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A Deal with Ethan Stratvoski

Chapter 4 Fourth chapter

Word Count: 2446    |    Released on: 06/01/2024

blue satin flowed gracefully, accentuating my slender curves. The V-neckline adorned with intricate lace detailing creat

he dress), My fingers fiddled with the shimmering silver necklace gracing my neck—It be

. "Shelly is waiting for you downstairs and you need to leave in fifteen" she added, I quickly dried m

at chignon as my shaking hands struggled to fasten the pearl hairpins. I had never been one for fancy events, let alone fancy dresses. But, tonig

g," Chelsea's voice drifted

finishing touches, and even though I heard the sounds of her retreating footsteps, I still added, “It’s not like you’re coming wit

ide to encounter an ecstatic Shelly and a starry-eyed Chelsea. It was Chelsea who eve

entence, her eyes wide with admiration.

a little twirl

usly, Maddie, you're going to turn hea

d “But your dress looks

er beautiful emerald green dress that complimented her vibra

's all perfect! And now I’m tempted to follow you guys and shoo every stupid guy who so m

ked nervously, still feeling self-consciou

in hers, her cheerful voice breaking through

bet I

a ran up to us, stopping us at

s a big event, and you know how wild these things

ng her a quick hug. "We'll stick together

back inside. Her friends were already on their way for a sleepov

ed for us. As the car pulled away from the curb, I felt a kn

. Tiffany had threatened me with not attending this charity today. So, there must be a reason. What was she hiding? What did she want to protect so bad that seeing my face

at the illuminated skyline. The night was young, and for a moment, I decided to allow mysel


It was a lavish hotel, with a grand e

is now. Flashbulbs popped, capturing our entrance as we made our way inside. The red carpet led into the lobby, where a line of people waited to have the

ahead of Shelly into the lobby, I could feel my heart racing. The hotel was stunning, with intricate chandeliers and

to Shelly who was looking in

never once taken my eyes away f

f culinary delights. "They've truly gone all out this yea

be awards tonig

ing innovation

is so

ward or two," I quipped, disentangling my hand f

urroundings. The gala buzzed with an energy that matched the opulence of the surroundings. It screamed rich snobby people, from even their cloth

wo other girls beside her. The girls who were dumb enough to be her beck

nt on finding our seats in the main hall. Yet, before we could proceed, Tiffany intercepted us, blocking

edging my voice, a few heads turned towards our direction. Tiffany

nd this event, Maddie?” Tiffany hi

thought I asked you, who the fuck you were to give me an order…Tiffany

u don't understand, do you? You're playing with fire, Maddi

, Tiffany. So I’d you’d please, Excuse us." I then maneuvered past her with Shel

fany's angry voice echoed through the hall, with more pe

er. Tiffany's infuriated stomping and the hushed whispers of her entourage beh

ed by Tiffany's threats. I maintained my composure as I scanned the room for our designated seats, eager to di

Shelly “Shelly, you might keep an e

Brown and his wife over there.” She picks up a blueberry on a plate and throws it in her mouth. I

was so glad to have her by my side to


veryone, to the Business and Innovation Gala. We are so glad to have you all here tonight to celebrate the achievements of some of the brightest minds in the

a charity that provides educational opportunities for underprivileged children." I looked around the room and saw dozens of people nodding approvingly. It was incredible

ndbreaking achievements that have propelled industries forward. It's a night of honoring tr

utions to innovation and progress. The audience responded with murmurs of admiration and nods of acknowledgment

nhattan, expect one. Alexander Stratvoski. Maybe he didn’t come, or I just couldn’t find him in the crowd because there’s no way a high-profile event lik

e, clad in a sleek black dress with tightly pulled-back red hair. The woman exuded

tailored suit, his demeanor exuded a certain arrogance and detachment. His stance and composed demeanor indicated a person

ed and our eyes met briefly as I offered a polite smile, swiftly redirecting my gaze elsewhere. Dr

here somewhere. I looked around but couldn’t find him.

d. "And now, I am pleased to introduce the winner of the aw

lack Technologies was another company that belonged to the elite top 10 richest billionaires in the whole of Manhattan. These two companies were locked in a fierce rivalry within t

recent scandal could have played a huge role in them not receiving this award. I mean, The Stratvoski family was in the headlines for three weeks and that is not because of their Business achievements. Do you know

again. With the way I was seeing it, The whole o

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