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Dangerous Romance


Word Count: 5179    |    Released on: 18/12/2023

brat” she said as she rummaged her hair trying to understand and process what had happened just at that time, she picked up her phone to call Stacy “Hey, I have an urgent request” Sharai said immedia

ll do my best okay, I see the work trip’s a little too urgent,” Stacy said assuringly, “Thanks a lot really, you're really an amazing friend” Sharai said “Yeah, there's no problem, but wher

she said just thinking how different the man she met hours ago became more polite and engaging in a matter of hours, she offered him a seat “I’m not ready yet but I'll be done soon” Sharai said while he sat poised one leg crossed over the other. Once she was ready, she noticed that he only stared at his phone while he waited, the corner of his eyes mov

iden opens the back car door signaling her to get into the car, she walks into the car while he carries her luggage into the back of the car and gets into the other side of the car, tell

he reason why this man wanted to work with her, her thoughts were interrupted when a hostess asked “Would you like to have anything ma’am?” Sharia adjusting herself “Just water would be fine thank you” she said politely with a smile, “It's a twelve hour flight ma’am, are you sure that's the onl

to her as during the whole journey after her little meal, she took some time to r

to her eyes, remembering the beautiful eyes he saw that same day at the club, he helped her get down and had her luggage out, they walked out of the plane hanger and into the airport, where Sharai had see

aid letting out a smirk “I'm here as your date?” she said feeling angry “Oh no, don't get it wrong, you just have to play calm and be my plus one, then you'll begin your main work and get the flash drive and all information you want on your man” he said as he the car came to a stop at the front of a grand mansion, opening the car door for her putting out his hand for her, she turns him down and walks out of the car on her own, taking a good look at the house, she surveyed the beautiful building with her eyes, expressionless, she walked slowly from the balcony where the

f the books on the shelf, “What do you think you're doing?” Aiden asked in a bit of fright “Just checking out a book” she answered he came closer, pulling the book from her hand and puts it back on the shelf, standing too close to her so he can put it exactly at where it's supposed to be, his body so close to her face, she looked up at him and steal glances at him, his eyes locked on her, the book loses it’s balance and drops on her head “Oww” Sharai screamed “You did that on purpose, didn't you?” Sharai said pouting, walking away, he picked up the book, what had made him lose his grip on the book? He put the book up, she was just outside the study room “I thought you

p the phone “Hey sis, it's late in the evening, slow down, we're fine just trying to finish a class project” Tobiah said putting her at ease “We’re no longer kids sis” Meir said over the phone in a chuckle “I know, that's why I left you two without baby sitting” she said laughing a little, “Just focus on your work there sis, we’ll be fine” her brother said assuringly “Okay my little ba

e was taught to greet elders “Thank you for welcoming me into your home” Sharai said with a smile as she was offered a seat close to Aiden with the food set on the table, immediately the grandfather started to eat, so did the other men, she stared at them not touching her food yet “Isn’t the food to your liking?” the grandfather asked “No, it's not that Sir, I just pray before I have my meals, that's it” Sharai said looking so meekly “Ohh, there's no problem, please go on” the grandfather said smiling in approval, she sa

y, she picked up the call almost immediately to hear her friend’s voice scream through her phone and into her ears “Why haven't you called?” she yelled “I was worried, the twins told me you were safe but I wanted to confirm you weren't putting a front, I would have called earlier but investigations are going on” Stacy continued “No need to worry, I'm really fine, once I’m back, I'll tell you all that your ears are itching to hea

ested your presence downstairs” the man outside the door said without knocking, she grunts, walking towards her wardrobe “Just because we signed a contract, doesn't mean he has to treat me like his servant, if it weren't for what I'd gain from this, I wouldn't even be here” she said picking out a dress to wear, she came out putting on some dark khakis and a red top, with her hair put up in a ponytail, she walked downstairs, seeing Aiden in a more sophisticated outfit, wearing a black shirt, hav

e in mind but I get to choose my dress” Sharai said staring out the window, “Well, you're my plus one, so I'll have a say in what you choose” Aiden said looking for her reactio

omer and was quite known “Morning, please I’d like a dress for the young miss here” Aiden said signaling to Sharai “Good morning” Sharai said so meekly “Please right this way” the woman said s

slike all of them, finally he picked up a long black dress that had a long slit, with such beautiful corset setup at the top of the dress, “Here, try this” He said handing her the dress, “I don’t think I can wear this” Sharai said feeling shy and protective of her body “it’s just a dress Sharai, try it” Aiden said to persuade her. She took the dress from him and got into the dresser for a fitting, she came out, asking if they had a bigger size

er, he bought them anyways with the intent to make his plus one the star of the show and not his cousin. Before they got home, the decorations were set, beautiful lighting, the

h a little smile, Sharai looked at the tall man with disheveled hair and nicely chiseled jawline, remembering that he was the man she saw at the dining yesterday “My cousin may have forgotten to give us time to the proper introductions, hello, my name’s Xavier, Xavier Kaelar” extending his hand for a soft hand shake “Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you” she said giving him a light handshake “You’re quite the gem looking this gorgeous” Xavier said in a flattery tone, “That's enough introduction” Aiden said looking sternly at him, pulling her to go to her room “What does this mean?” she

z down in her black sleeveless slit dress, walking majestically, it was though the hands of time had stopped as all attention were turned towards her and her long dress, her hair put down nicely in curls covering parts of her shoulders while her back was bare, her silver necklace hung beautifully on her neck complimenting her shoes, her eyes watched her steps while she slowly walked in her heels, Aiden became fully enchanted in her bea

you both going to join the party, since you're now the center of attraction” Xavier said as he walked in on them conversing, “We’re fine out here Xavier, go on, it's your party, attend to your guests” Aiden said in futile attempt to get him away from where they were “Oh don’t mind me then, you can stay here, Sharai’s also my guest and you can't keep her out here outside the party” Xavier said now staring at Sharai, “I’m okay out here, it's good to get some fresh

eeling sorry “I’m fine, thank you” she answered, he noticed that her wrist now had a sign that it was forcefully held, “No, you’re not, look at your wrist” he said now getting angry “It’s fine, really, don’t go out there to cause a scene, I’m sure you’d do that, don’t ruin the day for your grandfather” she said assuring him, he felt calmer, soon after they heard Mr Kaelar, his grandfather making a toast to his grandson Xavier for his arrival and new placement in Vegas, “He’s going to be in Nevada with you?” She asked baffled “Not necessarily staying with me but yeah, in Nevada” he said trying to be calm, “I’ll get something for your wrist, I’ll be back” He said leaving “No I

ly covered “How do you feel this morning?” Aiden asked noticing she dressed in a way that made it feel like it was winter “Yeah, I’m fine, I think I'm just home sick” she said trying to hide her wrist and prevent suspicion “How’s your wrist?” Aiden asked staring at her to see the expression on her face “I'm fine, it's okay” she said trying to sound firm, “It doesn't sound like it” he said holding her hand in his, pulling the sweat shirt up “It's still here, he's going to apologize to you” he said now walking with her downstairs, holding her so carefully “Xavier” he called out his name “There’s no need Aiden, it's too early for this, please” Sharai said trying to stop him “Xavier” he yelled his name once more, Xavier came down after the second time “What is it?” he said in a firm tone “Do you see her wrist?, Were you drunk yesterday?” showing him Sharai and her wrist even after her resistance “I was never drunk,

r hospitality as you accepted me into your home with open arms, I'm really grateful as it is but I’ll be leaving soon back to Nevada tonight” she said with her hands clasped in front of her “Leaving so soon? Was there a problem?” Mr Kaelar asked “No, no I'm just missing home and my little siblings are all alone there” she replied “Oh, okay, next time you come, you can bring them with you” He said laughing a little, she joined him in hi

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