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A Beta's Regret - A Twist of Fate?

Chapter 4 Knox

Word Count: 1351    |    Released on: 05/12/2023

looks the picture of sweetness when she is asleep. Such a terror when she is awake, I truly don't know how a two-year-ol

She had been spoilt with gifts today, so no doubt when she got around to opening al

looking all big baby-eyed at me. And she knows it. She is damn clever for a little girl, I swear. I used to laugh at my dad for being manipulated by my sisters, well, that was when I wasn't

om the buffet and grill. All drunk far too much. The kids were still playing together, though with slightly less e

are a rarity, instead enjoying time around each other's houses and spending time together like this. With the kids running around together, l

ow he is desperately hoping for his fated mate. But time is passing so quickly now, we are heading toward thirty in a couple of years and, to be hone

s week?" Jake asks, discussing

there?" I ask

talking" I wink at him. "You know t

ar with them. Just having such a way with them, it instantly puts them at ease and they seem to instantly connect with he

s you" Gabe sa

say something" I said w

him after meeting him. Causing no end of drama and heart ache for Gabe,

h a funny guy! My sides are hu

olved anyway, Gabe" Jake gently s

ill make life interesting if I don't? Besides, it's through me

actions Gabe was probably pretty inaccurate with that estimate. Or if

even funny"

han you." G

u wake Xavier?" Ruby says to them with a frown

ones to annoy, though I am the Alpha, so not like

eek?" Esme asks Indie, knowing her M

eally want to kno

tention now. This has to be a funny tale, as Indie'

a disaster

Papi than I ever wa

e and Ruby so

aughing, needless to say,

know this stor

a story about the naked body of

y says before l

d, what happene

o paint a nude portrait of her hubby. I nearly had a fricking heart attack when she showed me, gave me no

ent. Gabe is laughing so hard he is crying.

sive picture?" Gabe

ys begin to laugh again. Yea

when I am done with you" Esme snarls at her

o I am impressive already though?" he s

laughing again and the g

you have to say an

Sofia was clearly just painting what was on her mind. Your Dad must have done a good job.

king her head while th

d from art class now?" Gabe asks I

eries and museums with blokes with their dicks out, nobody has an issue. Just because you kn

't mentioned it

are regretting saying something!" I point

with a smirk playing on her

crazy" Ruby s

!" Jake laughs with a smile and a shake o

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1 Chapter 1 Jake2 Chapter 2 Jake3 Chapter 3 Ruby4 Chapter 4 Knox5 Chapter 5 Jake6 Chapter 6 Rose7 Chapter 7 Jake8 Chapter 8 Lilah9 Chapter 9 Jake10 Chapter 10 Rose11 Chapter 11 Jake12 Chapter 12 Ruby13 Chapter 13 Jake14 Chapter 14 Rose15 Chapter 15 Jake16 Chapter 16 Rose17 Chapter 17 Jake18 Chapter 18 Jake19 Chapter 19 Rose20 Chapter 20 Knox21 Chapter 21 Jake22 Chapter 22 Ruby23 Chapter 23 Jake24 Chapter 24 Rose25 Chapter 25 Ruby26 Chapter 26 Jake27 Chapter 27 Jake28 Chapter 28 Rose29 Chapter 29 Rose30 Chapter 30 Jake31 Chapter 31 Rose32 Chapter 32 Gabriel33 Chapter 33 Esme34 Chapter 34 Gabriel35 Chapter 35 Rose36 Chapter 36 Esme37 Chapter 37 Jake38 Chapter 38 Jake39 Chapter 39 Ruby40 Chapter 40 Jake41 Chapter 41 Gabriel42 Chapter 42 Jake43 Chapter 43 Rose44 Chapter 44 Jake45 Chapter 45 Jake46 Chapter 46 Jake47 Chapter 47 Rose48 Chapter 48 Knox49 Chapter 49 Jake50 Chapter 50 Lilah51 Chapter 51 Jake52 Chapter 52 Rose53 Chapter 53 Jake54 Chapter 54 Jake55 Chapter 55 Ruby56 Chapter 56 Jake57 Chapter 57 Ruby58 Chapter 58 Jake59 Chapter 59 Knox60 Chapter 60 Ruby61 Chapter 61 Jake62 Chapter 62 Knox63 Chapter 63 Jake64 Chapter 64 Jacob65 Chapter 65 Ruby66 Chapter 66 Jake67 Chapter 67 Jake68 Chapter 68 Knox69 Chapter 69 Jake70 Chapter 70 Knox71 Chapter 71 Jake72 Chapter 72 Knox73 Chapter 73 Luis74 Chapter 74 Jake75 Chapter 75 Knox76 Chapter 76 Jake77 Chapter 77 Knox78 Chapter 78 Jake79 Chapter 79 Knox80 Chapter 80 Ruby81 Chapter 81 Jake82 Chapter 82 Gabriel83 Chapter 83 Knox84 Chapter 84 Jake85 Chapter 85 Luis86 Chapter 86 Knox87 Chapter 87 Jake88 Chapter 88 Knox89 Chapter 89 Jake90 Chapter 90 Jake91 Chapter 91 Jake92 Chapter 92 Jake93 Chapter 93 Ruby94 Chapter 94 Jake95 Chapter 95 Ruby96 Chapter 96 Knox97 Chapter 97 Ruby98 Chapter 98 Jake99 Chapter 99 Ruby100 Chapter 100 Jake