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The Billionaire's Ex-wife


Word Count: 1090    |    Released on: 30/11/2023


eady Aaron?" I as

ng in place but Mr. Lawley is

his name was called in fear. Rumors say he was a cold hearted and wicked

o do about the situation, I

I'm on

to get you but he

6 months, not a year. I still

fore the call went off. Father hasn'

phone when I saw a lady who was crossing the road absentmin

ly and immediately applied brakes which

killed?” She looked at me wearily, it took m

hat something must have happened to her I rushed

pital." He said it. With

uess it was from the beating she received.

om she was. The nurse left immediately, I watched her for some minutes. She was cute and breathed

ed by my mum first, she w

e done this." I said disp

lly worried but it was a good thing that I paid a n

st so she will be stuffed with drips

ly waiting for your arrival." My mother said as she gu

th the a big hug from Kira. She jumped on my body in

quite bigger than the twenty years o

tion as she hugged me tighter, I freed myself and slowly brought

ng and signing some documents when a call fr


…how is She

he patient have finally woken

ally awake. Since the last time I visited, I had always had thought of her since. She looked hopeless an

rmed the doctor, he was the first to welcome me before

tled what the different thoughts on

be treated with another injection in order to stop her from being violent. I took a deep

t blinking. I summoned up courage to move for

miring me?

d and I could say nothing but watch. She was pretty and looked better than when I had seen her,

The smile caught my attention and I

our name?

alfway and continued almost im

tian Stan. Do you kno


g about the scars and

knew she was hiding so

nyone neither will I do anything tha

ed out she was contemplating on whethe

So she was married, I thought an

began to narrate everything that happe

our husba

rd a lot about him but never have I thought he would be some

't want to go back there or he will kill me." S

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