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A Heaven-sent Mr. Commander

Chapter 5 Chapter : I Do!

Word Count: 2119    |    Released on: 29/12/2023

t XV is parked downstairs, c

e is very diligent to g

ulls the car door by herself, gets

and sits back to

Ning’s face, Yi Yunru


“I say, Commander, can you stop involving ordina



es you. If you have troubles with her, solve th

may be just a quarrel between Yi Yunru

impression, has always been very gentl

ied to blame you. I just think that you are a person wi

to finish, Yi Yunrui’s tone becomes cold, making

Yi Yunrui asks questions so dire

nd Yin Jingyao did, were not something important to tell the commander. To put it

Ning turns away her head, anyway, she will not die because

in Xia Ning’s words. It seems that he

is Yi

your car. You are wit

h dark clouds, “Major Yin, plea

t the nail on the head. Although Commander is serious, he rarely speaks with emotions. Now,

ar. A general is few ranks higher than a major. Eve

up my brother-in-law, so she comes to

ay of speaking in the future, in order to

u didn’t come to the party yesterday, you don’t know what that woman did. She pushed me to the ground.

Xia Ning thoughtfully, “I believe in Litt

Yin Jingyao pauses suddenly, after a while,

sentence, leaving no chance for Yin Jing

he eyes of Xia Ning

, “Then she must tell you what

or what happened at TIME ERA today, although I don’t know the details, I believe th

rui, Xia Ning’s heartbeat rises a littl

st. She really minds abo

your face caused

nods. “But I also

assed from Yi Yunrui’s ey

ia Ning dumb. It seems that Co

e, call


doctor over? Does it mean they

e scarcely

In order to avoid a bigger ‘problem’, the rela

s eyebrows, and something d

with the Yin family. Today

If Commander covers me, then the relations

“Yin family have no rig

he tone makes Xia

i Yunrui really m

had made countless military achievements, even himself cannot remember t

e state, he turned to be the busines

ry, his family has accumulated countless human resources

s multinational group. The group’s properties are located throug

i is a provincial Party Secretar

s that he is not only the commander. It is well known that Yi Yunrui is an important figure und

h an IQ of 140 or above, she is the most handsome and

mily’s horrendous strength, although Yin Qihao is the mayor of B city,

, can I ask y


elationship wit

Yunrui returns with

. “How long hav

ion,” Yi Yunrui teases

n Jingsi must like Yi

ommander Yi and Yin Jingyao should

you sa

d she always follow you? You see, Miss

is, Yi Yunrui’s expre

di is driving over and a

range number. Xia Ning puzzled for a

Yin Jingyao. Loo

down the window and confronts

p with Ou Yixuan, and now she wants to seduce you.

seems that Xiao Ning is right. Fo

lt, but he is too lazy to care.

aw a clear line

ll teach you a lesson!” Finding that both of th

to Chief Wang, tell him to

erious manner. It seems that Commander is

d hangs up the phone, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I will

Yi Yunrui closes the window and

t Yin Jingyao is extremely furious. Xia Ning i

, Xia Ning dec

you ask me to mar

becomes serious and h

d her little hand. Xia Ning closes her eyes and takes a

i V

, Xia Ning looks silly. What hap

he next second, Yi Yunrui asked Feng Le to

photos, signed

ss is less than

ulates that military personnel have privileges in this respect

was rea

illusion that Yi Yunrui was afra

r Commander Yi t

er for a long time, and pursues her for a long time? When he finally wa

plot in the novel, full o

long as the medicine is applied on time, it will be cured tomorrow

ee young boys of Yi family grew up under his wat

ied. It seems that this tim

be tempted by any girl. However, this time he can see that although the man

on Mr. Yi will h

u.” Yi Yunrui askes Fen

her face, too comfortable to describe the feeling with words. According to the doctor,

ate. Although being processed by the computer, her left face looks still red and s

take another photo.” Xia Ning’s mind h

Xia Ning shi

he thinks of something. After a while, he says,

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter : Who She Slept with was not A Nobody2 Chapter 2 Chapter : Let’s Get Married!3 Chapter 3 Chapter : Are You Treating Me as A KITTY Cat !4 Chapter 4 Chapter : An Eye for An Eye5 Chapter 5 Chapter : I Do!6 Chapter 6 Chapter : Being One’s Wife7 Chapter 7 Chapter : My Wife Must be Doted on8 Chapter 8 Chapter : If You’re not Willing to Do It, We will not Do It9 Chapter 9 Chapter : Honeymoon10 Chapter 10 Chapter : Why to Stick up for Her 11 Chapter 11 Chapter : Apologizing in Person12 Chapter 12 Chapter : Meet the Enemy13 Chapter 13 Chapter : Yi Yun’ai14 Chapter 14 Chapter : Cherishing You for a Lifetime15 Chapter 15 Chapter : Mr. Yi is a Grey Wolf16 Chapter 16 Chapter : Practicing with You17 Chapter 17 Chapter : Darling, Thank You for Giving Me This Opportunity18 Chapter 18 Chapter : As Your Husband, I Understand You19 Chapter 19 Chapter : I Love Her, so I must Stay Calm20 Chapter 20 Chapter : You Can’t Do Whatever You Want Here21 Chapter 21 Chapter : Elegant, Luxurious and Top-class!22 Chapter 22 Chapter : A Windfall23 Chapter 23 Chapter : Commander the Babysitter24 Chapter 24 Chapter : Classy, Sumptuous and Low-Key25 Chapter 25 Chapter : Promotion A Raise in Salary 26 Chapter 26 Chapter : Teach her some lessons!27 Chapter 27 Chapter : Assistant to the Chief Editor28 Chapter 28 Chapter : Two Conditions29 Chapter 29 Chapter : The War Among Women30 Chapter 30 Chapter : The Women in the Villa31 Chapter 31 Chapter : Her Strategy32 Chapter 32 Chapter : Take It or Not33 Chapter 33 Chapter : A Serious Warning34 Chapter 34 Chapter : What Happened!35 Chapter 35 Chapter : To Find Out the Truth36 Chapter 36 Chapter : Don’t Be Soft-Hearted37 Chapter 37 Chapter : Will You Accept Me 38 Chapter 38 Chapter : The First Time !39 Chapter 39 Chapter : She is My Woman40 Chapter 40 Chapter : The Unexpected Guest41 Chapter 41 Chapter : Indifference42 Chapter 42 Chapter : Family, Outsider, Lover43 Chapter 43 Chapter : Cut Him A Break44 Chapter 44 Chapter : The Next Plan45 Chapter 45 Chapter : Gu Luan46 Chapter 46 Chapter : Thinking about It47 Chapter 47 Chapater : Kidnapping48 Chapter 48 Chapter Special Photos49 Chapter 49 Chapter I Like You50 Chapter 50 Chapter The Video51 Chapter 51 Chapter The Turnings52 Chapter 52 Chapter The Evidences53 Chapter 53 Chapter Who Says I Don’t Like Her 54 Chapter 54 Chapter Don’t You Ever Bully Her!55 Chapter 55 Chapter Home in C City56 Chapter 56 Chapter She Comes57 Chapter 57 Chapter Mei Ruo58 Chapter 58 Chapter Something Wrong59 Chapter 59 Chapter They Fight60 Chapter 60 Chapter Out of Home, We Rely on Friends61 Chapter 61 Chapter I am Married62 Chapter 62 Chapter Arrange Everything for You63 Chapter 63 Chapter Careful Preparation64 Chapter 64 Chapter She Is Not an Exception.65 Chapter 65 Chapter A Little Trick, A Small Plan66 Chapter 66 Chapter What Can I Do for You 67 Chapter 67 Chapter An Unexpected Incident68 Chapter 68 Chapter Who Will Take the Initiative 69 Chapter 69 Chapter I Am Not Your Soldier.70 Chapter 70 Chapter Suspicion71 Chapter 71 Chapter The Same Day Last Year72 Chapter 72 Chapter Being Self-righteous73 Chapter 73 Chapter Popping up74 Chapter 74 Chapter Unbelievable75 Chapter 75 Chapter Chattering76 Chapter 76 Chapter F3 VS Knight XV77 Chapter 77 Chapter All of a Sudden78 Chapter 78 Chapter Call Me Darling79 Chapter 79 Chapter Someone to Marry80 Chapter 80 Chapter My Marriage Has Nothing to Do with You!81 Chapter 81 Chapter All Are Harmful82 Chapter 82 Chapter The Fight83 Chapter 83 Chapter The King of Kings84 Chapter 84 Chapter Robbery85 Chapter 85 Chapter A One-night Stand86 Chapter 86 Chapter Go to Her Home87 Chapter 87 Chapter Proposal of Marriage88 Chapter 88 Chapter It Is Not A Game for Me.89 Chapter 89 Chapter It Is Confirmed.90 Chapter 90 Chapter Close Relation91 Chapter 91 Chapter I Don’t Want to Lose You Again.92 Chapter 92 Chapter You Can Decide the Amount.93 Chapter 93 Chapter Fight and Fight Back94 Chapter 94 Chapter Call by the Name95 Chapter 95 Chapter Vodka of 80% V V96 Chapter 96 Chapter Gastrorrhagia97 Chapter 97 Chapter The One I Like Most as a Boyfriend.98 Chapter 98 Chapter It Is Obvious.99 Chapter 99 Chapter An Zeyou100 Chapter 100 Chapter Tell Me Honestly