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Surrendering To The Alpha King, My Tormentor

Chapter 2 Glasshouses in Heaven

Word Count: 2119    |    Released on: 16/12/2023

ole body as a pair of strong arms lifted me. I was a wolf. An Alpha's daughter, but still I d

t in the backseat of a car. I could sm

onic smile on the stranger's face. It was gone the next minute, but I wondered if I was seeing things. Maybe the pain

if it was from the whipping, then I gasped. Slowly, it hit me. A car had run me over. The last thing I rem

te tones and burgundy coverings made it up. I glanced around, taking in the

oft before, or this large. The bed itself was huge, and it seemed to spread out to l

, I laid back down in fear as the doors of the bedroom pushed open. A man came in

dator's as he walked the length of the bed. Reaching its e

The light from the little lamp on the small bedside table caught the man's face and

ch me. His hand felt cool against my skin as he ski

Better?" He asked, im

b of pain around my body, but nothing serious. If I said I was

ng up?" He asked again, hold

." I c

rank. Feeling even better after downing the glass. I decided

re a

hood of my car and your fall caused the bleeding from your head. I had to bring you he

tor say?" I asked.

your body. It seems you've been through some things worse than the

makeshift hospital gown. It was just a man's chequered

on instinct, shielding my

bably not the trifecta of emotions I should have felt, but th

Are you up for eating in the dining ro

ho he was. I nodded and tried getting up on my own. Immediately, I felt dizzy. My hand flew to my bandaged head as I win

so close to me, so close. I was on the verge of dying, yet his hard

res of most rooms making up the ground floor were all open. One room blended into the ot

ng me sit. I watched as he turned around and went to dish out dinner. As he returne

ight with interest, to his chiselled jaw and that sensuous, always smirking mouth. His black hair was cropped close to his head, but

nd have such good food. I felt like I was in heaven. He finished before me, wiping his mouth with a napkin and turning to look at me. I met his eyes once, but I averted

ace at the thought, feel

nterest in my sorry self? The girl who was aban

name?" He as


lled my name off his lips as if tasting it in

girl," he said, slipping on a v

I might actually choke on my food. My hear

is shirt strained over his thick biceps. I swallowed hard, but I didn't have to wonder why I w

..I m

ou enj

eyebrows i

e f

Oh, yes, I did. It was

ntact as I ate on a dining table. He

d ran a hand down my left arm. I was shocked by how much I liked his skin touching mine. I was ev

g my mind. "Pleased to meet y

. He pulled my face back with the finger underneath my

n't help noticing that when I changed

at made sense. I couldn't see anyone else here with us. I

ou around if you'r

at I was in a glasshouse. The rooms were all large open spaces that translated into designs wi

it sat. I couldn't quite see everything because it was already dark outside. The ground floor had a bar, home cinema and a summer

de me feel awed. People actuall

t the dense bushes. I could feel the heat from his body and I knew if I leaned ba

e softly, causing a sh

against his chin. I'd realised he was a lot taller than I'd first thought. I was p

sh. Anything. I'd feel better i

completely wide-eyed a


wanting to cry in front of Nathan. Yet I couldn'

say. "That's where I got these marks from.

bserved me with close attention and something so close to care. I ha

s lips to my ears, "Anything you wish for, Faye. I'll d

atic even though I worried it

e down a hallway to a part of the ground floor I hadn't yet seen. We stopped

erstanding that his study was off limits. Speaking of his study, it was huge. Books were lined neatly on the wall-to

of it. It was a portrait of a black rose. The same

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1 Chapter 1 Black Rose2 Chapter 2 Glasshouses in Heaven3 Chapter 3 Trapping The Devil4 Chapter 4 Prisoner of Love5 Chapter 5 Missing Person6 Chapter 6 Trouble Wears Prada7 Chapter 7 Finders Keepers8 Chapter 8 Beautiful Bastard 9 Chapter 9 Witches War10 Chapter 10 The Black Saint11 Chapter 11 Betrayed By The Alpha12 Chapter 12 Back in Hell13 Chapter 13 Something's Not Right14 Chapter 14 It's Only Temporary 15 Chapter 15 The Devil's Lair16 Chapter 16 Phantasm17 Chapter 17 The Alpha's Prisoner 18 Chapter 18 A Warm Welcome 19 Chapter 19 Wanting Answers20 Chapter 20 A Fight To The Death21 Chapter 21 Ready or Not22 Chapter 22 A Walk Down The Gallows23 Chapter 23 Hair Day24 Chapter 24 Someone in His Bed 25 Chapter 25 Throes of Love26 Chapter 26 Rejected Luna27 Chapter 27 Missing Link 28 Chapter 28 Gone Wolf 29 Chapter 29 Saved By The Alpha30 Chapter 30 Just This Once 31 Chapter 31 Dead As A Corpse 32 Chapter 32 What Lies Beneath 33 Chapter 33 Witches and Warehouses34 Chapter 34 Witches and Warehouses II35 Chapter 35 Daddy Issues36 Chapter 36 In Bed With The Black Saint37 Chapter 37 A Visit From The Past 38 Chapter 38 Family Ties39 Chapter 39 Midnight Prowls40 Chapter 40 Memory Found41 Chapter 41 Sharing is Caring42 Chapter 42 Cabin Fever43 Chapter 43 A Trip Down Memory Lane44 Chapter 44 Face of A Ghost45 Chapter 45 Daughters of The Damned46 Chapter 46 Daughters of The Damned II47 Chapter 47 Smoke and Mirrors48 Chapter 48 Breath of Freedom49 Chapter 49 Throwing The Bait50 Chapter 50 Witches Vs Wolves 51 Chapter 51 Reality Check52 Chapter 52 Ransomed 53 Chapter 53 Hanging Out With Briggs 54 Chapter 54 Beyond The Moonstone 55 Chapter 55 The Turning Point56 Chapter 56 Spellbound 57 Chapter 57 Kill or Be Killed58 Chapter 58 Kill or Be Killed II59 Chapter 59 Scrapped Knees60 Chapter 60 An Alpha's Wrath61 Chapter 61 In The Vile Darkness 62 Chapter 62 The Nightmare Begins63 Chapter 63 Forbidden Baby64 Chapter 64 Family Ties 65 Chapter 65 Shocking News 66 Chapter 66 Dance Back From Death67 Chapter 67 An Alpha's Mistrust68 Chapter 68 Beyond The Unknown 69 Chapter 69 Lies of Omission70 Chapter 70 A Mother's Love71 Chapter 71 Damages72 Chapter 72 An Alpha's Denial73 Chapter 73 A brigg's sized problem 74 Chapter 74 Growing pain75 Chapter 75 A Luna's Loss76 Chapter 76 A Man in The Mirror 77 Chapter 77 Ghosted 78 Chapter 78 The Search 79 Chapter 79 Betrayal in The Ranks 80 Chapter 80 Feeling The Guilded Cage 81 Chapter 81 Hidden Luna82 Chapter 82 Find Her!83 Chapter 83 Destiny knocks84 Chapter 84 A Fairytale princess 85 Chapter 85 Brand New Start86 Chapter 86 Woe or Not87 Chapter 87 Pack Hierarchy 88 Chapter 88 Lost in The City89 Chapter 89 Hazel Eyes90 Chapter 90 Deja Vu91 Chapter 91 Rebirth 92 Chapter 92 Just A Normal School Girl 93 Chapter 93 A different place 94 Chapter 94 Black Saint's Torment 95 Chapter 95 Guilt Trip 96 Chapter 96 Different still97 Chapter 97 A Luna's Journey 98 Chapter 98 Unspoken Truths and Tequilas 99 Chapter 99 Grad Blues100 Chapter 100 On Special Occasions