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Our Honeymoon Isn't Over, It Has Only Begin


Word Count: 1723    |    Released on: 16/11/2023

ss as she spoke and missed Pat's green eyes narrowing shrewdly

hing the waiter was at their side for their lunch order, and once he had gone Marianne changed the subject, insisting on he

n cocktail-one of Rochelle's specialities-and had leant forward across the table, saying quietly, 'Annie, have you t

de to turn in her chair Marianne said urgently, 'No, don't turn

s, Marianne forced her eyes away from the little party who had just come into the restaurant and on to the perplexed face of her friend. But on the perimeter of her vision she saw

a knife as Zeke's deep drawl sounded just behind

as perfectly calm and composed. 'Pat only phoned me th

grey eyes met bright green Zeke smiled coldly, before

n one for flowery effusion, but eve

he warmth of cold granite as he nodded in abrupt dismissal of the other woman before turning to

erald Morton's pâté! 'Yes, Zeke,' she

uise the leashed strength of the hard, masculine frame. Deep grooves splayed out from either side of his straight nose to his mouth, a mouth which very rarely smiled except

ivity and tenderness to his lovemaking that made her-even with all that

here was a message in the cool, even tone that was for Marianne alone, but

o his table without another word a

two men Pat glanced over, but the green eyes stopped on the fourth figure at the table, who was engaging Zeke in animated conversa

'She's Liliana de Giraud,' she said flatly. 'You might have

ting place in the lunch hour when he was entertaining clients and such, but he had said he was going to fly to Stoke and

at's down-to-earth evaluat

as just acquired her services for a massive development deal that will provide luxury homes f

, y

, added to which she still wants him...badly.' Marianne's voice was expressionless, with a flatness

t row last night?' Pat ask

m the man who didn't like her dancing with another male-even one of his friends-and who objected if he thou

you're not?' Pa

to great pains to let me know how much she hates me. Never in front of Zeke, of course, she's all sweetness and light when he's around, but she wants him back and she doesn't care what

prised,' Pat

her the hand of friendship before Liliana's covert hostility had made her aware she was likely to get it bitten off. So much for magnanimity, Marianne thought wretchedly, allowing he

oyment, and although she didn't glance over at the other table again he

Zeke's table on their way out-and so it was that Zeke left first. She acknowledged his raised hand of farewell with a nod a

na's c

he was engulfed in a cloud of expensive, sultry perfume as Liliana bent to brush her cheek with cool lips,

of the excellent meal-not to mention the wine and liqueur coffee-as she looke

her head, but the green eyes narrowed with such naked feline coldness that it actu

rant hair-flushed from the effect of Pat's scrutiny. 'Zeke and I have heaps to discuss. We're going

poised, self-possessed ones as she smiled with a serenity she was far from feeling and sai

k into play, and Liliana slanted her almost colourless, opaque blue eyes at the two women as she said, 'I mustn't keep him waiting; pati

atched the slim, elegant figure weave her way out of

reluctant smile to Marianne's lips. 'But she's i

n stared at each other in perfect understanding for a long moment before Ma

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1 Chapter 1 DONT TOUCH ME2 Chapter 2 NURSERY SCHOOL3 Chapter 3 WISE INVESTMENT4 Chapter 4 I STILL LOVE HIM5 Chapter 5 MARIANNA6 Chapter 6 THE EVENING7 Chapter 7 SHE RAISED8 Chapter 8 IRONICALLY9 Chapter 9 WILF AND HIS WIFE10 Chapter 10 MARIANNE'S HEART11 Chapter 11 this really was a case12 Chapter 12 suddenly the only13 Chapter 13 All this wasnt14 Chapter 14 when marianne15 Chapter 15 hey 16 Chapter 16 what a darling idea17 Chapter 17 when msrianne awoke18 Chapter 18 it was maudlin19 Chapter 19 she had boiled20 Chapter 20 MARIANNE FORCED21 Chapter 21 AND THIS MORNING22 Chapter 22 THEY FOUND A SMALL23 Chapter 23 MARIANNE24 Chapter 24 SHE LOOKED UP ABOVE25 Chapter 25 SHE FOUND IT26 Chapter 26 HE WAS KISSING27 Chapter 27 THAT SHOULD 28 Chapter 28 MARIANNE29 Chapter 29 ENOUGH30 Chapter 30 IT WAS ANOTHER31 Chapter 31 NO32 Chapter 32 NEITHER WAS33 Chapter 33 IT WAS THE SAME34 Chapter 34 HER ULTIMATE SEXUAL FANTASY 35 Chapter 35 Tingle 36 Chapter 36 Sylvia 37 Chapter 37 Very nice 38 Chapter 38 She stepped 39 Chapter 39 That's what I love 40 Chapter 40 The agreement 41 Chapter 41 Sylvia 42 Chapter 42 Now43 Chapter 43 Excitement 44 Chapter 44 Yeah45 Chapter 45 He groaned46 Chapter 46 How deep 47 Chapter 47 Stand up 48 Chapter 48 Sylvia 49 Chapter 49 Her nipples 50 Chapter 50 She nodded51 Chapter 51 And don't 52 Chapter 52 He went 53 Chapter 53 The limo54 Chapter 54 She sucked 55 Chapter 55 So beautiful 56 Chapter 56 The car57 Chapter 57 He heard 58 Chapter 58 She turned 59 Chapter 59 They don't 60 Chapter 60 He pressed 61 Chapter 61 Days passed 62 Chapter 62 That 63 Chapter 63 Then he hung64 Chapter 64 Just a Reminder..65 Chapter 65 He tapped 66 Chapter 66 He knew 67 Chapter 67 He found 68 Chapter 68 Kneel down 69 Chapter 69 She arched70 Chapter 70 Sylvia 71 Chapter 71 She felt 72 Chapter 72 The feel73 Chapter 73 Just a Reminder 74 Chapter 74 Finally 75 Chapter 75 The pleasure 76 Chapter 76 The long 77 Chapter 77 Mr Craig 78 Chapter 78 They79 Chapter 79 Grant80 Chapter 80 I know 81 Chapter 81 Oh yeah 82 Chapter 82 Is that 83 Chapter 83 Mr grant84 Chapter 84 The85 Chapter 85 Oh baby 86 Chapter 86 Why 87 Chapter 87 Her eyes 88 Chapter 88 Is he going 89 Chapter 89 Sylvia