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Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 2866    |    Released on: 24/11/2023

me?" Alaric had

" Nova put her han

ered the mansion and opened the door. Tasya was shock

napped at Tasya. He and Nova went straight into th

elt pain when she saw Al

orant about this. Why do you feel

he had recognized him, even unintentiona


m, Alaric was sit

ng underwear, which makes her wonder why Alaric has no intention of approaching her. Nova also walks t

e. Nova unhooked her bra and let her breasts be seen by A

of Nova's hand as sh

He picked up the cell phone on

door of the room Al


laric was with was almost half naked, and s

; use her if you want to." Alaric

hen she saw the hot scene that she ac

and for some reason she wanted it. Without thinking, he immediately gulped it do

ink?" she gulped

away; she did not realize that the d

entered was not hers, but Alaric's. Alaric, who was in his room, was surp

was Tasya who entered with a gestur

her?" Alaric seemed

re you

herself closer to Alaric who was sti

the two-faced face you're showing; and... I hate seeing the disgusting scene you're doing in fron

; I hat

ered your second self. I don't know what you mean by two-faced. I'm not going to change my demo

o kiss him. Tasya tried to release herself even though she was

Tasya. He knew that Tasya was still very pas

carried away by Alaric's game, and she even raise


looks at Tasya's face, which no longer rebels un

uch I want your

hing Tasya's body. Alaric leaned down and tasted Tasya's luscious red lip

u." Alaric held Tasya's hips with his hands

k, but she couldn't resist e

ric momentarily wanted to stop, but passion overcame him, and he

to Tasya with great care. Tasya bit her l

again. The barrier was there as if trying to keep Alaric from entering he

trying to push away Alaric's

led. Her passion, a single tear dripping from the corner o

f as far as he could

screams of pain, and kissing the eyeli

finally subsided. Ala

ed Tasya's open

oom-a promise the mobster had made. And Tasya, already completely out of he

by a hot pleasure. That distributed exc

nt of Tasya's hips and

buried deep inside Tasya's body, urging bol

back and letting Tasya move her

fulfillment. Tasya closed her eyes as the pleasure

f Tasya's orgasm and the throbbing that was squeezing h

ve passion joined Tasya's debilit

a," Alaric said bef


strange pain in her body or the bright light that sud

focus herself. This was the room she h

g overheated last night and A

t up from the bed, a

ked down at her head and realized she wasn't wear

came the heavy v

e, and Tasya turned her head in shock

er the same blanket, and with Alaric's blanket a

in between her groins. Was this man raping her? She didn't

ge of a woman who hates you so much!" hissed Ta

Tasya's angry voice. "You d

head even as puzzle pieces, flashes

name!" Alaric ha

Nova put her hand

ed the mansion and opened the door Tasya was shocked by

g to get in my way!" A

to the living room which was

elt pain when she saw Al

rant about this, why do you feel

Devon he had recognized him even unintent


m, Alaric was sit

aring underwear, which she wonders why Alaric has no intention of approaching her Nova also walks

Nova unhooked her bra and let her breasts be seen by Ala

of Nova's hand as she

He picked up the cell phone on

door of the room Al


Alaric was with was almost half naked and

r, use her if you want to" Alaric

hen she saw the hot scene that she ac

were half-filled with golden-colored

it down even at first he winced when he

ink" she gulped

away she did not realize that the dr

room, Tasya was wrong that the room s

rised to hear his door uncharacterist

was Tasya who entered with a gestur

her?" Alaric seemed

re you

rself closer to Alaric who was still

to you, hate the two-faced face you're showing, and...I hate seeing the disgu

sya's hand and f

o I ha

fered your second self I don't know what you mean by two-faced I'm not going to change my de

the scruff of the neck a

ough she was drunk but she was still s

Tasya, he knew that Tasya was still very pas

carried away by Alaric's game and she even raises


looks at Tasya's face which no longer rebels un

uch I want your

hing Tasya's body, Alaric leaned down and tasted Tasya's luscious red lip

g to hurt you," Alaric held Ta

th his hands, a

im on in

k, but she couldn't resist e

aric momentarily wanted to stop but passion overcame him and he

o Tasya with great care. Tasya bit her li

again. The barrier was there as if trying to keep Alaric from entering he

trying to push away Alaric's

ween pain and the des

dripping from the corner of

ciousness l

as deep as he could,

screams of pain, and kissing the eyeli

finally subsided. Ala

ed Tasya's open

satisfy me," the words echoed in th

completely out of

le pleasure when

sappeared, replaced

ruciating sensations

nt of Tasya's hips, fe

of her body, which w

boldly, pulling Alari

is teeth, holdin

er hips, see


e long when she fi

her eyes as the pleasure explo


f Tasya's orgasm and the throbbing that was squeezing h

aric's explosive pa

g passion and

Alaric said the words


strange pain in her body, or the bright light that s

focus herself. This was the room she h

g overheated last night and A

t up from the bed, a

ked down at her head, and realized she wasn't wea

came the heavy v

sounded very close a

e sight before sh

here in her bed, t

s blanket almost hanging off h

in between her groin, was this man raping her why she didn'

age of a woman who hates you so much!" hissed

Tasya's angry voice. "You d

head even as puzzle pieces, flashes


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