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The Windfalls Of Love

Chapter 3 The Unseen Intrigue

Word Count: 875    |    Released on: 21/12/2023

tcase, arrived at her be

entle knock on the door, and

ans; they grew up together in

way, Hailey said to her, “If he ever d

ve Eleanor the courage to

nd upon seeing Eleanor, her mouth

what bring

ase and confessed somewhat timidly, “Ha

suitcase in Eleanor’s hand, and

face and smiled, “I e

, who was trying her be

nt, with sunken eye sock

er body was so frail that it

this, Hailey sudde

d tightly hugged Eleanor, “Don

s, Eleanor couldn’

ntly patting her on the ba

was just tryin

ll how much Elea

d been working her butt off to pay

she did that, she could ch

was still mercilessl

embered that rainy

herself for Garett Fals

ould’ve b

hat everything can’

gentle push away and smiling warmly at her, she joked, “You sure yo

l as strong as ever, Hailey

vercome her pain, being the tough girl

d well, there was no

Eleanor’s suitcase, pulled her inside, and said, “Don’t say s

anor, “Go take a bath first. I’ll make you something delicious. and t

ajamas and obedien

reating her unconditionally well, l

the late stages of heart failure, and the

o leave this world, she would

o make such a and

he kitchen, and slowly walked over

rest. You’ve been working so hard for the pas

ke care of yourself at home.

ed a “thank you” before heading

never fav

ways, she would spend her last

, after covering up her pale complexion

turn on her computer to write her resignation

ave you see

d time to check her email since Berna

t a personnel announcement stating that the chairman

ld no interest in the matter. After all, she intended to resi

m studying abroad. She holds a Ph.D. in business management but lacks practical experience. Assu

would dare to gossip about her? She happens

nce, Eleanor’s finger pause

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