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Rejected Hybrid

Chapter 5 Four

Word Count: 1511    |    Released on: 09/12/2023


it. It's gotten to the point where some people in the pack are saying that someone like me, who is a half-breed, shouldn't even be a part of this pack

ay; it's almost over. Remember, you're stronger than those

round, only to collide head-on with the notorious

ommy boo hoo.” Samantha laug

because writing has always been my passion. Anticipating the usual response from my

es it has witnessed, I am filled with a sense of anticipation that electrifies my very being. The weight of the notebook

and the possibilities are endless. It is within these pages that my thoughts and dreams find s

te a spark within me, setting ablaze the dormant embers of creativity that lie within. His prompts are like ke

espair. It is a place where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, where the mundane is transformed into something magical. With

to create a fantastical world filled with mythical creatures? Or perhaps a prompt that delves into the depths of human emotions, exploring the complexities of

above the paper, ready to etch the first strokes of a new adventure. With each word that spills onto the page, I feel a sense of liberation

. The outside world fades into the background as I become engrossed in the stories that unfold

uys to write about how you see yourself in your future pack. I will ask for this ass

d in the process, losing track of time. The words flow effortlessly from my mind to the paper as I delve into the d

t, the world around me fades away; I am consumed by the sheer joy of sel

everyone else to leave the classroom. I don't feel the need to rush to my next class beca

unable to comprehend what just happened. My anger boils over as I scream at the top of my lungs, “Let me the fuck out of here! It’s not fun

within me, and I resort to banging and kicking my locker, desperately hoping for someone, anyone, to hear my pleas. Just as despair settles in, a glimmer of hope

t led to you being trapped in that lock

e concern and affection my dear classmates and pack hav

rt at this moment," I reply with a slight tinge of ex

way." While heading to my locker and putting away the books. I don't need right now, and mak

rve the enchanting wildlife freely wandering amidst the trees. As I approach our house, a contented smile spreads across my face. I step inside and promptly hang my b

ag. While I wait for the blood bag to warm up, I call out to my dad, "Hey, dad, have you arrived home yet?" Unfortunately, there is no response from

ront door makes a creaking sound and my father enters the room.

y hunger with a blood bag in the kitchen," I say w

nge so that we can proceed with our training session before di

palpable as I anticipate the opportun

more resilient. The prospect of this one-on-one time with my father fills me with a sense of anticipation and eagerness. Kn

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 One3 Chapter 3 Two 4 Chapter 4 Three5 Chapter 5 Four6 Chapter 6 Five7 Chapter 7 Six8 Chapter 8 Seven9 Chapter 9 Eight10 Chapter 10 Nine11 Chapter 11 Ten12 Chapter 12 Eleven13 Chapter 13 Twelve14 Chapter 14 Thirteen 15 Chapter 15 Fourteen 16 Chapter 16 Fifteen 17 Chapter 17 Sixteen18 Chapter 18 Seventeen19 Chapter 19 Eighteen20 Chapter 20 Nineteen21 Chapter 21 Twenty22 Chapter 22 Twenty-One23 Chapter 23 Twenty-Two24 Chapter 24 Twenty-Three25 Chapter 25 Twenty-Four 26 Chapter 26 Twenty-Five 27 Chapter 27 Twenty-Six 28 Chapter 28 Twenty-Seven29 Chapter 29 Twenty-Eight30 Chapter 30 Twenty-Nine31 Chapter 31 Thirty32 Chapter 32 Thirty-One33 Chapter 33 Thirty-Two 34 Chapter 34 Thirty-Three35 Chapter 35 Thirty-Four36 Chapter 36 Thirty-Five37 Chapter 37 Thirty-Six 38 Chapter 38 Thirty-Seven39 Chapter 39 Thirty-Eight40 Chapter 40 Thirty-Nine 41 Chapter 41 Forty 42 Chapter 42 Forty-One43 Chapter 43 Forty-Two44 Chapter 44 Forty-Three45 Chapter 45 Forty-Four 46 Chapter 46 Forty-Five47 Chapter 47 Forty-Six48 Chapter 48 Forty-Seven49 Chapter 49 Forty-Eight50 Chapter 50 Forty-Nine51 Chapter 51 Fifty52 Chapter 52 Fifty-One53 Chapter 53 Fifty-Two54 Chapter 54 Fifty-Three55 Chapter 55 Fifty-Four 56 Chapter 56 Fifty-Five57 Chapter 57 Fifty-Six58 Chapter 58 Fifty-Seven59 Chapter 59 Fifty-Eight60 Chapter 60 Fifty-Nine61 Chapter 61 Sixty62 Chapter 62 Sixty-One63 Chapter 63 Sixty-Two64 Chapter 64 Sixty-Three65 Chapter 65 Sixty-Four66 Chapter 66 Sixty-Five67 Chapter 67 Sixty-Six68 Chapter 68 Sixty-Seven69 Chapter 69 Epilogue