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Word Count: 1120    |    Released on: 02/12/2023



, Megan approached he

The moment he returned, he had busied himself with his estate work. This would help him update on what has been going on while he was away and what he nee

e called out from inside the study

wooden door inward as she obse

pha. For years, Megan, who was the last born with four other siblings, would come to this study, sit down and watch her father work in silence. It was the only wa

She had already made up her mind and just n

set my eyes on him again? Will he be angry with

d to change her mind and just walk away when Oliver looked

ust spectate?” He scoff

im. She wasn't even looking like she was happy that he had come home. Oliver was

She had almost run back just now. What was she thin

You are old.” She scoffed back, having

d the door. The moment the door clicked, she started

scomfort and dropped

g well?” He asked as he pushed his

t winded. I ran all the way here when I

Alpha's house, but she didn't run at all. She took her time to walk down while planning her opening speec

t in front of him, and his face carried a deadpan look. “Since I am too old and don't lo

-tale gasp from escaping, but it was too late. The gasps filled


and gave her father a deep stare. “What is it? W

er eyes. He was sure he would see her

where?” Oliver start

. She reached out and used her finger

ongest wolf I have ever seen.” She said in a

e of the three realms on the continent called Eplica. The other realms are the human realm where the

vampires on Red Moon eradicated 10,000 years ago. The supernatural creatures ruled the continent, turning the human r

e was

ir realm and the supernatura

Vampires require blood, any type of blood, to remain strong. It just happens that human blood is the

was created where all creatures could meet, live together, trade, do whatever they like except mass killing of another race. An

Oliver's family and others like him have been tasked with this responsibility. One of his sons must learn from

r would return home to spend some time with his f

l wolf packs go huntin

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1 Chapter 1 Odd one out. 2 Chapter 2 MEGAN. 3 Chapter 3 FINDING A MATE. 4 Chapter 4 FINDING A MATE (II)5 Chapter 5 WHAT SHALL I DO NOW 6 Chapter 6 OLIVER7 Chapter 7 WAIT TILL AFTER WINTER.8 Chapter 8 RYAN9 Chapter 9 A WEDDING. 10 Chapter 10 A WEDDING (II)11 Chapter 11 A WEDDING (III)12 Chapter 12 THE WEDDING (IV)13 Chapter 13 THE CAVE14 Chapter 14 THE CAVE (II)15 Chapter 15 Kill Megan Williams! 16 Chapter 16 Kill Megan Williams (II)17 Chapter 17 Searching For Megan. 18 Chapter 18 Searching for Megan (II)19 Chapter 19 THE SEARCH. 20 Chapter 20 TALA21 Chapter 21 Found. 22 Chapter 22 Found II23 Chapter 23 Elvira24 Chapter 24 Your daughter is pure evil! 25 Chapter 25 Grandfather Alaric26 Chapter 26 Grandfather27 Chapter 27 The Supreme Alphas28 Chapter 28 The Supreme Alphas29 Chapter 29 The forest is dangerous! 30 Chapter 30 The forest is dangerous(II)31 Chapter 31 Getting Married32 Chapter 32 Getting Married. (II)33 Chapter 33 Jake's dilemma34 Chapter 34 Jake's dilemma(II)35 Chapter 35 I found a letter!36 Chapter 36 I found a letter! (II)37 Chapter 37 The conspiracy 38 Chapter 38 The Conspiracy. (II)39 Chapter 39 The Cave40 Chapter 40 The Cave (II)41 Chapter 41 You Promised!42 Chapter 42 You promised! (II)43 Chapter 43 Bonding. 44 Chapter 44 Bonding. (II)45 Chapter 45 Megan has found a new mate!46 Chapter 46 Megan has found a new mate! (II)47 Chapter 47 Kurt Lowell48 Chapter 48 Kurt Lowell. (II)49 Chapter 49 Am I being punished 50 Chapter 50 Am I being punished 51 Chapter 51 Prince Rouge52 Chapter 52 Prince Rouge. 53 Chapter 53 The Order of the Supreme Lord and the Blessing of The Moon Mother! 54 Chapter 54 The Order of the Supreme Lord and the Blessing of The Moon Mother! 55 Chapter 55 Battle for the Alpha seat.56 Chapter 56 Battle for the Alpha seat. (II)57 Chapter 57 Sold 58 Chapter 58 Sold (II)59 Chapter 59 Battle!60 Chapter 60 Battle! (II)61 Chapter 61 I will give you a quick death!62 Chapter 62 I will give a quick death! (II)63 Chapter 63 Bernard's schemes. (I)64 Chapter 64 Bernard Schemes. (II)65 Chapter 65 Kurt's Arrival66 Chapter 66 Kurt Arrival (II)67 Chapter 67 Bernard's fate.68 Chapter 68 Bernard's Fate. (II)69 Chapter 69 Bernard's fate (III)70 Chapter 70 Bernard's Fate (IV)71 Chapter 71 Fare well, elder!72 Chapter 72 Farewell, elder! 73 Chapter 73 Arriving at the Free zone (Baril)74 Chapter 74 Arriving at the Free zone (Baril) (II)75 Chapter 75 Meeting KuLaa76 Chapter 76 Meeting KuLaa. (II)77 Chapter 77 Leaving Baril78 Chapter 78 Leaving Baril. (II)79 Chapter 79 A Turakie80 Chapter 80 A Turakie (II)81 Chapter 81 KuLaa's Crew82 Chapter 82 KuLaa's Crew (II)83 Chapter 83 Human Realm84 Chapter 84 Human Realm (II). 85 Chapter 85 Busted!86 Chapter 86 Busted. (II)87 Chapter 87 You are being watched!88 Chapter 88 You are being watched! 89 Chapter 89 The Tragedy of Lockwood!90 Chapter 90 The Tragedy of Lockwood!