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Rebirth Of The Betrayed Luna

Chapter 6 Roxanne's POV

Word Count: 2132    |    Released on: 17/11/2023


riend, was beyond my comprehension. Roxanne and I had been planning to take down Lilith for a long time, but this new development made things even more complicated. Our initial plan had been to break up Lilith and Dean's relationship and make sure that Lilith couldn't be a threat to us anymore. We brought in Shannel, who was in love with Dean, and she helped us successfully break up the couple. Then, we accused Dean of Lilith's mother's death and put him in trouble with the council of elders. But, things took a turn when Lilith started growing weaker by the day, and we thought that our plan to poison her was working. It wasn't until Oriana, Roxanne's daughter, ate the food meant for Lilith and started falling ill that we realized that our plan had failed. We were both furious and decided that the only way to keep our secrets safe was to kill Lilith before she exposed us. Shannel got a whiff of our plan and tried to back off, but it was too late. She went to see Dean in the dungeon and told him everything, including her contribution and how we had initially wanted to kill Lilith. Dean made her tell Lilith, and now we were in real trouble. Lilith had taken our case before the council of elders and was planning to attack us first before fleeing the pack. We couldn't let that happen. We needed to act fast and take her down before she exposed us. But, with each passing day, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were on the losing side. I had never felt so vulnerable in my life, and I was starting to realize that the end was near. Maybe it was the guilt that was weighing on me, or maybe it was the fear of being exposed, but I couldn't help but feel like everything was falling apart. I just hoped that we could come out of this situation unscathed. Shannel's POV I was feeling nervous as I made my way to see Dean in the dungeon. I couldn't believe that I had gotten myself involved in this mess. All I wanted was for Dean to notice me, but now I was regretting my actions. I had helped Tyler and Roxanne break up Lilith and Dean and now they were planning to kill her. I couldn't be a part of that, I couldn't bring myself to kill someone. I remember how it all started, I was infatuated with Dean and would do anything to get his attention. When Tyler and Roxanne approached me with their plan, I thought it was a chance to win him over. But as I got to know Lilith, I realized that she was a kind and strong person who didn't deserve this treatment. And now, she was in danger because of my actions. As I approached the dungeon, my heart was pounding in my chest. I didn't know what to expect from Dean, but I knew that I had to tell him everything. When I finally found him, he looked up at me with a surprised expression. "Shannel? What are you doing here?" he asked. "I have to tell you something," I said, trying to steady my voice. "It's about Lilith and Tyler and Roxanne." I told him everything, about how we had tried to break them up, about the plan to kill Lilith, and about my involvement in all of it. Dean listened to me intently, his expression becoming grimmer with each passing moment. When I was finished, Dean looked at me with a mix of anger and sadness. "Why did you get involved in this?" he asked. "I was foolish," I replied, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I wanted your attention and I thought that helping Tyler and Roxanne would make you notice me. But now I realize that I was wrong. Lilith doesn't deserve this, she's a good person and I don't want to be a part of something that could harm her." Dean sighed. "It's not too late to make things right," he said. "We need to tell Lilith what's going on. She needs to know the truth so that she can protect herself." So

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1 Chapter 1 LILITH’S POV.2 Chapter 2 LILITH’S POV.3 Chapter 3 LILITH’S POV.4 Chapter 4 LILITH’S POV5 Chapter 5 LILITH’S POV.6 Chapter 6 Roxanne's POV7 Chapter 7 Tyler's POV8 Chapter 8 Lilith's Pov9 Chapter 9 Dean's Identity Revealed 10 Chapter 10 Dean's POV11 Chapter 11 Lilith’s Pov12 Chapter 12 Lilith’s pov13 Chapter 13 Lilith's POV14 Chapter 14 Lilith’POV 15 Chapter 15 Lilith’s POV16 Chapter 16 Lilith's POV17 Chapter 17 Lilith's POV18 Chapter 18 Lilith’s POV 19 Chapter 19 Lilith's pov20 Chapter 20 Lilith’s POV 21 Chapter 21 Lilith’s pov22 Chapter 22 Lilith's pov23 Chapter 23 Lilith POV24 Chapter 24 Lilith’s POV25 Chapter 25 Lilith's pov26 Chapter 26 Lilith POV27 Chapter 27 Dean's pov28 Chapter 28 Dean's POV29 Chapter 29 Dean's pov30 Chapter 30 Dean’s pov31 Chapter 31 Lilith’s POV32 Chapter 32 Lilith’s POV33 Chapter 33 Lilith’s pov34 Chapter 34 Lilith's pov35 Chapter 35 Dean's pov36 Chapter 36 Dean’s pov 37 Chapter 37 Dean's pov38 Chapter 38 Lilith's pov 39 Chapter 39 Lilith’s pov40 Chapter 40 Dean's pov41 Chapter 41 Lilith’s pov 42 Chapter 42 Lilith’s pov43 Chapter 43 Dean’s pov44 Chapter 44 Lilith’s Pov45 Chapter 45 Lilith’s pov46 Chapter 46 Lilith’s pov47 Chapter 47 Lilith’s pov48 Chapter 48 Lilith’s pov49 Chapter 49 Dean’s pov50 Chapter 50 Lilith’s POV51 Chapter 51 Dean’s pov52 Chapter 52 Lilith’s POV53 Chapter 53 Lilith’s POV54 Chapter 54 Lilith’s POV55 Chapter 55 Lilith’s pov56 Chapter 56 Lilith’s POV57 Chapter 57 Lilith’s POV 58 Chapter 58 Lilith’s pov59 Chapter 59 Lilith’s POV60 Chapter 60 Lilith’s pov61 Chapter 61 Lilith’s pov62 Chapter 62 Lilith’s pov63 Chapter 63 Lilith’s pov64 Chapter 64 Lilith’s pov65 Chapter 65 Lilith’s pov66 Chapter 66 Dean’s pov67 Chapter 67 Lilith’s pov68 Chapter 68 Lilith's pov 69 Chapter 69 Dean’s pov70 Chapter 70 Marcus’s pov71 Chapter 71 Lilith’s pov72 Chapter 72 Dean’s pov73 Chapter 73 Lilith’s pov74 Chapter 74 Marcus’s pov75 Chapter 75 Lilith’s pov76 Chapter 76 Lilith’s pov77 Chapter 77 Dean’s pov78 Chapter 78 Lilith’s pov79 Chapter 79 Lilith’s pov80 Chapter 80 Lilith’s pov81 Chapter 81 Lilith’s pov82 Chapter 82 Lilith’s pov83 Chapter 83 Lilith’s pov84 Chapter 84 Lilith’s pov85 Chapter 85 Lilith’s pov86 Chapter 86 Lilith’s pov87 Chapter 87 Lilith’s pov88 Chapter 88 Lilith’s pov89 Chapter 89 Dean’s pov90 Chapter 90 Lilith’s pov91 Chapter 91 Lilith’s pov92 Chapter 92 Lilith’s pov93 Chapter 93 Lilith’s pov94 Chapter 94 Dean’s pov95 Chapter 95 Lilith’s pov96 Chapter 96 Lilith’s pov97 Chapter 97 Lilith’s pov98 Chapter 98 Lilith’s pov99 Chapter 99 Lilith’s pov100 Chapter 100 Lilith’s pov