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The Dark Moon |A Murder

Chapter 2 Unfaithful Wife

Word Count: 2082    |    Released on: 11/01/2024

mistake; it is a


himself lost in thought while seated at his offi

n, sir?" she

e curtly

documents, and I wanted to inform you t


ghly important meeting,

nd that's final," he

to be interrupted when he struck the gl

Witnessing this outburst, the secretary's eyes


er and stepfather. Ryan's mother had divorced her fi

for custody, but the court ruled in favor of his mother. Consequently,

ng passion that entertained the heart temporarily, disappearing once that passion faded away. He had adopted


wake you up for the past half an hour. If you don't get up in fi

he returned, Ryan was stil

entire jug of water on him, forci

r father. Come downstairs and get ready within ten minut

ck eyes, delicate straight nose, long black hair, and lips reminiscent of a delicate rose

rital relationships. Her husband loved her deeply and cared for both Mrs. Sophia and Ryan with all his heart. He fulfi

mily sat together at the dining

es going?" Mr. Edwards in

replied with a smile, showing his

ined silent, foc

ntinued conversin

and I'll be returning home late," Mrs. Edward

n the plate, her husband's word

nnouncement?" her husband asked

mission for. You've completely spoiled my mood," Mrs. Lina retorted with a con

bewildered glances, taken ab

l, go to your room and get some rest,"

eating, Ryan re

is chair, holding his head in h

bodycon dress paired with elegant red high heels. Her dark makeup accentuated her curled hair and complemented her red lipstick. Wit

r a solid two minutes until she broke th

uickly averted his eyes

y should I be jealous of you?" He failed to understand her assumption, prompting her to proudly declare, "Because I am a

that she wasn't in the mood to argue. With those words, she left the scene, leaving him to

her group of friends, embracing them and inquiring about the ongoing events. Mrs. Tina, one of her friends, showered her with enthusiastic praise,

In response, she curtly explained that her husband did not enjoy such social gatherings. While he

at him, and he waved in response. She continued mingling with her friends, enjoying their company and indulging in d

faint smile. Mr. Albert, filled with excitement, asked how she was doing, and Mrs. Sophia responded in a soft tone, stating that she was good. To her surpri

arty, she couldn't resist his charm. They made their way to the dance floor, already teeming with enthusiastic dancers. With

iss her. Astonished, she found herself agreeing to his proposal. Mr. Albert urged

, marking the end of an eventful evenin


their home. To his surprise, Mrs. Sophia emerged from the vehicle, accompanied by another man. They embraced each o

nbeknownst to her, he had returned earlier and retired to bed. Despite his deep love for Mr

informed Mr. Edwards of her intentio

etermination. She had made up her mind and was ready to take the next steps in her plan. She knew that her de

awake, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in

he greeted him wi

could see the determination in her eyes, and a lu

. Sophia said, her voice firm bu

sphere in the room became heavy with anticipation as they

egan, her voice steady. "I want a div

rt had been ripped apart. He had expected this, but it st

d, his voice barel

someone who understands me," Mrs. Sophia contin

acing with a flurry of emotions. Finally, he spoke,

n your way," he said, his voice quivering slightly. "But

old his hand. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with both p

for me and Ryan," she whispered, her voice choked with e

ir decision settled upon them. The future was uncertain, but they both knew th

ivorce was initiated, and lawyers were consulted to handle the legal proceedings. As the days turned i

bling marriage. He witnessed their arguments and felt the tension that hung heavy in the

Confusion and sadness overwhelmed him as he grappled with the reality of their sh

Mr. Edwards ultimately agreed to prioritize Ryan's well-being above. He wanted to shield him from the ugliness of their own relationship struggle

d himself into his academics, determined to excel and carve out a brighter future for himself. Through persev

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