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Chapter 4 Unveiling the Truth

Word Count: 1787    |    Released on: 30/12/2023


of the forest, the air heavy with anticipation. The bond between us had grown stronger with each passing d

determined. "Whatever happens, know

a small smile tugged at the corners of her li

ircumstance. Our initial plan for revenge against Peter had evolved into something deeper, some

f passion that had left us both breathless and vulnerable. And now, as Aline's pregnancy b

Harold's Pack, Aline's hand instinctively rested on her belly. I

I asked, my voice fille

mile played on her lips. "Tired, mo

nst hers. "You're carrying something in

the weight of the responsibility was sinking in. "I nev

o her forehead. "And you deserve ever

ued to haunt us. The mystery surrounding her true parents had

my eye: Elara. It was a name I had heard before, a name that see

explained, her brow furrowed in concentrati

the page. "What if she knows something? What

nation mirrored in her ey

d to hold the answers to our questions. It was a risky endeavor, one that could expose us to danger an

ystery, Aline's hand in mine gave me strength. She was carrying our child, a

e, standing before us, was Elara. Her presence was both enig

ked, her voice laced with a mi

vering. "We seek the truth. The trut

if she were searching for something hidden deep wi

use we believe that you hold the answers. Because we're

ense. "And what about you, Ethan? Are you wi

y. "I'll do whatever it takes

r intentions palpable. Then, finally, Elara spoke. "V

elt a mixture of anger and determination. The path ahead was treacherous, fraught with danger and uncertainty. But I knew that with

about Aline's true parents was shocking, a twist in the story that had the power to reshape our entire world. And amidst t

And as we prepared to confront him and unveil the truth to the pack, I knew that our journey was far from over. But with Aline's st

onlit space. Aline's grip on my hand tightened, her gaze never leaving the enigmatic

phas of the Red Moon Pack?" Aline's voice wavered

y and understanding. "Yes, Aline. Your true parents were Alphas

onfusion, and a hint of longing. The truth was a heavy burden to bear, and I

up in her eyes. "Why did they give me up? Why d

Aline. But they faced a threat that forced them to make a difficult choice. They believed that b

emotions raw and unfiltered. "An

tion. "Now, you have the power to reclaim your legacy,

for the woman beside me. She had faced adversity and betrayal with unwave

ished," I spoke up, my voice filled with

ine and me. "But vengeance comes with a price. Are you

l look with me before turni

g Peter, exposing his betrayal to the pack, and seeking justice for Aline's stolen identity. As we

t, her belly a testament to the life growing within her. And as I watched her, a mix of awe and protectiveness su

s pale light over the pack's gathering. The tension in the air was palpable as A

on and guilt in his eyes. The truth was written across his fa

is voice unsteady. "

as she spoke. "You knew the truth all along, d

lling the air. Peter's betrayal had cast a shadow over the pack, an

t for you," Peter's voice wav

mination. "You took away my choice, my identity. Y

t of her pain and betrayal echoing in each syllable. And then, with a n

er years of wisdom. "You must answer for your

lization of the depth of his betrayal seemed to hit him. There was no

fell over the gathering. The pac

t? This would bring

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