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The Return of the Legends

The Return of the Legends

Author: Cj???

Chapter 1 Departing Mission

Word Count: 3602    |    Released on: 02/01/2024

darkness, sadness, and failure filled the room alone. He sat alone on a chair in front of a round table whi

ble where there were multiple layers of small cabinets. He left a single paper on top of the round table and began

mured worriedly, handing him the paper, which he promptly took. He was afraid as darkness filled the room,

been killed along the way, lead," remarked the swordsman with

old them to scout, but it seems some kind of enemy have spotted them. I should not have sent them, but sent someone like you instead, that is powerful enough to handle whoever is there," he said with regret as he ex

over the scroll first to the head of the vi

nishing in thin air like he was never there. He turned to his right and nodded at Rinkuri, who was

lked out of the room. The dark sky was slowly getting filled with a bright blue color along with the yello

eyes met as if there was a storm coming. The room was filled with t

of the round table, filling his thoughts with curiosity. He saw fe

hem there as soon as possible," he said urge

ll tell them after they mourn," he said in a

rked while staring into Rinkuri's eyes. He nodded at him and immediately walked out of the room. He sighed in frustration as he c

ow that seemed to intensify under the bright, unforgiving sun. Footsteps approached from his left, the rustle of leaves joining the

oice trembled with regret as he approached Shikari, the tall man before the gravestone. Shikari, bear

in his voice, each word a burden on his conscience. The newcomer, his friend Gakushin Gakure, kneeled before the grave, his touch on the cold stone expressing a profound sadness, as if reali

caused further damage," Gakushin Gakure recounted, standing and expressing his frustration with a mournful sigh. Yet, amidst the heavy e

fled by an unexpected presence. They found a kneeling swordsman behind them,

ed, observing Shikari approach the swordsman. The air hung heavy with curiosity, a silent inquiry echoing in

discuss with you two," Rinkuri conveyed, his voice holding a solemn weight. Gakushin and S

e standing in front of a round table. The unknown man nodded, and Rinkuri ex

s, why?" Shik

oint. Shimodo Rou," Gakushin added

irst teams I sent weren't there. And, I asked them as soon as they teleported the message and there was no response," Shimodo Rou, the unknown man, spoke with a stern dem

n answer, maintaining a steady

u find them, locate a scroll, the information about their mission is there. Be careful, an

, driven by a sense of duty. Meanwhile, Shimodo Rou raised a piece of the round table and retrieved a pie

th, creating a seamless and convenient design. He heard a knock, and the door swung open. Two men entered,

d be happy," one of the men spoke while smiling. Shimodo Rou remained silent,

ps. Gradually, a dark human figure materialized, leaving traces of footsteps behind. The guards, finally

n front of the gate in the blink of an eye. The guards were immediately s

ho had transformed into a completely shadowy being. The tip of the blade was abou

nd behind him. The unknown figure glanced in the dist

heard a whisper behind him that immediately made him turn around. As soon as he

but that's what he thought. He was sliced into numerous pieces, yet he remaine

and bring an end to the clash. Suddenly, he noticed a kimono emerging slowly on the body, a shadowy garment materializing like a phantom veil. A mena

and Shikari turned as soon as he heard the shout. He saw a darkening hand flying in the air, about to grab his face. His eyes w

ng hand and the dark mob vanished, leaving only G

akushin exclaimed, frustration evident as he resheathed his

handy thanks to Kuro and to you," Shikari thanked him.

fter that, we're leaving," Shikari commanded. Gakushin nodded and headed toward the soldiers. Shi

s surrounded them, their branches creating a canopy above. They halted, inhaling the fresh air. S

th this place, at least. We're nearing that mountain. We sho

sking if you a

e is. I can't believe we're near that kind of mountain,"

ess, you forgot its name, didn't you?" Shikari asked, turning his head to the

ention forward. He began to walk, and Gakushin followed, feeling an odd sensation in h

scattered across the floor. One was being dragged by a dark mob, separated from t

right foot, dragging him along. In his right han

coat, but half of his kimono on his body was torn apart. Half of his

e Unknown Dark mob, his thoughts dripping with contempt. Halting, he callously released the foot he was holding, pivoted

of a sudden, the unconscious swordsman on the ground grabbed the bla

ed. He suddenly saw furious widened eyes, the unconscious sword

left leg, lifted his lower body with his right leg, and

nd jumped up with his right foot. He executed a backflip and snapped half of the blade of his sword. La

was holding. The blade that he had just snapped was growing on i

ith that broken blade," the dark mob furiously said, touching his neck

nown swordsman stated menacingly. Throwing the snapped blade to his right,

I threw it away in a three-dimensional dark world. That sword is lon

of the sheath toward the Dark mob, he exclaimed, "This is funny!" and flew towards him with great speed. Sliding on th

ack of the Dark mob's head. The impact caused the Dark mob to kneel on the ground, struggling

swordsman thought hopelessly. As his vision darkened, he smiled w

ous, hopeless swordsman!" The Dark mob furiously stabbed his sword behind the swordsman's back, ending

ing, when, all of a sudden, his left hand got cut. A dark shadow flew from the right to the left in front of him,

the ground, holding a bright white blade. Also wearing a kimono an

rm regenerated on its own, turning dark like a humanoid smoke from a dis

nd pointing it down to his right. Reaching him, the Dark mob raised his sword and swung it down

rdsman resheathed his sword and sighed, standing tall. Glancing at the other swordsman in the distance, who also resheathed his sw

reath and clearing his throat. Turning around slowl

this Era! I should've killed you both!" exclaimed the Dark mob. Suddenly, Shikari appeared abov

t the swordsman lying on the floor, and rolled him onto his back. A rolled scroll emerged from his pocket, tied with a sm

ently waiting. "This is it, this is the mission. Now, we've got to continue it and get this

ore proceeding and find out what happened. We can't just straight up act out in the blue without knowi

oming after all. Our mission has started, we will be fighting Deities," Shikari stated while stretc

chain attached to its handle flew towards them from the right, and a pack of arrows rained from all directions. Shikari, quick

ng hurtling toward them. Shikari, with determination in his eyes, swung his sword at the approaching lightning, cau

ling a hand, materialized and seized Gakushin, hurling him downward. Breaking through a gia

nd the giant root-hand were blown out of the ground. The shockwave and fierce wind swept through t

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1 Chapter 1 Departing Mission2 Chapter 2 The Mission3 Chapter 3 The Seal4 Chapter 4 Fear5 Chapter 5 Uninformed6 Chapter 6 A Strong Opponent and Painful Truth7 Chapter 7 A Hashira in Action [Part]8 Chapter 8 Danger Lies Ahead9 Chapter 9 Words Cut Deeper than Swords [Stories Lies Within]10 Chapter 10 The Former Hashira *Life* [Part 2 (Kiyoroshi Rigakure)]11 Chapter 11 Recap and the Episode 12 Chapter 12 Darkness vs Light 13 Chapter 13 Who Will You Trust 14 Chapter 14 Strong ones live, weak ones die15 Chapter 15 Legends Unfolds16 Chapter 16 The Red Gem17 Chapter 17 The Duo, ÆHashira's (Part 3)18 Chapter 18 They're in Another World19 Chapter 19 The Other Masters 20 Chapter 20 The Legends 21 Chapter 21 Terror22 Chapter 22 Echoing Memories of the Past23 Chapter 23 The Awoken Beast24 Chapter 24 The Deities Versus an Old Man with Borrowed Time 25 Chapter 25 Special Chapters A Mystical Gem and The Lost Legend 26 Chapter 26 The Beginning of Different Atmospheres's 27 Chapter 27 The Dar-Lege- . . .28 Chapter 28 Necroshade, Keeper of Souls 29 Chapter 29 Monsters Among Monsters: A Surprising New World 30 Chapter 30 Time, A Memory of Ryujiro [Part 1]31 Chapter 31 Move Forward32 Chapter 32 Dream33 Chapter 33 Their Appearance is just the Beginning34 Chapter 34 Secrets35 Chapter 35 Betrayal A Memory of Ryujiro [Part 2]36 Chapter 36 What's Ahead 37 Chapter 37 Enemies Right at their Shoes38 Chapter 38 The Lost Legends & the Lost in Time39 Chapter 39 Peace and Terror40 Chapter 40 Return of the Legends, Followed by- . . .41 Chapter 41 Chaos Emerging From the Ruins42 Chapter 42 Pity43 Chapter 43 Enemies vs Enemies44 Chapter 44 An All Out War45 Chapter 45 Weaponsmith Memories of the Past [Part 3]46 Chapter 46 The Masters. . .47 Chapter 47 The Last Gem 48 Chapter 48 One Last Dream...49 Chapter 49 Preparations50 Chapter 50 Calm Before the Storm51 Chapter 51 New Threat