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Cyrus's strength

Chapter 2 Family Guy

Word Count: 1701    |    Released on: 22/12/2023


Elián still couldn't get over the loss, h

d, he worried too much about them both, completely forgetting his duties as alpha of the pack and as king, with Cyrus being t

nges to a two-legged beast the legs exceed The two meters, a formidable white beast, eyes as black as coal that change to blood red, the fangs protrude, its strength is enormous, its agility is a reason for envy but what really causes fear is that it retains its human consciousness, it is aware of what he does, how he does it and to whom he does it, so when he lost his mind due to the pain of losing his wife, Darío was th

hundred years old. Elena's first years were "normal" her family loved her too much, Briseida and Cristel did not give her the opportunity to miss her mother, there was not a day when they talked to her about how beautiful her mother was, how brave and fierce What was it, Elián who told him stori

ply disappeared, leaving the pack that didn't mind being the werewolf king. He arrived in northern Europe, where centuries ago they formed a small camp. Cut off from the world, he felt relieved, he was still hurt, but he felt relieved that he di

eft to him for only one year, but after that year

her, I did not think

d you f

owing your footprints... You are not goo

come for? I w

children ask about their fath

ne, now lea

re children, understand that their

dare tell l

ll me what I t

stand that life hurt

hildren hurt


bout the children, you lost your wife, they lost their mother

it, seeing one of them

t is a matter of g

back, I don't want

top you, trust us... Beside

s with their family, the eldest's children welcome him happily, Denes and Elena do not even let him get there, they

gether, drinking and eating whi

ng for a partner? Every alpha needs y

out pairing up with someone again, there are

no one else will take her place, there is no

, but you must think about yourself,

other, they don't

an absen

s his

y are his sisters

e your mother, it's to get some

ida and Cristel

rs and I am sure they do but understand, the

een but my Elora, and if you don't l

or have you already forgotten that I am a better fighter

ter than anyone, should understand my pain, or have you already forgotten

but they took you... they murdered her and you had to open her so that Elena could live, the

in... He finishes unloading his fury. , changes man, sees the pain he has caused, leaves the place, runs for several hours until he reaches the temple of Zeus. It is daytime, he stands in fron

er Ciro finds him, carries him in his arms, they do not return home, they go to the beach, already conscious Ciro is the one who calls Dario, he howls so loud and clear that the message arrived in a few minutes, Dario He r

t the priestess tell you what to

e destroying yourself and you are hur

imself when Darío shouts his name out loud, the older man looks at him confused, he looks away from Ciro

r must heal and he will do i

what i

will remain

ight and

rm him of the three's decision, leaving Cy

aceful. Alone, aware of his responsibility as his older brother, as

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1 Chapter 1 Fifteen hundred years ago2 Chapter 2 Family Guy 3 Chapter 3 The new alpha4 Chapter 4 Jano, the one who works the land.5 Chapter 5 Elian Lycaon6 Chapter 6 Claims7 Chapter 7 Amazon8 Chapter 8 Awakenings9 Chapter 9 The importance of blood10 Chapter 10 Four vs one11 Chapter 11 Doubt12 Chapter 12 You're not alone13 Chapter 13 On my shoulders14 Chapter 14 The king and the princes15 Chapter 15 At home16 Chapter 16 The Asena17 Chapter 17 Giles Lycaon18 Chapter 18 Magic19 Chapter 19 First fight20 Chapter 20 Doubt and separation21 Chapter 21 It's the truth 22 Chapter 22 Spain23 Chapter 23 Keep them separate24 Chapter 24 On the other side of the pond25 Chapter 25 David Alcantara26 Chapter 26 Asena attacks Elian27 Chapter 27 Deadalus protects Darius28 Chapter 28 The love of Deadalus29 Chapter 29 Fear30 Chapter 30 Kapadokya31 Chapter 31 Cy Lilin32 Chapter 32 Six hundred doors33 Chapter 33 Hoplites34 Chapter 34 Vampires and werewolves35 Chapter 35 To the foundations36 Chapter 36 Assessment37 Chapter 37 Diagnosis38 Chapter 38 Question39 Chapter 39 Between Elian, Secundina, Dario and Nereida 40 Chapter 40 Stop!41 Chapter 41 Conversations42 Chapter 42 I am not politician43 Chapter 43 Secundina's pain, Elián's regret.44 Chapter 44 Dario's decision45 Chapter 45 Change of plans46 Chapter 46 FromGreece to Finland47 Chapter 47 On alert48 Chapter 48 Months later49 Chapter 49 France50 Chapter 50 Moscow51 Chapter 51 Daedalus's revenge52 Chapter 52 The wind talks to Jonathan53 Chapter 53 End 54 Chapter 54 Fear55 Chapter 55 Coronation56 Chapter 56 Everything in its place57 Chapter 57 Alone to forgive each other58 Chapter 58 Selene Lycaon 59 Chapter 59 The Lilin60 Chapter 60 Finally, all good.