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Cosmic Kiss

Chapter 4 The Ancient Ritual of Endowment

Word Count: 566    |    Released on: 25/12/2023

drenched in the eerie red glow of the moon, a rare sight that occurred only once in a generation. The six grandmas

dy had been carefully placed on the altar of endowment, a marble surface etched with intricate symbols and mystic run

cantation "Jau Yue" of the three pure deities. The harmonious resonance of their voices

heavens. The ground quaked, and mountains trembled in response to the potent energies being summoned. Forces from t

feel the tremendous surge of energy, akin to a torrent of ancient magic, moving through the Jade Monaste

rld and cosmic realms sensed the emergence of a great warrior. A chill of dread swept

ancient magic with incredible strength and fortitude. The ritual was a testament to their ma

mbued with the powers of the three pure gods of Taoism. The grandmasters had succeeded beyond their wildest expec

ed in their eyes. They had achieved what hadn't been done in seven thousand

ing that time, their spirit would journey to the sanctuary of the ancient gods of purity to receive teachings and training. Lael would be in

n as a force to be reckoned with in the battle between good and evil. The cosmos held its breath, a

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