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Afire Love

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1258    |    Released on: 18/12/2023


ed in pain and I struggled to breathe, and the next, I found

unger man who I presumed was a doctor. This companion shared the same hairstyle and squared jaw as Mr

affluence, carrying a blend of bitter neroli oil and expensive shaving soap, intermingled with notes of sweet tobacco and raw masculin

een my unsteady legs. Everything had transpired so swiftly—my face in agony

to the turbulent depth

ail of hormone-laced adrenaline through my veins at dizz

eful and take her mask off,

octor carrying a large black bag materialis

rasped as the doctor set

ly lifted my mask from my face. He made an outraged

so strong, traced the line of my bro

arm water and a few washcloth

or cleans her up," the younger man said, breaking the hold Mr. Stea

u, Mira?" The masked stranger shouted. "C

ut somehow the stranger's Anubis mas

t watching out for the girl." The two brothers had a moment before Mr. Steamy Musc

ide signs of aging, but not him. No, the mysterio

tor asked, Mira," he fumed, twisting aroun

as he took my hand to pat it kindly. His gravelly accent made it sound like

term, Doc." The stranger's deep chuckle sent an

camera and the sudden flash made me

" I mu

aid, holding up a silver syringe

taking pictures and quie

y eyes fixed on mine, he fit my tre

aded his needle under

s utterly caught up in the sexy stranger's unremorseful smolder, roa

ra returned with a sloshing bo

eping the full force of his eyes on me. "Set the fucking

with his brother while the aging, unmasked doctor cleaned my sk

n pedestals and gothic-shaped furniture loomed like spectres in the darkest corners. Then, of course, there were the book

rue to his promise, whatever he'd injected in

bove my eye. "I don't observe any signs of a concussion, but you'll need someone to kee

-throbbing head. "My roommate, Va

sity but refraining from probing further. "Take ace

a if you don't mind," the stranger's voi

a nod, silently packing up hi

a calm and decisive confidence that immediately put me on edge. The effect of his attention was mind-alte

gory. Every aspect of him, concealed behind the jackal mask, screamed danger. From his deep blue eyes to the aura of rest

my gaze, and instinctively, I felt the need to stand my ground. Every tiny

of his footsteps created a low percussion as he confidently approached. The scorching intensity of his gaze swept over my

ld and they wore masks, so using his facial feature would be impossible and

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