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A Serendipitous Romance

A Serendipitous Romance

Author: jeromeose

Chapter 1 An Unexpected Encounter

Word Count: 793    |    Released on: 24/11/2023

od Isabella, a young aspiring writer who found solace in the simple melody of her own thoughts. The setting sun cast a warm golden hue upon the city streets

gh Isabella, a sensation she couldn't quite understand. "Thank you," she said, offering a grateful smile as she secured the loose papers back into her notebook."I'm Lucas," he introduced himself, extending a hand towards her. "Isabella," she replied, reciprocating the gesture, feeling a curious warmth spread from her hand to her heart at their contact. Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still amidst the bustling park. "So, what fills these pages?" Lucas inquired, gesturing toward her notebook with genuine interest."Oh, just... thoughts, snippets of stories," Isabella explained, feeling a hint of self-consciousness at the idea of sharing her creative musings with a stranger. "I'm intrigued," Lucas said with a smile that put her at ease. "I'm a bit of a bookworm myself. Mind if I take a peek?" Isabella hesitated for a moment, then nodded, offering him a sheepish smile as she handed over the open notebook. Lucas leaned in, his eyes scanning the handwritten pages filled with imaginative tales and poetic fragments. He nodded along as if he understood the unspoken emotions behind each word."These are beautiful," he remarked, looking up with genuine admiration. "You have a way with words, Isabella." "Thank you," she replied, a bashful smile tugging at her lips. "I've always loved telling stories." Their conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving through discussions about literature, shared favorite authors, and the beauty of finding kindred spirits unexpected

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