chess23 Chapter 23 Deceptive Designs: A Jewelry Dilemma24 Chapter 24 Hidden Agendas: The Past in the World of Jewelry25 Chapter 25 The Web of Lies in High-Stakes Jewelry 26 Chapter 26 A Twist in the Web of Deceit27 Chapter 27 Shadows in Seaview Villa28 Chapter 28 Office Intrigues and Hidden Agendas29 Chapter 29 Gilded Affairs: Nobility, Stardom, and Hidden Allure30 Chapter 30 Entangled Elegance: Secrets of the Elite Unveiled31 Chapter 31 Beneath the Spotlight32 Chapter 32 Dance of Deception33 Chapter 33 Entangled Shadows: A Dance of Deceit and Desire34 Chapter 34 Speechless Encounter 35 Chapter 35 Family Bonds and Business Ambitions36 Chapter 36 Strategic Alliances and Shifting Dynamics37 Chapter 37 Clashing Alliances and Unveiled Deceptions38 Chapter 38 Diverging Paths: Bargains and Betrayals39 Chapter 39 Revelations and Resentments: The Unraveling Tapestry40 Chapter 40 Broken Bonds and New Beginnings: Unveiling Secrets41 Chapter 41 Loyalties Tested and Defiance Forged42 Chapter 42 Jewels of Ambition: A Pact with the Devil43 Chapter 43 A Spark in the Shadows44 Chapter 44 Gilded Ambitions: Shadows of Desire45 Chapter 45 Clash of Shadows46 Chapter 46 Shattered Alliances47 Chapter 47 Gilded Ambitions: Shattered Alliances48 Chapter 48 Twisted Alliances: Stars in the Shadows49 Chapter 49 Hidden Ties: Unraveling Secrets50 Chapter 50 The Secrets and Deceptions51 Chapter 51 Entwined Deceptions: Unraveling Ties and Rising Stars52 Chapter 52 Family Ties and Culinary Delights: A Dinner Date with Destiny53 Chapter 53 A Dinner Date Unleashes Paparazzi Frenzy54 Chapter 54 Paparazzi Sparks Tension and Confrontation55 Chapter 55 Revelations and Betrayals: The Paternity Test Unveils Shocking Truths56 Chapter 56 Renewable Rascality57 Chapter 57 Network of Deceit58 Chapter 58 A Trap Exposed59 Chapter 59 Unveiled Intentions60 Chapter 60 The Abduction Scheme61 Chapter 61 A Ransom Exposed 62 Chapter 62 Rescue and Reckoning63 Chapter 63 The Great Ties64 Chapter 64 Echoes of Deceit65 Chapter 65 Whispers of Deception66 Chapter 66 Web of Deceit: Unraveling Shadows67 Chapter 67 The Past68 Chapter 68 Shadows of Secrecy69 Chapter 69 A Twisted Game of Love and Secrets70 Chapter 70 Twisted Ties: Love, Lies, and the Vengeful Game71 Chapter 71 Entangled Pursuits: Love, Betrayal, and Corporate Games72 Chapter 72 Deceptive Ties: Unraveling the Past73 Chapter 73 Unveiling Deceptions: A Battle of Wits74 Chapter 74 The Same Threshold 75 Chapter 75 Suited Up76 Chapter 76 Whispers in the Dark77 Chapter 77 A Battle of Elites78 Chapter 78 The Vanderbilt family drama79 Chapter 79 Unexpected Bonds80 Chapter 80 Tangled Hearts81 Chapter 81 Healing Bonds82 Chapter 82 Entangled Ties83 Chapter 83 Fragments of Ties84 Chapter 84 Entwined Fate85 Chapter 85 Tangled Destinies86 Chapter 86 Domestic Dilemma87 Chapter 87 Morning Surprises and Breakfast Delights88 Chapter 88 Flashy Arrival and Red-Light Confusion89 Chapter 89 Designs and Deceptions90 Chapter 90 Gems and Alliances91 Chapter 91 Fortunes and Bonds92 Chapter 92 Family Ties and Hidden Agendas93 Chapter 93 Entangled Alliances and Unveiled Intentions94 Chapter 94 Mysterious Union95 Chapter 95 Tangled Hearts: Morning Realizations96 Chapter 96 Gemstone Rivalry: Unveiling Elegance97 Chapter 97 Gemstone Pursuit: Crafting Ambition98 Chapter 98 Gemstone Harmony: Defying Doubt99 Chapter 99 Hidden Gems: Tanzanite Triumph100 Chapter 100 The Illusion of Distraction