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Chapter 3 HOMES

Word Count: 1056    |    Released on: 30/12/2023

For that is the true

they did so with a sense of pride and gratitude. Though the kingdom had changed beyond recogniti

of their deeds, and songs were sung in their honor. As the years turned into centuries, their memory lived on, a reminder of the power of kind

hospitals, and helped to establish trade routes and alliances with other lands. And all the while, the legend of their

at Callum and the stranger be brought before them. They acc

ait!" it said. "Do not harm these men. They have only ever worked for the good of the kingdom." The crowd turned to see who had spoken, and were surprised

ys worked for the good of the kingdom," he said. "They have built schools and hospitals, and they have fed the hungry an

e will listen to the boy," he said. "Let him prove his parents' innocence." The

orizon began to fade, and the sun began to shine down on the kingdom. The people began to smile, and the air was filled

appeared on the horizon. It was a man cloaked in black, and he wa

kingdom, and it must be vanquished." The boy looked at his parents, and they nodded in agreement. "What must we do?" he asked. "You must go on a quest," the man said. "A quest to find the Find the source of the darkness and destroy it once and for all." The boy was filled with a sense of purpose, and he tur

shrouded in darkness. The trees were t

them, and the air grew thick and heavy. It was as if the very trees were closing in on them, and the darkness grew deeper and deeper. The boy was

ued forward, his parents by his side.

them, and the air grew thick and heavy. It was as if the very trees were closing in on them, and the darkness grew deeper and deeper. The boy was

ued forward, his parents by his side.

iful, and it seemed to fill the air with a sense of peace. The boy knocked on the door, and it opened slowly. An old woman stood in the doorway, her eyes twinkling with

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