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The Light That Lures

Chapter 5 THE WOOD END

Word Count: 3533    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

and the danger he could not know. After a pause, a long pause it seemed to Jeann

, that I have been robb

nting to the iron token, "I am in

ook to carry it. I had other business in h

man? L

e making merry at my discomfiture. The dead man was one Ro

ervant, a faithful

rvice since he died in it, and I can honor

must tell me more," she said,

ak. Whatever plot was on foot she must know it. To some one surely Lucien had give

ell me," sh

omething of a hero who can stand being laughed at. Many years ago I had that from a countryman of yours,

no attempt to conceal the fact that he had come to France to place himself at the disposal of Monsieur de Lafayette. If there were any risk in telling this woman so,

at after he was dead you say, are y

tain by loo

horoughly trus

lf, made

told me your n

a little. "Why I trust you, I do not know. I may be put

er, I shall not us

ords constituted a promise given without reservation, or whether the pr

thank you,"

bbed only makes it clearer how bitter Lucien's enemies are. Have you

hadow of harm he was prepared to face any danger. It was not her beauty which influenced him, a moment ago he had been ready to despise it if

s chateau is proof enough that the danger is too great. How any man, no matter what

to Beauvais. Was it in your mind to advi

beyond fulfilling the oath I had taken, and

ington," she said, quietly. "It was not by my own will that


. It means life or death, pe

sking you to fac

hand upon his arm. "I know Lucien. From Beauvais yo

tion. I will carry whatever message you

Paris; she asked my escort, but since I would not give it

o fear, mad


easily as a woman of the people, one who has some aristocrat enemy on

do as yo

ou will go, I may be a safer escort than any other. I claim friendship with Monsieur de Lafayette, so I

or that now, monsieur.

n as po

abruptly as it approaches the valley down which we must go to the frontier. I have papers that shall help me to pass. I have alw

re, mademoiselle. At least two men s

mask which had fa

sten it for

was very close to her; her personality, the faint perfume about her, took fast hold of h

antern followed her back along the narrow stone

. "To-night we will not mee

his lodgings which suggested compensations in the position. By a strange chain of circumstances, Jeanne St. Clair had come into his life; there was something added to the mere fact of living, whether of joy or pain he could not determine, but he was very sure that his outlook upon life could never be quite the same again. For good or ill this woman must influence him to some extent, she could never pass out of his life again, leaving him as he was before. There was a fresh wind blowing across the square of Beauvais, yet it

master, and made no comme

eautiful wo

world's opinion. It is not her

ty in it if a man had quarrelled with you to-ni

e. We must take them as they come, and console ourselves with th

a pretty woman, but I fancy trouble is likely to ride in our company, too. They mostly go together, women and trouble; and the prettier the women are, t

Once this woman

or the completion of the sent

aris? Indeed, we may never reach Paris. At dawn, you said. That

ike a gracious benediction, fell slowly into valley and gorge, while myriad shades of color pulsated into new life in earth and sky. The two men watched this magic beauty of the dawn in silence. So wondrous was it, so majestic, so far beyond the schemes and thoughts of insignificant man, that it was almost impossible not to see in it some portent, something of promise or warning. Even Seth, practical and farseeing as he was, forgot the actualitie

ng to Seth and speaking in a hushed

h came down to the plain from Beauvais. Four men were approaching, walking quickly and

ington. "Draw back farther int

the men come to the spot where they had been a moment or two be

pered. "It may be the lady cannot co

hem!" Barr

men. Barrington wondered whether they had chosen this seclude

ger and gone

s of the wood before him with such a keen pair o

," he said, "unless mademoise

tepped forward followed by Seth, who tied up the horse

eeking me,

Barrington," the man wit


d low and Barring

t I had a different opinion. We are four gentlemen devoted to Ma

unless you bring bad n

with a smile. "Mademoiselle will n

touched by her personality, he would rather have been without the honor; now he was disappointed, angry.

t mademoiselle has entrus

r, and the man held u

esponsibility, gentlemen," said Barrington, with a s

most undesirable that monsieur should be allowed to have the opportunity of again practicing such deceit. Mademoiselle listened to him, feigned to be satisfied with his explanation, in fact, met deceit with dece

!" laughed Barrington. "It is a

order of precedence, and monsieur has the pleasure of first crossing swords with me. If his skill is greater than mine, then he will have t


houlders. Seth was ben

e lackeys' method, I presume," said Barrin

is a littl


being a liar and

other," Barrington

fraid we shall have to

may settle. You are four men bound together to take my life if you can, but you shall not have the chance of taking i

t understanding jargon of this kind, but I have a

Seth," Barrin

this gave Barrington and Seth some advantage. The keen-eyed man was as ready with his sword as with his tongue. He had been confident of saving his companions from soiling their blades had Richard consented to cross swords with him, and he advanced upon

een pleasure had you be

t's and he took advantage of the fact. This was fighting, not dueling; and he beat the weapon dow

w fear, the very last thing in the world he was likely to do. Seth's arm was long and his method of fighting more or less his own, the most unceremonious, possibly, that these gentlemen had

an exclamation of surp

nt, a bullet; either

After all, their opponents were to be six instead of four. This was certain. His master was separated from him by a few paces, and it seemed to Seth that he was being hard pressed. At any rate, if it were not so, the two


attack. This is a time to waive ceremon

being without a sword, now caught up the

if you move," cried Seth, w

m, but the two men suddenly running towards him through

iding towards the head of the valley which led down to the frontier. They broke into

Beauvais would have been u

they say," Bar

ssed Seth's opini

ave had my lesson, and enough of women for a life

Barrington and Seth rode out of it w

ur! Mon

he asked with

selle St. Clair left Beauvais last night

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