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The Moon out of Reach


Word Count: 4427    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

to the Trevithick Kennels-one of those veiled mornings which

he waiting car, Roger

hicker," he commanded. "It'll b

o be hot later on

e're driving-and it will be cool again


Trenby, standing by to help her in, closed his hand firmly rou

unless you do as

ment. Then she turned away as

ll," she rep

d her rapidly. He did not in th

tch a cold if you like!

and looke

nk I should

to one y

I'm bid and get

y a wifely one! Moreover, almost any man experiences a pleasant feeling of complacency when he thinks he has dominated a woman, even over so small a matter as to whether she shall wear an extra coat or n

an, reappearing and step

ve which ran to the left of Mallow Court gardens towards the village. They flashed through St. Wennys and turned inland along the great whi

of open country where, with the sea and the tall cliffs behind them, vista after

plied Trenby. "And the roads are good for m

d you supp

doesn't expect a Londoner to kn


t all my life in a Seven Dia

of course

metimes get out of town, you know-and some of us can ride and play g

ce lighten

till the hunting season starts? I've a lov

and made a hasty

and even if I took up riding once more I should never h

her with ingen

xclaimed. "Wh

a little. "You say it's 'sport'

answered Trenb

But as far as the fox is co

speaking for a short t

e sporting instinct-the cultivated sporting instinct-which has mad

g smile curving her lips-"couldn't you do it-I mean cult

. It's the desire to find your quarry, to go through anything rat

dn't mind so much if he had fair play. But even if he succeeds in getting away from yo

ain for a moment. Th

u do if your h

st as I should put up with his

, letting her race over the level surface of the road,

Georgian fashion and surrounded by trees, came into view. Roger slowed

f an impishly amused feeling that just so might Noah,

Roger. "But I want you to come one day

of fear shot throu

she were being gr

y thinking how she would loathe to live in a solid, square mansion of tha

ooked p

d place," he said. "

should suggest that, instead of lunching, as arranged, from the picnic bas

e Master of the Trevithick was not in the habit of bringing ladies to see the kennels, and the whip and his wife had discussed the matter very fully over the

?" asked Trenby in quic

there-'e's still a bit stiff on

paved enclosure reserved for youngsters from the iron-fenced yards inhabited by the older hounds of the pack; while at the back of each enclosure lay t

clean it all is

led with obv

y won't be 'ealthy and fit to do their day's work. An' a

t of all!" laughed Roger. "A man would have gone s

Nan, approaching the bars

into a low growl, or the sharp snap of powerful jaws and a whine of rage as a couple or more hounds scuffled together over some private disagreement. At Nan's appearance, drawn by curiosity, some o

hey're such dear t

d Roger. "They don't

ed mutinously. "Do just ope

y hes

yes were rather difficult to resist when th

n, Victor! Get down, Marquis!" when one or other of the great beasts playfully leapt up against Nan's side, pawing at her in fri

from rough, pink tongues in return, and insensibly she had moved step by step

Trenby hastily. "D

d. Whichever it may have been, with a low cry of, "Oh, you beauty!" she stepped quickly towards Vengeance, one of the best hounds in the pack, a fierce-loo

ed out her hand to stroke him the sulky head lifted with a thunderous gro

r garments, the sudden pressure of hot bodies round her, and of a blurred sound

ed feet which had struck her. Open jaws, red like blood, and gleaming ivory fangs fenced her round. Instantaneously there flashed through h

hs-the tearing of soft, warm flesh from her living limbs and af

ught at her ankle and she pitched head foremost into the stream of hot-breathed mouths and struggling bodies. She felt a huge weight fling itself upon her-Vengeance, springing again at his prey-and even as she wa

In the midst of the shouting and commotion Nan felt herself lifted up by Roger as easily as though she were a baby, and at the same moment the whirling lash of one of the men's hunting-crops cut her across

e-hair sofa, and the first object upon which her eyes rested was a nightmare arra

in slippery American cloth and hard as a board to her aching limbs, the waxen atrocity beneath its glass sha

n a weak voice that was h

he's coming round!" and bustled, out

felt his big hands close round her two slen

nd Roger kneeling beside

happened? . . . Oh, I remember! I was in the

y torn the skin a bit-and now I'm going to bind it up for you. Mrs. Denman's just gone

ition and immediately caught sight of a bowl on the grou

been bleeding like that?" sh

gain, with some long strips of linen to serve as a bandage. "Bless you, no! That's j

ger. "Give me that linen stuff now,

precious, but delicate as was his handling she could not help wincing once as the bandage accidentally brushed a rather bad

to crush the slim, bruised foot against his lips. The very touch of its satiny

letting her foot rest once more o

t water, she went on, with that inborn instinct of hers to charm and give pleasure: "What a nice,

of water to clear away, and it's God mercy

l her husband that if Miss Davenant was going to be mistress of the Hall, why, then, 'twould be a lucky day for everyone c

hand up to

in a troubled voice. "Did one o

rowning as his eyes res

h disclosed by the Y-sh

eaded fools cut you wi

hoot him-and

ing streak, and repeated the process until some of the swelling went down. At last he desist

tle touched, Na

me," she said. "After all, I'

ve been killed. For a moment I thought you

mattered, very much if I had be

to me." His voice roug

ich had been gradually rising throughout the foregoing weeks of close companionship had sud

er, and the piercing eyes beneath the oddly sunburnt brows held a new light in them.

d. The words seemed wrung

low-breathed question Nan was aware of a swiftly gathering fear. She would hav

"Do you know what it would have meant

ook he

meant the end

e why!" she res

u and I want you for my wife. I didn't intend to speak so soon-you know so little of me. But this last

ant his arms were round her, pressing her back,

neel here beside you. Tell me,

o had found one man's love vain and betwixt whom and

e a swift fea

, is it-no good?" Then, as she still made no an

ld a blank, dazed look like those o

ht him b

ed quickly. "Don't look

face silenced the remainder of the words upon her lip

er all! Nan, there's n

e said v

he had neither the heart nor the courage to wipe that look of utter happiness

his and, stooping, kissed

d, "my dear!" The

ardly believe that you

love he was offering her? Merely a little liking of a lonely heart that wanted to warm itself at someone's hearth, and beyond that a terrified longing t

you. No, listen!"-as he made a sudden movement-"I must tell you.

g of a new fear in his eyes. When he

don't want to hear. Y

ught-" she b

hed her scr

ing about the other men who were. I'm the man who is. And I'm going to drive you

of the moment, she had bartered her freedom away! She felt as though she were caught in the meshes of so

unwonted humility. "I'd rather y

enby o

s anything gained by wai

reiterated the voi

e begged. "I want to thin

swered jealously. "You've given me your pro

know everything,

he said grimly, "and you'll soon

time to weigh the pros and cons of the matter, time to decide. The past was pulling at he

little while ago, and you wouldn't listen. You-you must give me a few days-y

hrough a good deal in the last hour or two and Trenby realised it. Suddenly that grim determination of

sking everything of you, and that you're frightened and upset to-d

e over the disparity in their respective ages. She did not want him to be

onday-that's four days-

ll tell

his lips. "And remember," he added desperately

ck, and when he came to her side again, ever

'll put 'an 'assock' in the car for your damaged leg to rest on, so with rug

e and poured out so

holding it towards he

n the glass and tendered it

she said. "I

though, won't yo

head. "I can't bea

u." He stood in front

foolish. You need som

k it

renby drove her home she had time to reflect upon the fact that if she married him there would be many a contest o

. Somehow she did not think she would e

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