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Second Chance With The Blind Alpha

Chapter 5 LU'S P.O.V

Word Count: 1799    |    Released on: 23/11/2023

my sides, where am I? I felt a bed beneath me and sunk further into it.. it smells so good and it’s so comfy. I willed my eyes to open and tried to sit up, only to feel a sharp

ened?’ I a

nd us… our leg got hurt and then there was a very a

took a look around the room. I froze when I saw the alpha from the forest…

ed and I took another look at h

s him submissively. There’s no way I can fight him and ma

ashed over me. I shivered at the sound of it and gu

that attacked me. I’m sorry Alpha I di

a rogue?”

of my old pack” I

ed, his eyebr

d, feeling tears in my eyes when

why would someone re

I’m an omega?” I a

did he reject you?” T

weak omega… I guess he needed som

understand as he nodded. “How lon

or?” I bit my lip nervously as I looke

uldn’t wake” The alpha said sadly. “Do

be on my way if you woul

go?” He asked,

know” I

re I realized he couldn’t see me. I wanted desperately to kno

I answere

said, leaving no room for argume

ha” I wh

y beta is Terrance” he started explaining. I had h

tay alpha?” I a

ly. I looked him over again, even with his scars I found him attrac

I said to Lilac who w

is so hot. Plus why is his

ng?” He asked, cat

I bowed my head.

t beat changed” he answered my unspoken question. I gape

y if I stay? I am techn

think they’ll be happy to have an om

es would always try to do things…. But the alpha would never allow it and that’s

h you here. This is the alpha’s apartm

e” I added an

d some clothes. Until then stay here while I explain to the

stormed angrily out of the roo

mate if he has a mark

jected him after the markin

ected after mar

h how handsome he is I bet his m

en terrible for hi

ve a shot at him as our c

er male who catches ou

d feel his wolf’ Lila

us with his rank… we should probably just move

.. he’s so dream

he’s blind’ I

hink it has something to do with the scars. And if his wolf couldn’t

knock at the door.

on and was walking towards me with a bundle of clothes. “Hi, I’m beta Terrance, but most peopl

you beta” I

the alpha upse

back and went to stand, only to find myself tripping. I cringed at my sore leg and braced for the fal

ou because of your rank as omega” he explained but I was still confused. “

be upset?” I

w my alpha and I say he l

ened and closed my

too!” Terry laughed a b

stay here?” I tried

e are really rare. Any pack would be lucky to have one. We used to have on

mate?” I ask

erry said with a bit of a blush, followe

again to go get changed but cursed when I stumbled again. I squeaked, worried I would hit the floor when I once again fel

ould give her some privacy to get changed” he said as he set me gentl

second time she has almost fallen in the span o

the contact information for the blue m

helping her?” Terry aske

raised his hands in surrende

old pack?” I asked nervou

d while we talk?” He

n… with you watching”

I felt myself blushing a bit in embarrassment, “you kno

ike you can still see

lly wish I could….” He said the las

up to put on the underwear when I felt myself tripping again. Troy’s hands rested on my bare hips,

I breathed a sigh of relied when I was finally covered, but I quick

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