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Million Dollar Man

Chapter 6 Million Dollar Man.

Word Count: 1187    |    Released on: 27/01/2024


. Her coworkers. Everyone was alre

ng?"Patricia slur on her wor

mber couldn't let her mama see her walking in

w she doesn't d

something. Amber you-" Patricia voice was

and chuckled awkwar

ng to insult her. Amber know that Patricia didn

y Diego been stealing glances at Amber. Diego was

oses with Amber. Bianca met Amber a year ago. She always what h

t her distance from people. The only two p

Bianca ask Amb

de to leave when the party is

g at the table would turn around and gossip about

ca said in

Diego ask as Bianc

looking for an answer

ook Amber hand. "Amber and I h

confuse. "Why? It's t

going to a friends wedding." B

word Bianca was already d


two man sat across

Lorenzo chuckled taking a sip of h

o his parted lips. Taking a sip

ever, Raphael."

emeanor was different. His hair was cut s

u." Raphael utter the

aughter. "Come one Raph don't say it

down he ask. "You're loo

l say

been 2 years and yet he still haven't found her. Lorenzo taught that if it were him

if this girl is

g. He took it out

as hear from the

the call a

tood. "He

room follow by Lorenz

d. "Didn't he say

d lit it. Lorenzo took out

air," Bianca giggle walk

ying any mind to her. That's u

of there." Amber soft voic

dress that show off her beautiful figure. Her hair was in a bun giving full vi

He call

turn. When Amber saw R

all her name again

l, seeing dress in a black suit and hand and expensive gold watch on hi

him?" Bianca ask

l." Amber u

w it she was pull into a hug. Raphael wrap his str

e phone was shock at the sigh

ce of the restaurant Diego stare a

all his name embar

in." Raphael mutter. "I dreamt about this day and finally it's h

It's not a dream Raph

r. He stare her taking her in again.

ber introduce Bianca Raphael nod,

orenzo say when he saw phi

orenzo. "Where a

me." Amber look

ir's no way he'll let her go again. Raphael t

k? Lorenzo share a look with P

You look busy an

y. "I was going home anyway. I'l

a?' Bianca glance at the three man. She couldn

aphael the keys and step aside. Raphael o

ca just stood

it upfront with him." Bian

years ago she feel for him in on

ot in the front

door to the back

lks over and got in thr driver se

f. Was that man really his friend that don't normally s

in love." Ph

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