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Blind loyalties

Blind loyalties



Word Count: 2029 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 18/12/2023


ky, I sigh continuously as my mind races. I am still

the bodies, it gave me chills. The fact that whoever this is

ing here in Brooklyn, but we seem to be chasing shadows

with the same expression as me, wa

a pretty

d his pistol in the other. I understand his frustration, having something- or in our case someone, slip th

manent worry lines on his forehead, his hollow cheeks

I eventually lay my hands

voice, can feel it in the w

ngible and had to be eliminated by them. So while the rest of us are passionately t

called him a common name though, Shadow. And that was all we knew about him. The rest of it were facts, he was vicious, fast and powerful. Whoever he was, he

n container and causing it to fall over. I take

rked with him for long enough to know. After his daughter died, th

d on his behalf, the worst thing we could do to him at this time i

roughly, "Pull yourself together ma

away?" he sinks into my arms,

y don't do well with ex

You are doing everything you can- we all are. And we a

ng to pull hi

ve a cold shower. Get some sleep and show up to work tomorrow. I

ope and he finally straightens up

watching him as he walks

niform, her hips were popped to the side as

really know how to handle people

hat much emotions on a da

e. It had a way of putting my head back in order, and man

ght it would sui

," I

, causing my eyes to open due

ing an eyebrow, something she


listen. I love this about her, she is always ready to listen,

dly we are not one of those childhood fr

sit with her. I don't bother trying to get out of it, I know s

and sigh, I've been d

ss, the team is losing hope and I don't know what to do. Today- today was terrible. They were eight of them, an ent

o much. And I can't even break down or be in a

ing you're missing?" F

ation from different angles, going on stakeouts- I don't think there's something I could possibly b

ly, sensing that my stress

he case file

little so she could sense

d, throwing her

t do that. It's

we are still in your place of wo

e of a civilian, or taking documents out of work place. But

that Fiona

and grab my jac

at you and your team missed," she asks

? We've been working on this

same page, and by extension, you all see from the same lens. It's like you all are i


t suspect her, considering how desper

ns and she has hit me

t this stays between us. No one can

rack the cas

, if you tell anyone I

lapping me playfully on the arm,

t back on the hanger, grabbing

he table, Fiona keeps her focus on the

ave been with the FBI for too long to trust that she is

found anyth

rom the sky and I am s

ave noticed a pattern," she says,

ls. I walk over to her and stand behind

supposed to take you to him. You plan stake outs, trying

" I

g games with you people. Setting traps and watching you

brows as I let wha

y single time, unless it was pre- planned, unless he knew

e's always on

e almost encounters and times wh

o you sugg

ame, set a trap for hi

supposed t

But there has to be something t

ecting and trying to come up with someth

nd no

girl," I say. "I

find a slip up. Not from him obviously, cause he is obviously

ver thought about this at all, he re

She asks wit

r forehead and rub h

d. Thank yo

them back in their files, Fiona hel

ffice and I grab my jacke

g me stop again in my tr

seen a face before, how

to think about, but there is no way a woman w

na, aren't something a wo

think?" she furrows her brows a

rug ring, very effici

eep that in m

ll to Givoni and make sure we

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