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The Alpha Revenge: A pawn in his game

Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 1084    |    Released on: 10/12/2023


nything he'd hated was human, not after what they'd do to him and his people, he'd loathed them with everything in him and had passed a law th

hem and they had been subjected to mercy-killing. There had been mourning all ove

m, he knew the Human was being chased down by a Leopard and no s

on his own path, he couldn't as much a

the next he was running with everything in him to

cing on the human, he growled loudly making his presence

growled, anger emi

at how the Alpha king had insisted for him t

o let her go" he repeated, ha

r, the law

he growled angrily at the rogue, wondering why he'd make such sa

ing had declared swear to himself that he wouldn't let the human go

he'd made his mind that he'd rather die than not eat up that human, he charged at the alpha

s came clashing after

g and he found himself

ad growled before brea

he'd had just done, he'd had just killed his kind just for

bones in the Anarchy cave, it no longer gave him satisfaction compared to what the human had done to him.

Ambersy could stand his beastly self, he'd had made countless of f

be using his beasty self on his people again, he'd had found a replacement, a replacement that'd give him satisf

stalked away in fright. Fear, fright was not only what pleases him, he li

ething else he'd wanted from her, he continued in his slow stride until he heard the piercing shrill scream he'd wanted, the scream that ignit

eciding to stop tormenting her, he raised his head u

me and he saw how she had passed out

ewolves does exist. So, it wasn't difficult for him to categorize her in that classificat

ir loins still remains the same and he wouldn't sto

his arm as though she weighs nothing and

a minute, he'd arr

s in Ambersy out from their caves as they wondered h

ough he was scared of letting her go, then they'd halted back and had returned back each to their houses confused on how their Alpha king had carried a human, for all they knew was that their Alp

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