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1 Chapter 1 Contract's Embrace2 Chapter 2 The End of Contract3 Chapter 3 Broken Bond's4 Chapter 4 Unveiling the Past5 Chapter 5 Heart Broken and Revelations6 Chapter 6 Confrontations and Revelations7 Chapter 7 Shadow's of the Past8 Chapter 8 Breaking Point9 Chapter 9 Unveiling Shadow's10 Chapter 10 Unwanted Advances11 Chapter 11 Negotiating Desires12 Chapter 12 Desperate Measures13 Chapter 13 Unlikely Encounter14 Chapter 14 Under the Gaze of Alpha Knight15 Chapter 15 The Unsettling Offer16 Chapter 16 Revelations and Retaliation17 Chapter 17 A Risky Game of Card's18 Chapter 18 A High Stakes, Card's Game19 Chapter 19 A Risky Game Unfold20 Chapter 20 Unlikely Allie's21 Chapter 21 Unveiling Secrets22 Chapter 22 A Twisted Game23 Chapter 23 A Humiliating Betrayal24 Chapter 24 Unveiling Secrets25 Chapter 25 Unraveling Dersires26 Chapter 26 Unlikely Alliance27 Chapter 27 Unlikely Reunion28 Chapter 28 Alpha's Questioning29 Chapter 29 Deceptive Revelation30 Chapter 30 Unveiling Heart's31 Chapter 31 Love's Price32 Chapter 32 Unveiled Jealousy33 Chapter 33 Unexpected Rescue34 Chapter 34 Unexpected Ride35 Chapter 35 Unexpected Arrival36 Chapter 36 Unspoken Tensions37 Chapter 37 A Night Of Healing38 Chapter 38 A ghost from the Past39 Chapter 39 Unspoken Truth40 Chapter 40 Fragile Truth41 Chapter 41 Unspoken Dreams42 Chapter 42 Unveiled Massages43 Chapter 43 Cryptic Massage44 Chapter 44 Time Ticking Away45 Chapter 45 A Desperate Choice46 Chapter 46 A Glimpse of Happiness47 Chapter 47 Unveiling Shadow's48 Chapter 48 Fragile Moments49 Chapter 49 Unspoken Bond's50 Chapter 50 The Meeting Ceremony's Beginning51 Chapter 51 Uninvited Guest52 Chapter 52 Deceptive Contract53 Chapter 53 The Wolf Demand54 Chapter 54 Unveilng Shadow's55 Chapter 55 Farewells Echoes56 Chapter 56 A Night Revelation57 Chapter 57 Unveiling Shadow's58 Chapter 58 Unveiling Shadow's II59 Chapter 59 Veiled Shadow's60 Chapter 60 Unveiling Shadow's61 Chapter 61 Desperate Negotiation62 Chapter 62 Unveiling the Alpha63 Chapter 63 Desperate Bargain64 Chapter 64 A Toast to Trust65 Chapter 65 The Dangerous Game66 Chapter 66 Betrayal in Shadow's67 Chapter 67 Dark Desires Unleash68 Chapter 68 Shattered Trust69 Chapter 69 Frayed Redemption70 Chapter 70 Unexpected Alliance71 Chapter 71 Clash of Fate72 Chapter 72 Betrayal Unmasked73 Chapter 73 Vengeance Unleashed74 Chapter 74 Unraveling Fates75 Chapter 75 Shattered Alliances76 Chapter 76 Unraveling Secrets77 Chapter 77 Whispers of the Heart78 Chapter 78 Shattered Illusions79 Chapter 79 Blackmailed Desire80 Chapter 80 Web of Deception81 Chapter 81 Dark Encounter82 Chapter 82 Electric Tension83 Chapter 83 Intertwined Shadow's84 Chapter 84 Masked Desires85 Chapter 85 Enigmatic Suite86 Chapter 86 Closing In87 Chapter 87 Stepping Forward88 Chapter 88 Confrontations on the Top Floor89 Chapter 89 Unwanted Encounter90 Chapter 90 Unexpected Encounter91 Chapter 91 Unexpected Encounter92 Chapter 92 Unexpected Duties and Unspoken Tensions93 Chapter 93 Unexpected Responsibilities94 Chapter 94 The Alpha Responsibility95 Chapter 95 Confrontation in the Elevator96 Chapter 96 Rainy Memories and an Unexpected Arrival97 Chapter 97 Reunion and Unspoken Tensions98 Chapter 98 Haunted Past99 Chapter 99 Deceptive Desire100 Chapter 100 Forged Resilience