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Chapter 3 Rogue

Word Count: 1362    |    Released on: 14/12/2023

e room, the orchestra was playing an excruciating slow song on the stage that park members were dancing to in the center of the room

e unmated ladies who wanted to dance. He was not a

end well. The reminder was staring at him in the face from a

s delicious. He was about to go for another one w

med to get everyone's attention. The mu

you may already know the reason," Alpha Peter chuckled. Some pack members were staring at him in anticipation. Theodore rolled

te the Alpha and Luna. Theodore was happy for his friend. He knew how m

woman with a head filled with white hair. Her granddaughter, Rhea, the next seer was assisti

t her, confused.

left. Theodore glanced at Rhea for explanation but

y. Seers were a mix of werewolves and witches. When a werewolf is mated to a wit

hey did not have a wolf. They could also see the future and heal basic injuries

nly daughter, who was supposed to be the next seer of the pack, died from a strange illn

is mother in a sparkling dress, his father was right behind

rry about." He

e? You looke

can take care of himself." Theodore's father, Will

rning back to her son. "Why didn't you tell

Alpha wanted it

Just look at how Sophia is beaming with pride." She said pointing at the f

to meet his mate soon. It would just make his life more complicated rig

to see a hazard-looking Helen standing by the door. Helen was a pack member who loved children. She

pside down. Everyone started running haywire. All the pups were at home, so p

now.' Peter boomed through the mind-link. Ever

pped when two people walked out of the forest, a boy and a girl. The boy was a rogue,

m, "What are you doi

irl said. Everybody growled at her. How did the rogues enter into their territory

ks of it, she was trying to control her wolf. Alpha Peter held her back. They would h

ou manage to cross our borders

. It could kill an average wolf in hours. "It was only a small dose. If you reach them in time, you can s

hat is

ng with them?' Theodore's

choice, Theo.

ion. He didn't like the situa

from Red Crescent

Peter yelled. The Red Crescent Park wasn't to be messed with. I

u won't see your so

eren't smart, they were flat-out stupid. Don

but they stopped when they smelt another person coming from the forest. The shadow clapped his hands slow

here today. I will be taking these two from

lory. He was a tall man, with average muscles, and an incredibly handsome face

demands or not?!" The

g. "Is that any way to talk to an Alpha? Let'

but this girl cannot go

hy is

has m

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