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1 Chapter 1 Broken Bonds and New Beginnings2 Chapter 2 Unexpected Encounter3 Chapter 3 The Enigmatic Encounter4 Chapter 4 Silent Disappearance5 Chapter 5 Reunion at Drunken Fairy6 Chapter 6 Revelations in Moonlight7 Chapter 7 Unveiling Deception8 Chapter 8 Concealed Smiles and Unspoken Truths9 Chapter 9 Betrayals and Resentments10 Chapter 10 Unexpected Revelations and New Beginnings 11 Chapter 11 New Beginnings and Familiar Faces12 Chapter 12 Unlikely Alliances13 Chapter 13 Unforeseen Obstacles14 Chapter 14 The Institute's Challenges15 Chapter 15 Unexpected encounters16 Chapter 16 Confronting Shadows17 Chapter 17 Confronting Shadows: Unexpected Reckoning18 Chapter 18 Unveiling Shadows: The Confrontation19 Chapter 19 Shattered Reflections: The Pain Within20 Chapter 20 The Wounded Innocence21 Chapter 21 Confronting Shadows22 Chapter 22 Unraveling Ties23 Chapter 23 Unveiling Connections24 Chapter 24 The Unwelcome Encounter25 Chapter 25 Confrontation at the CafƩ26 Chapter 26 New Opportunities: The Queen Family's Offer27 Chapter 27 Unexpected Encounter: The Queen Family's Concern28 Chapter 28 Unspoken Tension: Roxanne's Assessment29 Chapter 29 Roxanne's Treatment: Unwelcome Intervention30 Chapter 30 Lucian's Defense: Unexpected Support31 Chapter 31 Unexpected Connections32 Chapter 32 Echoes of the Past33 Chapter 33 The Road to Recovery34 Chapter 34 Negotiating the Reward35 Chapter 35 The Miracle Doctor and the Contract36 Chapter 36 The Unspoken Bond37 Chapter 37 Unveiled Identities38 Chapter 38 Unspoken Tension39 Chapter 39 The Unexpected Visitor40 Chapter 40 Estella's Unexpected Visit41 Chapter 41 Unexpected Connections42 Chapter 42 Unexpected Bonds43 Chapter 43 The Unspoken Truth44 Chapter 44 Revelations and Resentments45 Chapter 45 Unspoken Echoes: A Daughter's Silence46 Chapter 46 Fractured Bonds: Tension at the Manor47 Chapter 47 The Unexpected Encounter 48 Chapter 48 Entangled Fates: Revelations and Resentments49 Chapter 49 Digital Vendetta: Unraveling Chaos50 Chapter 50 Pranksters' Dilemma: A Mother's Intuition51 Chapter 51 Tech Battles and Unresolved Tensions52 Chapter 52 Fractured Trust and Silent Sorrows53 Chapter 53 Yearning Bonds and Unexpected Encounters54 Chapter 54 Family Bonds and Unspoken Struggles55 Chapter 55 Feeding Bonds and Unspoken Tensions56 Chapter 56 Fractured Fragments and Unspoken Tensions57 Chapter 57 Twists and Tensions: Shadows of the Past58 Chapter 58 Tangled Bonds: Echoes of the Past59 Chapter 59 Entwined Destinies: Echoes of Change60 Chapter 60 Unforeseen Connections: The Dinner Gathering61 Chapter 61 Unspoken Strains: Unexpected Turns62 Chapter 62 Whispers of the Past: The Unspoken Ties63 Chapter 63 Echoes of the Past: A Return to Familiar Ground64 Chapter 64 The Bonds We Cherish: A Night of Unexpected Connections65 Chapter 65 Entwined Hearts: Unexpected Moments of Connection66 Chapter 66 The Unspoken Connection: Echoes of the Past67 Chapter 67 Whispers of Ties Unseen68 Chapter 68 The Ties That Bind69 Chapter 69 Shattered Trust70 Chapter 70 Sinister Intentions71 Chapter 71 The Unfolding Scheme72 Chapter 72 Broken Trust73 Chapter 73 Unforeseen Consequences74 Chapter 74 Shattered Ties75 Chapter 75 Lost Echoes76 Chapter 76 Echoes of Fear77 Chapter 77 Shadows of Misunderstanding78 Chapter 78 Shadows of Understanding79 Chapter 79 Whispers of Connection80 Chapter 80 Shadows and Sunlight: Unraveling Ties81 Chapter 81 Silent Whispers: Unraveling Truths82 Chapter 82 Whispers in the Silence: Shadows of Care83 Chapter 83 Echoes of Innocence: Unspoken Bonds84 Chapter 84 Unspoken Connection: Mending Hearts85 Chapter 85 Unspoken Truths: The Enigma of Origins86 Chapter 86 Shattered Trust: Unveiling Secrets87 Chapter 87 Clashing Allegiances: Tensions Unveiled88 Chapter 88 Fractured Bonds: The Battle for Estella's Future89 Chapter 89 Unraveling Ties: A Mother's Quest for Control90 Chapter 90 Echoes of Disapproval: Resilience Amidst Strife91 Chapter 91 Intersecting Lives: Trials and Bonds92 Chapter 92 Fractured Bonds: Untold Pains93 Chapter 93 Unspoken Bonds: A Mother's Heartache94 Chapter 94 Beluga Whale Encounter: A Surprising Moment95 Chapter 95 Unexpected Gifts and Unspoken Apologies96 Chapter 96 The Unspoken Conflicts: Intrigues and Apologies97 Chapter 97 The Grand Birthday Banquet: A Glimpse into Social Dynamics98 Chapter 98 The Elaborate Gathering: Unspoken Dynamics Unfold99 Chapter 99 The Banquet's Unspoken Elegance: Tales of Turmoil and Tension100 Chapter 100 Whispers Among Elites: A Prelude to Intrigues