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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire?

Chapter 5 Heartache: Painful Memories

Word Count: 1362    |    Released on: 09/12/2023

cutives talking behind the female pr

ne family! What the hell were they thinking?” Jason, the President’s secret

ughter, that’s all in the past now. I don’t care

ched out, and pinched Jason’s

you act a bit more like a leader? Don’t trea

male secretaries, but I can’t touch my male secretary’s f

ad, his eyes filled with


hotel. The vice president, Keith Porter, led them towards the elevator,

cting the moment she stepped i

remained calm, just letting his sister do her thing. It wasn’t lunchtime yet, so there wer

seafood section. She rolled up her sleeves, reached into the gl


isn’t dead…” K

how about you try it?

an see, there are many shrimps

f a customer ate it and got food poison

arely alive. I don’t know how the customers would feel when they find such things in their $30 meal, but my opinion is, I’ll never come to this hotel

amazing memory; she could remember a lot of information at a glance. When she was young, she even helped

ook a white handkerchief from Jason and gen

subpar, there’s

es were utte

m being overly picky abo

could lead to the downfall of a century-old hotel. If these problems w

nderstood and ordered, “Open

, just for show. But President Ashbourne completely ignored the standard procedures! Evadne entered the room, first inspecting the bathroom, then the bedroom, sitti


the inspection?” Cass

s a compl

st and sighing. “Is Emeric testing me or mocking me? This hotel

w we got the K Group today. This hotel is not a disaster, but a place carrying the sentiments of three generations of the Ashbourne group. But because w

lame and helplessness, “Yo

he all-black piano in the co

the piano when you were feeling down, or you’d go

ths, horse riding is not realistic, so when you’re tired, p

aven’t played the p

hat had taken so long to heal quietly opened again.

ed?” Cassius

the battlefield. I ruptured the ligament in my little finger; it didn’t break, but it’

when recounting the story. Cassius’ hear

… for T

, an

but she managed to put on a radiant smile. “I got inju

ht for peace, and she almost lost the function of her hand trying to get him, a severely wounded soldier, back to safety. Back then, she saw it as an honor. Now, eve

riedly knocked on th

bedding and some furniture are supplied by Vintage


finance department to get me the hotel’s account for the past two years. T

ve? Cassius ra

was founded by T

rudge.” Cassius and Ja

so I’m going to punish them,” Evadne emphasized. Just the thought of that lousy mattress made her angry. U


eye on the Abernathy family’s situation. I just got word, Mr. Hamilton

adne immediately stood up,

e rang. He glanced down at th

t’s your e

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