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The Final Escape In the City

Chapter 5 Joyce at home

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 26/02/2024

e at

for dinner approaches. Isabella and Rachel are at the dining room table, arranging the plates on the table meanwhile Joyce is at the kitchen cooking.

table. What do you want us to do ne

. There is nothing that I want from you for now. You can all

ds and repl

n order to watch the Television, leaving Joyce as she continues cooking in the kitchen for her kids. In few moments as Isabella and Rachel

a. Don't you hear the sound of the door

oyce, "Okay fine. There is no n

abella arrives at the door and opens it, suddenly the door is pushed abruptly with so much force until Isabella fa

seeing thieves entering inside the house

der voice while her voice shakes with terror. When Rachel finishes exclaiming one of the thieves

blow your head off. Where is your mom?. We n

room in order to help her daughters before something bad happens. As soon as Joyce arrives at the sitting with panic, she finds one of the t

, “What the hell are you two doi

ou have decided to show up yourself. Come here closer to your daughters so that we can talk to you.",

all scared of losing their lives. Joyce decides to follow the thieves command and goes straight to them in order to listen to what th

e here to steal anything or starting chaos with you but

ks, “What?. Why did you all come up here with your gu

on not to participate in any of underground MMA matches from now on or e

who might be the boss who has sent them to w

m participating on the future matches?. Is there any

ur business woman. You better do what we say

th a stutter, “O

eave the house immediately, leaving Joyce holding her daughters with fear on her face


side his office by himself in his car selling company of VORTURE CAR ENTERPRISES. Whilst as Pablo is checking on his b

”, Pabl

ow are yo

sking. Who am I speaking with

ander.”, Alex

you doing?. Lo

. Listen there is an issue th

at is it that you want to d

arrived already and they a

mile widens with anticipation, “Okay interesting. So whe

in the gulf of Mexico tonight

will b

you later.”, Al

ee you

then immediately Pablo decides to call James in order to give hi

lo J

w are you doing

because we need to go somewhere tonigh

ry about that. I wil

, Pablo

o his computer as continues working on his

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